On 29, 39 or 49, the age at which Malcolm X died, the same as Martin Luther King, Jr. |
Sirius, Rigil Kent or Antares |
(Jane: What are clouds?)
In NASCAR, it's the number of the turn at the end of the front straightaway |
Paul Scott's WWII service in this country inspired his "Raj Quartet" |
A French resort city, or the daughter of a person's sister |
After serving time in prison for burglary, Malcolm X joined the "Nation of" this & also became a minister |
This old monetary unit of Britain was 1/20 of a pound |
[Applause for Curt's response] (Alex: Ha ha! Fed you one--fed you a fastball right down the middle!)
On March 2, 1962 Wilt Chamberlain scored this unbelievable record point total in an NBA basketball game |
Edith Wharton's hero Ethan Frome is crippled by a suicidal run on this winter Olympic vehicle |
(Jane: What is a toboggan?) (Alex: Nnnno...) (Jane: A sled? What is a sled?) (Alex: All right, we'll give you that one, it's a sled. A [*].)
a bobsled
Seen here is the laughing type of this "sea" bird--sorry, no audio for you |
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
You have the right to do this regarding arms, but your arms will be this without sleeves |
Though Malcolm X spent much of his life in New York City, he was born in this largest city in Nebraska |
(Curt: What is Lincoln?) (Alex: No.) (Curt: [To himself] It's [*].) (Jane: What is [*]?) (Alex: Yes, Curt said it to you nicely, didn't he?) (Jane: Thank you, my friend.)
St. Louis' Gateway Arch is concrete covered in this alliterative metal with chromium for shine |
stainless steel
In teaching this sport, Gary McCord says, "For a driver, place the ball opposite your left armpit" |
"Ralph 124C 41+" is a novel by Hugo Gernsback, known as a "father of" this futuristic genre |
science fiction
If you hurt this body part, put your feet up & it will do this, over time |
He directed the 1992 film "Malcolm X" & also played Malcolm's pal Shorty |
(Alex: ...you can risk any or all of your $7,600.) (Jane: Umm... half, whatever that would be.)
Spike Lee
This Egyptian-themed Las Vegas hotel says it's "crowned with the world's brighest beam of light" |
If you serve in tennis & win the first point, you traditionally call out the score as 15- this |
In this Jack London novel, a dog named Buck is stolen from the Miller family & reduced to mush dog in Alaska |
(Doug: What is White Fang?)
The Call of the Wild
Shed this drop of saline, watery fluid if you don't know this term for layer or level |
(Alex: [After Daily Double is revealed] And we have about a minute left, Curt.)
In 1964, Malcolm X journeyed to Mecca in this country as part of a religious pilgrimage |
Saudi Arabia
You get more than 200 colored pegs with this flat-screen Hasbro toy |
(Doug: I've never been so proud.)
For a team killing a penalty in this sport, icing isn't a violation |
One side in an athletic contest, or a word meaning to abound |