Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (6 results returned)

#5540, aired 2008-10-10"GEN"ERAL SCIENCE $2000: (Cheryl of the Clue Crew hangs with a robotic dinosaur from Walking with Dinosaurs.) The stegosaurus had a walnut-sized brain, so the enlarged area in the spinal cord was thought to be a second brain; it probably stored this polysaccharide, an energy reserve glycogen
#5454, aired 2008-05-01WALKING WITH DINOSAURS $400: (Cheryl of the Clue Crew walks with a robotic Stegosaurus.) You might encounter a real Stegosaurus if you can go back to the late part of this geological period, a good one for dinosaurs Jurassic
#5454, aired 2008-05-01WALKING WITH DINOSAURS $800: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew is stalked by a giant robot T. rex.) Until the recent discovery of the Gigantotasaurus fossil, 3 tons bigger, T. rex was thought to be the largest dinosaur of this dietary class... aaaagh! carnivore
#5454, aired 2008-05-01WALKING WITH DINOSAURS $1200: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew stands next to a robot Stegosaurus.) The Stegosaurus' plates could have been used in mating, may have been for defensive purposes, or may have served as living solar panels & helped the dinosaur regulate this body heat (or body temperature)
#5454, aired 2008-05-01WALKING WITH DINOSAURS $2000: (Cheryl of the Clue Crew delivers the clue.) If a bite that could puncture a car roof wasn't enough, T. rex's teeth have recesses where these live; if the bite didn't kill you, the infection would bacteria
#5454, aired 2008-05-01WALKING WITH DINOSAURS $4,000 (Daily Double): (Cheryl of the Clue Crew delivers the clue.) Named for its cattle-like horns, this 9-tonner whose name means "bull lizard" had the largest head of any known land animal Torosaurus (Torosaur accepted)

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