Show #4011 - Monday, January 28, 2002


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Steve Sanders, a graduate student from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Sharon Golembeski, a training manager from Wethersfield, Connecticut

Cynthia Kocanovic, a fundraiser from Toronto, Canada (whose 1-day cash winnings total $14,300)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 26
In an upset, this businessman was elected mayor of New York City in 2001
    $200 2
"Bat Out of Hell"
    $200 10
The hippo is closely related to this porcine farm animal
    $200 1
Chocolate ice cream with almonds & marshmallows has this alliterative name
    $200 7
Layer of soil just above the subsoil
    $200 21
One who lives in Calgary, Montreal or Vancouver
    $400 27
(Sofia of the Clue Crew presents from outside a mansion.) Elias H. Derby, who moved into this house in 1762, may have been America's first one of these; you could call him "Daddy Revolutionary War-bucks"
    $400 3
    $400 11
People had thought that hippos sweated this, but it's just an oily red liquid
    $400 8
This company sells ICBMs (ice cream by mail), so you can send your spouse a 6-pack of Chubby Hubby
    $400 14
A cover crop isn't an FBI plant, it's there to prevent this
    $400 22
From the Spanish for "cheese", it's a flour tortilla folded in half with a filling of cheese or beans & fried
    $600 28
Arthur MacArthur, father of Douglas, was military governor of these islands form May 1900 to July 1901
    $600 4
    $600 18
A beloved 8-inch ceramic hippo named William lives in the Egyptian galleries of this NYC art museum
    $600 9
This man who co-wrote "I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream" isn't the one with 28 ice cream flavors
    $600 15
5-letter term for a bound bundle of wheat
    $600 23
This reptilian word can precede clip, pear & snapping turtle
    $800 29
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents from on a paddle-wheel boat.) While minister to France (1801-1804) Robert Livingston partnered up with this American to develop a paddle-wheel steamboat
    $800 5
    DD: $1,000 19
They are the 2 plural forms of the word hippopotamus
    $800 12
"What would you do"
for this brand's ice-cream bar whose logo is seen here?
    $800 16
It's the term for an animal, like a horse, whose selective service is to pull a plow or a wagon
    $800 24
This type of professional soldier hires himself out to the military service of a foreign country
    $1000 6
"Every Picture Tells a Story"
    $1000 20
Some believe this big biblical term, Hebrew for "beast", referred to the hippo
    $1000 13
Romans scream for ice cream with this Italian word for ice cream
    $1000 17
Fruit farmers "smudge" their trees to protect them from this
    $1000 25
It's the prayer said at the beginning of a religious service

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Cynthia Sharon Steve
$2,800 $2,800 $800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Cynthia Sharon Steve
$3,400 $3,400 $2,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 11
From 1847 to 1861, he & his wife Elizabeth lived at Casa Guidi in Florence
    $400 1
This star of "Smokey and the Bandit" & "Evening Shade" was originally cast as Han Solo but dropped out
    $400 4
Distinctive variety of tower seen here
    $400 16
This American "superbrat" of tennis was born in Wiesbaden, West Germany in 1959
    $400 21
In the 1920s African American artists & writers had a "Renaissance" in this New York City neighborhood
    $400 26
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew sews a purple cloth.) I don't want to end up like Sleeping Beauty, so I'm using this protective item
    $800 12
His "Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect" was first published on July 31, 1786 in Kilmarnock, selling 1600 copies
    $800 2
George Lucas' dog Indiana was the inspiration for the look of this hairy character
    $800 5
Seen here, she co-founded the United Artists film company
    $800 17
On film she's played Foxy Brown & Jackie Brown
    $800 22
Its nicknames include "The Golf Capital of the Pennsylvania", & "The Chocolate Crossroads of the World"
    $800 30
In Vaudeville, to "get" this was to be pulled offstage with the device of that name
    $1200 13
In 1798 he received an annuity from Josiah & Thomas Wedgwood & his "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" was published
    DD: $1,100 3
Scripted as a "used car salesman" type C-3PO was modeled after a robot in this 1926 Fritz Lang film
    $1200 8
Vesuvius buried it in 79 A.D.
    DD: $1,500 18
This architect's original proposal for the Kennedy Library included an 85-foot-high truncated glass pyramid
    $1200 23
Nobel Prize-winning novelist & short story writer Nadine Gordimer was born in this country
    $1200 29
Latin for "to read" gave us the name of this reading or speaking desk with a slanted top
    $1600 14
In 1953 he read his "Under Milk Wood" publicly for the first time at Cambridge, Mass. although it was still unfinished
    $1600 6
This spaceship was originally modeled after a hamburger with an olive next to it
    $1600 9
Colorful path liner flowering here
    $1600 19
Called "The Busby Berkeley of the 1980s", she choreographed the ballets "The Bix Pieces" & "Deuce Coupe"
    $1600 24
Slightly smaller than Connecticut, this nation is bordered by Saudi Arabia & the United Arab Emirates
    $1600 27
"Proud" name for a cabinet under a sink, or a compact kept in it
    $2000 15
In "Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions", he wrote, "No man is an island entire of itself"
    $2000 7
The final medal-awarding scene parallels shot for shot a scene in this "triumphant" Nazi propaganda film
    $2000 10
Notorious Cambodian leader seen here
    $2000 20
In 1991 he headed the independent commission that investigated the L.A.P.D.; in 1993 he became Secretary of State
    $2000 25
Yerevan is the capital of this country
    $2000 28
In 1895 the Argonaut Jr., one of these, traveled the sea floor on wheels

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Cynthia Sharon Steve
$13,800 $11,800 $12,400

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

1 of 2 presidents, other than FDR, to have 4 or more attorneys general during their terms in office

Final scores:

Cynthia Sharon Steve
$2,799 $8,399 $24,400
3rd place: trip to Bal Harbour in Florida 2nd place: trip to Grand Cayman Islands by Yahoo! New champion: $24,400

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Cynthia Sharon Steve
$14,800 $12,600 $12,400
19 R,
1 W
(including 1 DD)
17 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
14 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $39,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2001-11-07
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