Show #3025 - Friday, October 24, 1997


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Steve Norton, a reporter from Washington, D.C.

Sandra Ulbrich, a writer and editor from Janesville, Wisconsin

Eileen Heckel, a homemaker from Whittier, California (whose 1-day cash winnings total $8,400)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: In honor of U.N. Day)
    $100 6
The U.N.'s NYC headquarters lies on 18 acres along this river from 42nd to 48th Streets
    $100 8
This beer company's website includes "The Pad", the official home of its spokesfrogs
    $100 22
Traditionally in Japan, these implements are used by suicidal samurai, but not at the table
    $100 14
A series of notes at fixed intervals, it may be major or minor, or what a musician hates to work for
    $100 9
Bill Murray played himself in this 1996 film in which toons played basketball
    $100 1
These 2 birds represented conciliatory & aggressive attitudes toward war
    $200 7
This is the only major organ of the U.N. in which all 185 members have a vote
    $200 23
The New Bedford, Mass. blacksmith Lewis Temple developed the toggle type of this weapon
    $200 16
Musical instruments such as marimbas & maracas are classified as this type
    $200 10
Color traveling matte composite cinematography put Andrews, Van Dyke & the toons together in this 1964 film
    $200 2
Astranette, meaning a female one of these, has not stood the test of time, or space
    $300 11
In 1975 & 1976 this current U.S. senator from New York served as U.S. ambassador to the U.N.
    $300 24
Hitting the bull's eye in pub games,using these, brings you 50 points
    $300 19
When you reach this mark on a score you start the piece again; it's abbreviated D.C.
    $300 15
This MGM animated mouse danced onscreen with Gene Kelly & joined with Tom to swim with Esther Williams
    $300 3
In '60s slang a wahine was a young woman who participated in this sport
    $400 12
In 1945 representatives from 50 nations met in this U.S. city to draw up the U.N. charter
    $400 27
Group seen here, it took its name from a Monty Python skit: [video clue]
    $400 25
When this long, straight fire iron is red-hot, it's not a game
    $400 20
Italian for "broad", it's an indication to play slowly
    $400 17
In "The Three Caballeros", Donald Duck dances with this "Brazilian Bombshell"'s sister Aurora
    $400 4
Logically enough, it's the single word for a topless bikini
    DD: $500 13
1 of 2 Africans to serve as U.N. Secretary-General
    $500 28
"Brekekekex co-ax, co-ax" is a line from his 405 B.C. hit play "The Frogs"
    $500 26
A large-eyed needle used to mend holes
    $500 21
Meaning "an ornament in Islamic style", it's a fanciful piano piece or a ballet pose
    $500 18
James Baskett got an honorary Oscar for playing this man who sang with the animals in "Song of the South"
    $500 5
Term for those who rode buses to test integration in interstate travel

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Eileen Sandra Steve
$700 $600 $1,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Eileen Sandra Steve
$1,200 $600 $1,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 12
In May 1997, after a 32-year rule, strongman Mobutu Sese Seko was ousted from the country he had named this
    $200 5
Tommy Lee Jones & Anne Heche no doubt had a blast making this film that erupted on the screen in 1997
    $200 8
In a French tale, a man climbs one of these to heaven; Jack climbs one & meets a giant
    $200 1
Dracula can never see a facula, a large bright patch on this heavenly body
    $200 22
In 1996 this "Pacific" railroad peacefully took over Southern Pacific Rail
    $200 21
As Roger Miller pointed out, "You can't roller skate" in this group of buffalo
    $400 13
In 1911 Italy took control of this country; today it's under Qaddafi's control
    $400 6
Pair played by Mira Sorvino & Lisa Kudrow who return to Arizona for their 10-year high school reunion
    $400 17
The wise people of England's mythical town of Gotham pretended to be these people honored on April 1
    $400 2
To the nearest 100, the number of different elements we know about
    $400 23
This insurance company said "Glad I met ya" to U.S. Healthcare & purchased it in 1996
    $400 30
It's a group of finches, or just one hanging from a bracelet
    $600 14
Hassan II has been the king of this country since 1961
    $600 9
Hugh Grant encounters Andie MacDowell over & over & over again in this 1994 comedy
    $600 18
Proverbial lore says, "Feed a cold and" do this, although we're not sure what it means
    $600 3
Home appliance invented in 1858 by Hamilton Smith, it was a tub with a crank-turned spindle
    $600 24
In 1996 Sandoz & Ciba-Geigy, giant drug companies based in this country, announced they'd merge
    $600 27
A group of these birds is a mustering; we guess they muster up courage for some deliveries
    $800 15
Asmara is the capital & largest city of this country that was formerly part of Ethiopia
    $800 10
It's the last name of the family headed by Chevy Chase in the National Lampoon "Vacation" films
    $800 19
Scholar Jan Brunvand calls tales of fatal Pop Rocks candy & hook-handed molesters this kind of "legend"
    $800 4
In 1881 Darwin published a book on these, something fishermen were waiting for with "baited" breath
    $800 25
First Chicago NBD was formed by a merger of banks in Chicago & this Michigan city
    $800 28
Ask your nanny & she'll tell you a group of these is a trip
    $1000 16
This country on the Atlantic coast is Africa's most populous
    $1000 11
Tom Cruise served up drinks as a hotshot bartender in this 1988 film
    DD: $1,000 20
Artificial creature of Jewish lore seen here: [video clue]
    DD: $1,000 7
It has no head, usually has 5 arms & feeds on oysters
    $1000 26
In February 1997 this brokerage that issues the Discover Card agreed to merge with Morgan Stanley
    $1000 29
We're not splitting these, we're collecting them into a group -- a husk

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Eileen Sandra Steve
$3,200 $3,200 $5,200

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1948 he returned to Europe & soon co-founded the Berliner Ensemble to stage his works

Final scores:

Eileen Sandra Steve
$100 $6,300 $7,200
3rd place: Panasonic Large Color LCD Palmcorder 2nd place: Trip to Doubletree Guest Suites, New York City New champion: $7,200

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Eileen Sandra Steve
$3,200 $4,200 $5,200
9 R,
1 W
15 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
(including 1 DD)
17 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W

Combined Coryat: $12,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: Unknown
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