Show #4699 - Thursday, January 27, 2005

2005 Teen Tournament quarterfinal game 2.


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Kerri Regan, a senior from Bethpage, New York

Steve Golden, a junior from Brookeville, Maryland

Ruvani Fonseka, a junior from Grosse Pointe, Michigan

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 11
Of Hawaii's 8 main islands, this one receives the lion's share of the tourist dollars
    $200 1
    $200 6
The 1719 1st edition told of him "having been cast on shore by shipwreck, wherein all... men perished but himself"
    $200 21
Edwin Budding adapted a rotary shearer used to remove excess fibers from carpets into this outdoor tool
    $200 16
In 1468 this teen was recognized as heiress to the throne of Castile
    $200 26
An intelligent beginning
    $400 12
When the Russians owned Alaska, they referred to this tall peak as Bolshaya Gora
    $400 2
    $400 7
Even the epilogue is lengthy in this 1869 Tolstoy epic; it comes out in 2 parts &, in our copy, is 105 pages long
    $400 22
In 1948 scientists at Bristol-Meyers "buffered" this medicine for the first time
    $400 17
She was a teenage farm girl when she beat the famous marksman Frank Butler in an 1870s shooting match
    $400 27
A more obese baseball slugger
    $600 13
This river begins in Colorado & empties into the Gulf of Mexico near Brownsville, Texas
    $600 3
    $600 8
This 1939 Steinbeck novel helped publicize the plight of Dust Bowl refugees
    $600 23
Lawrence Sperry used the gyroscope his dad developed in this device that keeps planes on course without human aid
    DD: $1,000 18
In the 1850s this future sculptor failed the Ecole des Beaux-Arts entrance exam 3 times (think about it)
    $600 28
A wealthy sorceress
    $800 14
Florida's panhandle borders these 2 states
    $800 4
    $800 9
Chapter 10 of this 1960 novel begins, "Atticus was feeble: he was nearly fifty"
    $800 24
In 1882 Schuyler Wheeler put a propellor on the shaft of an electric motor & created this--how cool!
    $800 19
Betrothed as a teen to her creepy cousin in 1744, she later became a "Great" empress of Russia
    $800 29
Written text of a movie about an underground burial chamber
    $1000 15
This large lake on the New York-Vermont border is Vermont's lowest point
    $1000 5
    $1000 10
Published in 1949, this futuristic tale is set in Oceania, a few years before you were born
    $1000 25
James Fergason invented this type of "display" that found an early use in calculators
    $1000 20
Apprenticed to a British shipowner as a teen in the 1740s, he became one of the great explorers of the Pacific
    $1000 30
Voraciously eat an "all-purpose" baking ingredient

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Ruvani Steve Kerri
$3,600 $3,800 $200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ruvani Steve Kerri
$6,200 $5,800 -$1,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 26
Of particular interest to the NRA is the amendment that allows us "to keep & bear" these
    $400 1
Mia Hamm, Brandi Chastain & their 9 teammates on the field
    $400 6
Because they develop from a single ovum, this variety of twins has the same genetic makeup
    $400 11
This math term comes from the Latin frangere, "to break"
    $400 16
A Vacherin dessert features this crisp concoction of beaten egg whites & sugar
    $400 21
It's the common operation to remove 2 small oval masses of tissue at the back of the mouth
    DD: $6,000 27
Under the 5th Amendment, 1 of the 3 things that no person shall be deprived of "without due process of law"
    $800 2
Sheryl Swoopes, Lisa Leslie & their 3 teammates on the floor
    $800 7
Genes that affect hereditary traits are called alleles & are either "dominant" or this
    $800 12
This synonym for "room" can precede music & maid
    $800 17
NYC sushi chef Masa Takayama has paid more than $120 a pound for this fish--a bit pricier than Star-Kist's
    $800 22
A rhytidectomy removes these surgically; botox takes them out another way
    $1200 28
The 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery, was ratified in this year
    $1200 3
Misty May & Kerri Walsh
    $1200 8
Since the 1980s this hormone used by diabetics has been produced by genetically engineered bacteria
    $1200 13
The name of this 6-pointed star comes from the Greek for "six" & "letter"
    $1200 18
This word for a French stew is pronounced the same as a pasta sauce brand
    $1200 23
A lobectomy removes one of the 5 lobes of the lungs; a lobotomy takes out part of this organ
    $1600 29
The 24th Amendment says you don't have to pay this type of tax, or any other in order to vote
    $1600 4
Mohini Bhardwaj, Courtney Kupets & their 4 teammates
    $1600 9
A pair of chromosomes with this 2-letter designation makes a woman a woman
    $1600 14
The name of this African equine comes from the Portuguese for "wild ass"
    $1600 19
A company at Union Wharf in Portland ships all kinds of seafood, but is called "Maine" this creature "Direct"
    $1600 24
A keratotomy is an incision of this eye part; a keratectomy removes part of it
    $2000 30
Decade when the 27th & last amendment, having to do with pay raises in Congress, took effect
    $2000 5
Lisa Fernandez, Jennie Finch & their 7 teammates on the field
    $2000 10
Named for a German neuropathologist, this memory loss disease may be caused by a gene on chromosome 21
    DD: $800 15
This cutting implement has the same name as a type of dive & a kind of trailer-truck accident
    $2000 20
En croute, as in salmon en croute, is French for "in" this, also found on toast
    $2000 25
The embolus removed from an artery in an embolectomy is usually one of these obstructions

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ruvani Steve Kerri
$17,400 $23,000 $4,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

To trek through its Khumbu Icefall, Lhotse Face & South Col, your team needs a $70,000 permit from Nepal's government

Final scores:

Ruvani Steve Kerri
$22,998 $26,000 $7,200
2nd place: $2,500 + a computer package if eliminated Automatic semifinalist 3rd place: $2,500 + a computer package if eliminated

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Ruvani Steve Kerri
$17,000 $17,800 $6,000
25 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
22 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
10 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W

Combined Coryat: $40,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2004-10-26
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