Show #5016 - Monday, June 5, 2006


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Bill Duncliffe, a VP of sales from Danvers, Massachusetts

Audrey Ng, an attorney from Honolulu, Hawaii

Dan Sander, a trust officer from Calgary, Alberta, Canada (whose 1-day cash winnings total $20,000)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 21
In 2005 the New York Times profiled one of the last repairers of these, from cane handle to canopy
    $200 7
The hills were alive with the hum of megabucks for this 1965 musical starring Julie Andrews
    $200 6
"The World According to Garp" is according to him
    $200 23
In 1767 this volcano erupted so violently that the king of Naples had to flee his palace
    $200 10
According to Alexander Pope, these "rush in where angels fear to tread"
    $200 1
A small hole or wound made by a sharp object
    $400 22
(Jon of the Clue Crew displays the words "Daily Double" on the monitor in an archaic script.) One skill that's losing ground in the computer age is this type of writing, where the letters run together, from the Latin for "run"
    $400 8
If you lined up for "Star Wars: Episode II" in 2002, you had to be prepared for an "Attack" by these title duplicates
    $400 14
America's first literary lion, this "History of New York" author mentored Hawthorne & Poe
    $400 24
The Cabildo was built in the 1790s to serve as this country's seat of government in New Orleans
    $400 13
This larger-than-life tenor said, "Am I afraid of high notes? Of course I am afraid. What sane man is not?"
    $400 2
Strong smelling or strong tasting
    $600 28
It's the state sport of Maryland, but competitors there ride at rings with their lances, not at each other
    $600 9
Appropriate name of the highest-grossing film of all time
    $600 15
Call him the author of "The Man", "The Word" & "The Celestial Bed"
    $600 25
In 1798 this poet was given a new title he inherited from his great-uncle
    $600 18
Hard to believe she was ever alone, but this Gallic sex kitten revealed, "Solitude scares me"
    $600 3
Lately this word has come to mean a TV talking head on political topics
    $800 29
Overshadowed by flowers, leis crafted with these, from creatures like the apapane, are now rare in Hawaii
    $800 11
As Leo Getz, he annoyed Riggs & Murtaugh in 1998's "Lethal Weapon 4", his latest film as of early 2006
    $800 16
This author's lust for biography influenced him to pen works about Darwin & Van Gogh
    $800 26
The original Amber Room in Russia's Catherine Palace had amber panels given by the king of Prussia to this czar in 1716
    $800 19
"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer" is an axiom used by Bene Gesserit witches in this '65 Herbert novel
    $800 4
A young rebel, or something to light fireworks
    $1000 30
In the 1972 book "Working", a man with this music-related job says computers can't replace the human ear--sorry, pal
    $1000 12
As governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger's salary is $175,000 per year; for this '03 sequel, he got about $30 million
    $1000 17
He's the boy wonder in whose name the Motion Picture Academy gives out a prestigious award
    DD: $1,000 27
Locked out of its regular meeting place, this country's national assembly met on a tennis court in 1789
    $1000 20
"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear", opined this master of horror novels like "The Lurking Fear"
    $1000 5
It precedes "Arenas" in the name of a Chilean city, one of the southernmost in the world

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Dan Audrey Bill
$2,000 $2,200 $1,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Dan Audrey Bill
$4,200 $5,400 $2,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 26
His marble "David" would be hard to lose, but his smaller bronze "David" has been missing since the 18th century
    $400 12
Quick! It was the first name of Tony's character on "Taxi"
    $400 10
A saintly slave saves a little girl's life & is later beaten to death
    $400 15
This West Point grad wrote up the authoritative parliamentary rules of order
    $400 4
Typically, TV ad costs are highest during these hours
    $400 1
Milwaukee is located at the confluence of the Milwaukee & Menominee Rivers where they flow into this lake
    $800 27
One of Holbein's most ambitious depictions of this king was lost in a 1698 Whitehall Palace fire
    $800 13
Tony got serious playing Jack Warden's role, Juror No. 7, in the TV remake of this 1957 classic
    $800 22
A doctor meets strange new races in a satirical 4-part travelogue
    $800 18
St. Benedict's Rule defines "4 kinds of" these: those under an abbot; hermits; & 2 detestable types
    $800 6
(Kelly of the Clue Crew fingers a familiar longitudinal on a globe.) It passes through Gao, Mali; Argentan, France; &, of course, Greenwich, England
    $800 2
Call 414-931-BEER to arrange a tour of this company's facility
    $1200 28
In 1577, one year after he died, his mighty "Battle of Cadore" was lost in a fire at the doge's palace
    $1200 14
Tony's role of Rocky in this man's "The Iceman Cometh" in 1999 won him some Broadway raves
    DD: $1,200 23
On a farm in Maine, 2 animals with a total of 12 legs strike up an unusual friendship
    $1200 19
Chemist Gilbert Lewis' octet rule says that the covalent type of these are formed until atoms have 8 valence electrons
    $1200 7
The lowest level of interest on loans from a bank
    $1200 3
The high culture of a 19th century immigrant group got Milwaukee the nickname "Deutsche Athen", meaning this
    $1600 29
Leutze's first version of "Washington" doing this was destroyed in a 1942 bombing of Bremen
    $1600 16
Tony was so adept in his first primate movie, "Going Ape!", he was teamed up again with one in the sequel to this 1981 racing flick
    $1600 24
In the first part of "Remembrance of Things Past", the narrator thinks of family friend Swann
    $1600 20
The Coast Guard's navigation rules are also called these, which sound more applicable to car traffic
    $1600 8
In Aristotelian philosophy, it's the godlike source of all activity in the history of the universe
    $1600 5
Born in Milwaukee, 1924; Chief Justice of the United States, 1986; passed away, 2005
    DD: $1,000 30
David's long-gone "Lepeletier on his Deathbed" once hung opposite this other morbid David work of 1793
    $2000 17
Tony gets heavenly help in this 1994 film in which he plays struggling A.L. pitcher Mel Clark
    $2000 25
Besting a bully is part of a young boy's life at a British boarding school
    $2000 21
"Rules of" this tell soldiers when to fight; there's no diamond ring involved
    $2000 9
From the Latin for "first age", this adjective applies to things ancient or original, like a poetic forest
    $2000 11
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew stands in front of the Milwaukee skyline at Veterans' Park.) When Milwaukee's Emil Seidel was elected in 1910, he became to the first mayor of this political party so honored

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Dan Audrey Bill
$13,400 $11,600 $3,200

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

This word for one who hangs around the corridors of power refers back to the corridors themselves

Final scores:

Dan Audrey Bill
$23,201 $23,199 $6,400
2-day champion: $43,201 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Dan Audrey Bill
$13,400 $12,600 $3,200
19 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
11 R,
1 W
(including 1 DD)
16 R,
7 W

Combined Coryat: $29,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2006-03-31
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