This removable item used for data storage was introduced in 1971; the first one was 8 inches square |
(Robert: What is a diskette?) (Alex: Mmmf... be more specific.) (Robert: What is a magnetic disk?) (Alex: No. Mary?) (Mary: What's [*]?) (Alex: What's [*], yes.) [Robert later received credit for this response after the first commercial break.]
floppy disk
A provider of medical services: HMO |
health maintenance organization
This Asian country borders only one country, across a demilitarized zone |
South Korea
Better be a mint on my pillow! A stay at a hotel on this Monopoly game property costs 2 grand |
Asked to dance by a young woman, this "As Good As It Gets" star supposedly replied "Wrong verb" |
Jack Nicholson
"Romans, countrymen, and lovers! Hear me for my cause, and be silent" is from Act III of this Shakespeare play |
Julius Caesar
This computer was introduced in 1984 & came with a MacWrite text program & a MacPaint program for graphics |
(Meighan: What's an Apple?) (Alex: Apple, Macintosh, yes.)
Apple Macintosh
A cause of tension & moodiness: PMS |
pre-menstrual syndrome
This Western hemisphere country is the world's largest nation to border only one other |
(Alex: Good thing you got that one!)
This Scotch whisky brand says more than 4 of its bottles are consumed every second |
Johnnie Walker
In 1971 this singer had a Bianca blast of a wedding; in '99 he went to the Jerry hall of justice for an annulment |
Mick Jagger
In 1962 her "Silent Spring" launched the environmentalist movement |
Rachel Carson
This company whose name is synonymous with copying introduced the first hand-held mouse in 1973 |
An ambulance worker: EMT |
emergency medical technician
One of the 2 countries that border only Italy, due to being completely surrounded by it |
Vatican City or San Marino
I'm... too sexy for this clue & I do my little turn on this narrow structure over a stage, yeah |
If Britt Ekland wanted his body & ex-wife Alana Hamilton thought he was sexy, come on Rachel Hunter let me know |
Rod Stewart
During WWII, this mime changed his surname to that of a French revolutionary general |
Marcel Marceau
Even before all the polls closed, CBS used this huge computer to predict the result of the 1952 presidential election |
A fat & cholesterol-carrying molecule: LDL |
low density lipoprotein
This nation borders only the United Kingdom |
In Aussie-speak, it's a brief, informal leave from work taken by an Aborigine to wander the bush |
Actor born March 30, 1937: he's so vain, he probably thinks this clue is about him |
Warren Beatty
In the 1930 Hays Code, "pointed profanity... however used" was forbidden in this medium</td>
| film</em>
In 1993 Intel introduced this new chip, which had 3.1 million transistors |
Of interest to Pavlov: CR |
conditioned response/reflex
The 2 countries in the Caribbean that border only one other nation, each other |
Dominican Republic and Haiti
Three-word name for the stately animal seen here |
Tennessee walking horse
Heeeeey, maaaaan! This "Easy Rider" was married to Mamas & Papas singer Michelle Phillips--for 8 whole days |
Dennis Hopper
This Scottish author of "Kidnapped" wrote, "The cruelest lies are often told in silence" |
Robert Louis Stevenson