Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (53 results returned)

#9166, aired 2024-09-23OSCAR, MEET TONY $400: A 1952 Tony & 1956 Oscar went to Yul Brynner for playing the monarch in this beloved musical The King and I
#8585, aired 2022-02-25BEFORE SHE WAS FIRST LADY $2,000 (Daily Double): She appeared on Broadway in "Lute Song" with Yul Brynner & Mary Martin Nancy Davis (Reagan)
#8571, aired 2022-02-07POP CULTURE "EAST" & "WEST" $400: Yul Brynner wore the black hat in this 1973 movie; Ed Harris is a different man in black on the TV series Westworld
#8371, aired 2021-04-05FORTUNE FAVORS THE BALD $400: 1956 was a good year for the bald: Ike got re-elected & this movie musical starring Yul Brynner had its premiere The King and I
#8126, aired 2019-12-30EDIBLE POP CULTURE $2000: This actor's cookbook featured Food Fit for the King and You, and included Russian, Gypsy and Thai recipes Yul Brynner
#7445, aired 2017-01-13BIBLICAL BIG SCREEN $200: Yul Brynner played this vain pharaoh in 1956's "The Ten Commandments" Ramses
#6869, aired 2014-06-26THE BALD & THE BEAUTIFUL $400: He won a 1956 Oscar for "The King and I" Yul Brynner
#6225, aired 2011-10-14UNWANTED DISTINCTIONS $400: In 1976 "Home Sweet Homer", with Yul Brynner as this wanderer, tied a Broadway record by closing after one performance Ulysses
#5946, aired 2010-06-21BALD IS BEAUTIFUL $800: Famous for playing a Siamese king, he also played a royal on film in "Solomon and Sheba"--he had hair in that one Yul Brynner
#5643, aired 2009-03-04THE ROAR OF THE GREASEPAINT $1200: He took home both a Tony & an Oscar for his role in "The King and I" (Yul) Brynner
#5571, aired 2008-11-24KINGS OF THE BIG SCREEN $400: 1956: Yul Brynner as this Asian the King of Siam
#5375, aired 2008-01-11CRESCENT CITY ROLES $400: In "The Buccaneer", Yul Brynner played this pirate who aided Andrew Jackson in the Battle of New Orleans Lafitte
#5211, aired 2007-04-16BROADWAY ROLES $200: In 1951 he was "The King"; Gertrude Lawrence was "I" Yul Brynner
#5085, aired 2006-10-20"B" ACTORS $800: I kid you not! In 1972 he brought his famous role to TV, starring in a sitcom version of "Anna and the King" Yul Brynner
#5001, aired 2006-05-15BOHEMIAN RHAPSODIES $2000: Also a Yul Brynner film, this Janacek piece came from a Gogol tale of a Cossack who revolts against the Poles Taras Bulba
#4970, aired 2006-03-31BROADWAY SECRETS $1600: According to her daughter, Marlene Dietrich secretly romanced this man between matinees & evening shows of "The King & I" Yul Brynner
#4421, aired 2003-11-24VARIETY PACK $200: In 1956 this Brynner played King Mongkut on screen Yul Brynner
#4329, aired 2003-05-29SO YOU THINK YOU KNOW THEATRE... $400: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew at the St. James Theatre in New York City) This musical that featured Yul Brynner's most regal performance premiered here at the St. James Theatre in 1951 The King and I
#4158, aired 2002-10-02OSCAR, GRAMMY OR BOTH $400: Yul Brynner Oscar
#4099, aired 2002-05-30TITLE FILM FOLK $600: 1956: Yul Brynner & Deborah Kerr, etc., etc., etc. The King and I
#3955, aired 2001-11-092 OUT OF 3 AIN'T BAD $800: Of Oscar, Tony & Grammy, Yul Brynner picked up 2 of the 3 in the 1950s for his role in this The King and I
#3881, aired 2001-06-18AT THE MOVIES $200: In a popular 1960 western, Yul Brynner & Charles Bronson are 2 of these title defenders of a Mexican town The Magnificent Seven
#3701, aired 2000-10-09THE BALD & THE BEAUTIFUL $100: In 1951 he gave the first of over 4,500 performances as the King of Siam Yul Brynner
#3479, aired 1999-10-21FOREIGN-BORN OSCAR WINNERS $1,200 (Daily Double): This 1957 winner claimed he was born on Sakhalin Island, about 3,000 miles northeast of Siam Yul Brynner
#3289, aired 1998-12-17FORGOTTEN MUSICALS $600: In 1976 he starred in "Home Sweet Homer", a musical based on "The Odyssey"; he should have stayed in Siam Yul Brynner
#3186, aired 1998-06-08THE BALD TRUTH $400: So it shall be written, he starred in "Anastasia" & "Solomon and Sheba" Yul Brynner
#3070, aired 1997-12-26YUL TIDE FILMS $200: Yul Brynner will be remembered for his role in this 1956 musical, "Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera" The King And I
#2930, aired 1997-05-02MOVIE DEBUTS $600: He had hair in his 1st movie, "Port of New York", but not in his 2nd released film, "The King and I" Yul Brynner
#2924, aired 1997-04-24MUSICAL THEATRE $200: In 1996 Lou Diamond Phillips filled Yul Brynner's royal shoes for a revival of this musical The King And I
#2757, aired 1996-09-03MOVIE DEBUTS $400: William Shatner debuted onscreen as one of Yul Brynner's siblings in a 1958 film of this Dostoyevsky novel The Brothers Karamazov
#2692, aired 1996-04-23SCI-FI FILMS $400: A gunslinging robot played by Yul Brynner stalks Richard Benjamin & James Brolin in this 1973 film Westworld
#2679, aired 1996-04-04RODGERS & HAMMERSTEIN $100: To audition for this musical, Yul Brynner sang while sitting cross-legged on the floor "The King And I"
#2637, aired 1996-02-06MUSICAL THEATRE $200: He was the King & Gertrude Lawrence was "I" when "The King and I" opened on Broadway in March 1951 Yul Brynner
#2343, aired 1994-11-09BROADWAY MUSICAL STARS $200: He was working as a television director when he was hired to play the King in "The King and I" in 1951 Yul Brynner
#2242, aired 1994-05-10FIRST LADIES $500 (Daily Double): In 1946 she appeared in the Broadway musical "Lute Song" with Mary Martin & Yul Brynner Nancy Reagan
#1994, aired 1993-04-15FILMS $400: This Americanization of Kurosawa's "The Seven Samurai" starred Yul Brynner & Steve McQueen The Magnificent Seven
#1890, aired 1992-11-20MUSICAL THEATRE $100: Yul Brynner played the monarch in this musical 4,625 times The King and I
#1701, aired 1992-01-13MUSICAL THEATRE $100: The 1985 revival of this musical featured Yul Brynner's wife as the lead Royal Dancer The King and I
#1527, aired 1991-04-02MOVIE TRIVIA $300: If you never saw this actor with hair, you might not recognize him as Jean Lafitte in "The Buccaneer" Yul Brynner
#1374, aired 1990-07-19BALD IS BEAUTIFUL $600: Late screen & stage star who described himself as "a nice clean-cut Mongolian boy" Yul Brynner
#1373, aired 1990-07-18FILMS OF THE '40s $400: He was a well-respected actor in England before taking his 1st U.S. role in "Anna & the King of Siam" Rex Harrison
#1269, aired 1990-02-22TITLE ROLES $200: As you would expect, this actor also played king of Siam in "Anna & the King", a '72 CBS TV series Yul Brynner
#1128, aired 1989-06-28MUSICAL THEATER $2,800 (Daily Double): Country that's the setting of the following song: "1, 2, 3 and 1, 2, 3 and 1, 2, 3 / Shall we dance? / 1, 2, 3 and / On a bright cloud of music / Shall we fly?..." Siam (Thailand)
#1119, aired 1989-06-15TV & MOVIE ROBOTS $300: He played a gunslinging robot in both "Westworld" & its sequel, "Futureworld" Yul Brynner
#1087, aired 1989-05-021986 $500: In a TV ad, this late actor said, "Now that I'm gone, I tell you: don't smoke..." Yul Brynner
#980, aired 1988-12-02ACTORS & ROLES $100: He first shaved his head to play Pontius Pilate in "The Greatest Story Ever Told" Telly Savalas
#944, aired 1988-10-13PEOPLE $200: In 1946 this future First Lady was in the Broadway musical "Lute Song" with Yul Brynner Nancy Reagan
#880, aired 1988-06-03THE TONY AWARDS $200: Oddly, his Tony for "The King & I" was for Best Supporting Actor in a Musical Yul Brynner
#765, aired 1987-12-25INTERNATIONAL ACTORS $200: Almost crippled in a trapeze accident with a French circus, he recovered & was "crowned" King of Siam Yul Brynner
#691, aired 1987-09-14CURRENT MONARCHS $200: Bhumibol Adulyadej, not Yul Brynner, current rules this country Thailand
#557, aired 1987-01-27ACTORS & ROLES $500: He died during the filming of "Solomon & Sheba" & was replaced by Yul Brynner Tyrone Power
#337, aired 1985-12-24TRIPLE TALK $300: In "The King and I", Yul Brynner's famous line that fits the category et cetera, et cetera, et cetera
#14, aired 1984-09-27BROADWAY $800: Winner of Tony & Oscar for royal role he's been identified with since '51 Yul Brynner

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (2 results returned)

#6744, aired 2014-01-02ACTORS: In the '50s he won a Tony for Best Supporting Actor in a Musical & a Best Actor Oscar for playing the same role, a monarch Yul Brynner
#1296, aired 1990-04-02ACTORS & THEIR ROLES: This actor won a 1952 Tony & a 1956 Oscar for playing the same ruler Yul Brynner (The King and I)

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