"The children were nestled all snug in their beds, while visions of" these "danced in their heads" |
Jean Nidetch founded this organization in 1963 after she lost 72 pounds |
Weight Watchers
In October 1996 Superman got married in his own comic book & on this TV show |
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman
In 1997 Mattel sued Miller'$, a magazine devoted to this fashion doll, for copyright infringement |
Jove, by jove, is another name for this Roman god |
When Scrooge's nephew says, "A Merry Christmas, Uncle! God save you!", Scrooge replies, "Bah!" this |
"Mamma in" this "and I in my cap, had just settled our brains for a long winter's nap" |
Her kerchief
Alexander Graham Bell's son-in-law, Gilbert Grosvenor was president of this scientific society from 1920 to 1954 |
National Geographic Society
This former White House correspondent co-anchors "Primetime Live" with Diane Sawyer |
(Joyce: Who is Forrest Sawyer?)
Sam Donaldson
This building-block maker plans to open a theme park in Carlsbad, California in 1999 |
This 2-faced god presided over doors & beginnings, such as the beginning of the year |
This synonym for silliness might form a trio with Dickfoolery & Harryfoolery |
St. Nick's reindeer were "more rapid" than these large birds |
It was formed in 1960 by Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia & Venezuela |
OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)
MTV's 1997 spin-off "Daria" features a character from this moronic animated series |
Beavis and Butt-Head
Ty's red heart logo on your "Bones the Dog" proves it's a genuine example of these stuffed animals |
Beanie Babies
This messenger of the gods also conducted the souls of the dead to Hades |
It's the kind of bed you might find in a cabin, or Henry Ford's definition of history |
"He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot, and his clothes were all tarnished with" these 2 items |
Ashes & soot
In 1996 Adam Werbach, at 23, became the youngest pres. of this S.F.-based conservation group |
Sierra Club
NBC refused to let this CBS talk show host use its clips on his 1997 prime-time special |
David Letterman
Playmobil toys were introduced by this country's Geobra Brandstatter in 1974 |
(West) Germany
This Greek goddess of the hunt was also a goddess of virginity & oddly, childbirth |
(Alex: And we have a minute left in the round.)
The type of nonsense you'd expect to find aboard the Chinese boat of the same name |
St. Nick exclaimed, "'ere he drove out of sight, 'Happy Christmas to all'" & this |
"and to all a good night"
Founded by William Booth, this charitable Christian group operates in nearly 100 countries |
The Salvation Army
Peter Boyle & Doris Roberts play the parents & neighbors of Ray Romano on this CBS sitcom |
(Larry: What is Everyone Loves Raymond?)
Everybody Loves Raymond
In 1997 Hasbro released the GI Joe seen here in honor of this historic general: |
(Alex: Frankly, I thought he looked a little more like Omar Bradley!)
Dwight D. Eisenhower
The laurel tree into which Daphne was transformed was sacred to this god who loved her |
(Joyce: Who is Narcissus?)
It means swill or worthless stuff, though it sounds like something you'd bathe pigs in |