Show #5068 - Wednesday, September 27, 2006


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Ken Davis, a pediatrician from Scotch Plains, New Jersey

Lauren High, a catering coordinator from Reading, Pennsylvania

Eric Barela, an educational researcher from Los Angeles, California (whose 2-day cash winnings total $36,002)

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Jeopardy! Round

1970s ROCK
    $200 14
On May 24, 1856 this abolitionist led a raid that killed 5 pro-slavery men in Pottawatomie
    $200 2
In 1972 the band White Clover changed to this "state"ly name; its members went to Topeka West High School
    $200 18
When a Jewish groom does this, it's traditional for Uncle Mort to joke, "That's the last time he puts his foot down"
    $200 1
The Romans had the gall to call this country Gaul
    $200 11
It does compute that the logo seen here comes from these two men's names
    $200 22
The height to which something is raised above a point of reference such as the ground
    $400 15
On June 26, 1864 near Atlanta, he said, "We have devoured the land and our animals eat up the wheat and corn fields"
    $400 3
In 1975, 13 years after hitting No. 1 with "Breaking Up Is Hard To Do", he charted again with a remake of the song
    $400 27
In a big fat Ancient Greek wedding, the bride wore this item in red or yellow
    $400 7
Wilmington in this U.S. state was once the site of the Swedish settlement of Christinahamn
    $400 12
This product's logo seen here fosters a lot of "digital ambulation"
    $400 23
The act of cutting the head off something, perhaps a member of French royalty in the 1790s
    $600 19
At Bull Run, General Bee referred to Thomas Jackson by saying, "There stands Jackson like" one of these
    $600 4
In 1971 Janis Joplin told us in this song that "Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose"
    $600 28
A German bride's right hand is not just for shaking hands in the receiving line but, unlike in the U.S., for receiving this
    $600 8
The southern part of this Mekong River country was once called Cochin-China
    $600 13
Never exit your domicile without one of this company's products
    $600 24
The formal remission of sin by a priest
    DD: $1,500 20
Of the 11 Confederate states, this one was the farthest north
    $800 5
In 1976 radio listeners were humming the melody to this song
    $800 29
It's the 9-letter term for any member of the wedding party, such as a bridesmaid or best man
    $800 9
Now divided into 2 opposing countries, together this peninsula was once known as Choson
    $800 16
Stay in touch with this global communications giant
    $800 25
Movement of the blood through the body as a result of the heart's pumping action
    $1000 21
His "charge" was the Confederacy's last chance effort to win the Battle of Gettysburg--didn't work
    $1000 6
This 1977 Pink Floyd album was inspired by a George Orwell novel
    $1000 30
Stephanotis isn't an old boyfriend you invited, it's something found in a formal one of these
    $1000 10
A large part of what is now this country was once Tripolitania
    $1000 17
Use your organ to name this leading organ & synthesizer firm
    $1000 26
In psychology, a strong attachment to a person or thing that often persists throughout life

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Eric Lauren Ken
$3,600 $0 $2,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Eric Lauren Ken
$5,800 $2,200 $3,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: ...and we will feature clues from the New York Fire Department Training Academy.)
    $400 26
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew crouches in front of a flame-filled building at the FDNY's Randall's Island Academy.) In the burn room used in training, recruits learn to keep calm & stay low, the best way to avoid this cause of up to three-quarters of U.S. fire-related deaths
    $400 21
In 1989 James Woods & James Garner starred in “My Name is Bill W.”, about the origins of this group
    $400 1
Robert James Waller:
“The Bridges of ____”
    $400 11
Engine that Could,
rock & roll’s Richard
    $400 16
A disastrous economic program called the “Great Leap Forward” was begun in this country in 1958
    $400 6
You’d better keep an eye on this type of large lizard of family Varanidae of which the Komodo dragon is a type
    $800 27
The Jaws of Life rescue tool was originally developed in 1972 by the Hurst Company for use in this sport
    $800 22
In 2004 this funny lady played a developmentally challenged woman in “Riding the Bus with My Sister”
    $800 2
Pierre Boulle:
“The Bridge over the ____”
    $800 12
Hey baby, there ain’t no easy way out; this word can precede bourgeois, larceny & cash
    $800 17
Completes the famous 1969 lunar-based quote “One small step for a man…”
    $800 7
Lizards that have a brille, a transparent scale covering the eye, keep it clean by doing this to it
    $1200 28
(Sarah of the Clue Crew stands near an open flame & an infrared camera at the FDNY's Randall's Island Academy.) Reading infrared hot spots can differentiate heat sources to find hidden hot spots among smoke; the technology is called this type of imaging
    $1200 23
“Winter’s End” with Glenn Close & Christopher Walken wrapped up the trilogy that began with this film
    $1200 3
Cornelius Ryan:
“A Bridge Too ____”
    $1200 13
Hold me closer (this word from Middle English meaning “very small”) dancer
    $1200 18
This flexible device helps gymnasts increase the height of their leaps
    $1200 8
The dragon seen here gets this hairy name from its ability to flare out its throat when threatened
    DD: $5,000 29
Take the “U” out of scuba to get this full name of firefighting gear used to go where oxygen is scarce
    $1600 24
He’s the knighted Oscar-winner behind all the makeup in the 1982 presentation seen here
    $1600 4
Thornton Wilder:
“The Bridge of ____”
    $1600 14
Slang for your psychiatrist, or a bad thing that can happen to your pants in the wash
    $1600 19
In ballet, one of these, from the French for “throw”, can be a “grand” or “petit” leap from one foot to the other
    DD: $1,200 9
This creature is one of the 2 poisonous lizards in the world & the largest lizard in the U.S.
    $2000 30
(Sarah of the Clue Crew kneels next to a subway car and an air pump.) Thousands of pounds, like this New York City subway car, can be moved in a rescue situation using lift bags, described with this adjective from the Greek for “wind”
    $2000 25
For his role in 1971’s “The Price”, he won (& accepted!) an Emmy
    $2000 5
James Michener:
“The Bridges at ____”
    $2000 15
An adjective for a very slim body, or a verb meaning to snub
    $2000 20
When an atom undergoes a quantum leap, one of these light particles is emitted or absorbed
    $2000 10
Similar to a wattle, this protrusion seen here on the Anole lizard can be used for courtship or intimidation

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Eric Lauren Ken
$16,400 $9,800 $16,900

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

He said, “You could find me anytime at Fournaise’s”, a restaurant right on the Seine

Final scores:

Eric Lauren Ken
$32,800 $100 $900
3-day champion: $68,802 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Eric Lauren Ken
$13,000 $10,200 $18,400
21 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
13 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
19 R,
1 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $41,600

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Game tape date: 2006-08-08
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