Show #4606 - Monday, September 20, 2004

2004 Tournament of Champions quarterfinal game 1.


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Keith Williams, a college student from Manchester, Vermont

Sam Ott, a graduate student from Los Angeles, California

Arthur Gandolfi, a commercial real estate executive from Pleasantville, New York

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 21
We're not sure what race this monster &amp; his mom were, but they both sure gave Beowulf a run for his money
    $200 1
This Gene Hackman hoop movie was called "Best Shot" in Europe due to fears that no one would understand the U.S. Title
    $200 16
The lavaliere, a type of pendant, is named for the Duchesse de la Valliere, who romanced this "Sun King"
    $200 6
A homophone of a man trying to convince a woman to marry him
    $200 11
This leafy green vegetable originated in Southwest Asia &amp; was considered a medicine by Persians
    $200 26
640 acres equal a square this
    $400 22
Hesiod mentions 3 of these fearsome creatures: Stheno, Euryale &amp; Medusa
    $400 2
Mickey Rooney played an English rider in this 1944 film that jockeys Liz Taylor into position for the Grand National
    $400 17
This king may have called Madame de Pompadour his little lamb chop; a tasty lamb dish is named for her
    $400 7
Name on the award received by Lauren Bacall &amp; Jessye Norman in December 1997 in Washington, D.C.
    $400 12
The type of bowling done on the PBA circuit, or one of the objects you'd aim your ball at
    $400 27
604,800 seconds equal one of these
    $600 23
Meaning "old man of the desert", Shai-Halud is the term for the giant worms of Arrakis in this novel &amp; its sequels
    $600 3
Dennis Christopher battled Italians &amp; locals en route to Indiana's Little 500 cycling championship in this 1979 film
    $600 18
A Fontange is a lace-&-ribbon headdress named for the Duchesse de Fontanges, a paramour of this long-reigning king
    $600 8
Sounds like the last name of a sitcom witch
    $600 13
In order to remain independent, this 17th C. Dutch philosopher declined a professorship &amp; a pension
    $600 28
It can be a few drops or exactly 1/16 of a teaspoon
    $800 24
The aliens in this Mandy Patinkin movie that later became a TV series were called Newcomers
    $800 4
On the night of a big boxing championship Nicolas Cage gets caught up in an assassination plot in this movie
    $800 19
An elegant silver pattern was named for Madame du Barry, famed for her liaison with this king
    DD: $500 9
Founder of an ice cream company in 1866
    $800 14
A green woodpecker or a vain, pretentious chatterbox
    $800 29
33.8 fluid ounces equal one of these
    $1000 25
Doozers were builders &amp; Gorgs were giants, 7 times bigger than these furry beings created for TV by Jim Henson
    $1000 5
Jane Fonda tries to become a dance marathon champ in this Depression-era depresser that got 9 Oscar noms
    $1000 20
A fancy sleeve style was named for the Marquise de Montespan, who began dallying with this King around 1667
    $1000 10
Mr. Hobbes or Mr. Malthus
    $1000 15
It's a pair of glasses kept on the face by a spring that grips the nose
    $1000 30
It takes 1,055 joules to equal 1 "British" one

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Arthur Sam Keith
$2,000 $500 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Arthur Sam Keith
$5,400 $2,500 $1,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 24
The shield on Botswana's coat of arms is supported by 2 of these equines
    $400 1
Paul Michael Glaser &amp; David Soul
    $400 6
To an expectant mom, PROM stands for premature rupture of these &amp; it means you should get to the hospital, quick!
    $400 14
(Hi, I'm Bill Rancic of The Apprentice.) My prize involves helming the work of Mr. Trump's new Chicago hotel, planned for the site of this newspaper's old building
    $400 7
Congressman Richard A. Gephardt represents this state's third Congressional district
    $400 19
Noun meaning the customs of diplomatic etiquette or formality
    $800 25
The 2 most commonly used languages in Botswana are Setswana &amp; this official one
    $800 2
Faith Ford &amp; Kelly Ripa
    $800 12
The Apgar score rates 5 features of a newborn: heart rate, breathing, muscle tone, reflex irritability & this
    $800 15
Founded in 1930, Publix is the largest &amp; fastest-growing employee-owned chain of this kind of store
    $800 8
1 of 3 Texans to serve as Speaker of the House
    $800 20
A composition for a keyboard instrument generally characterized by running passages
    $1200 26
The inhabitants of Botswana called the San are also known by this name that could apply to Cheney &amp; Ashcroft
    $1200 3
Jameson Parker &amp; Gerald McRaney
    $1200 13
From the Greek for "out of place", it's the term for a pregnancy that develops in the Fallopian tube
    $1200 16
GEICO insurance &amp; Fruit of the Loom are among the many subsidiaries of this Warren Buffett holding company
    $1200 9
The USA's lowest-paid governor, Mike Johanns, earns $65,000 in Lincoln as chief executive of this state
    $1200 21
Sociologist Michael Young coined this term for a system that rewards the talented
    DD: $600 27
Botswana's economy is closely tied to this country with which it shares its longest border
    $1600 4
Brian Keith &amp; Daniel Hugh-Kelly
    $1600 28
This forerunner to breast milk produced in late pregnancy has less sugar &amp; more protein than mature milk
    $1600 17
A broken printer ribbon on a holiday weekend compelled Tom Stemberg to found this office supply superstore
    $1600 10
Currently, this senator from New England is the only declared independent in the U.S. Senate
    $1600 22
An organelle in the cytoplasm of cells that functions in energy production
    $2000 30
In 1965 Botswana's seat of government was transferred from Mafeking to this city
    $2000 5
Juliet Mills &amp; Richard Long
    DD: $1,000 29
This American obstetrician's natural childbirth method brought the father into the delivery room as a labor coach
    $2000 18
An audio oscillator was the first product from this company, founded by 2 Stanford classmates in 1939
    $2000 11
On December 9, 2003 he won a run-off election against Matt Gonzalez to become mayor of San Francisco
    $2000 23
A bell used to sound an alarm or signal

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Arthur Sam Keith
$16,200 $1,700 $7,200
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Seen in sculpture, Eustache de St. Pierre &amp; 5 other wealthy men made themselves hostages to free this city

Final scores:

Arthur Sam Keith
$16,200 $0 $3,500
Automatic semifinalist 3rd place: $5,000 2nd place: $5,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Arthur Sam Keith
$18,200 $2,200 $7,200
24 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
(including 1 DD)
8 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)
10 R,
5 W

Combined Coryat: $27,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2004-04-29
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