Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (72 results returned)

#9287, aired 2025-03-11ALLITERATIVE BOOKS $1200: This Thomas Mann novel tells the story of Swiss sanatorium patients The Magic Mountain
#9028, aired 2024-01-31MOUNTAINS OF LITERATURE $1600: "Der Zauberberg" in German, this Thomas Mann novel tells the story of a man who stays in a TB clinic for 7 years Magic Mountain
#9005, aired 2023-12-29LITERARY TOWNS & CITIES $1200: A writer becomes infatuated with a boy & his family in 1912's "Death in Venice" by this author (Thomas) Mann
#8713, aired 2022-10-05SHORT STORIES & NOVELLAS $400: This "morbid" Thomas Mann novella has the German title "Der Tod in Venedig" Death in Venice
#8678, aired 2022-07-06LITERARY DOCTORS $4,000 (Daily Double): This German author's novel "Doctor Faustus" reimagines the doc as a 20th century composer Thomas Mann
#8431, aired 2021-06-28NOVELLAS $1200: Thomas Mann wrote a 1903 novella about an unheroic guy ironically titled this name of Isolde's lover Tristan
#8268, aired 2020-10-28LITERATURE ON THE MAP $1200: This author based the novel "The Magic Mountain" on a trip to Davos, Switzerland to treat his wife's bronchitis Thomas Mann
#8195, aired 2020-04-03NOBEL LITERARY NOMINEES $1200: This "Magic Mountain" author nominated his friend Hermann Hesse, who joined him in the Nobel club Thomas Mann
#8006, aired 2019-06-03LITERATURE $1,000 (Daily Double): The title peak of this Thomas Mann novel is home to a Swiss sanatorium The Magic Mountain
#7926, aired 2019-02-11A CLASSIC SETTING $800: Gustav von Aschenbach leaves Munich for Italy in this Thomas Mann novella whose title is a spoiler Death in Venice
#7801, aired 2018-07-09ALLITERATIVE LIT $1200: "The Magic Mountain" by Thomas Mann is set in a microcosm of Europe, a rest home in these mountains the Alps
#7678, aired 2018-01-17IN THE "D" TALES $1600: This Thomas Mann novella mentions the "airy splendor of the...Bridge of Sighs, the columns of lion and saint on the shore" Death in Venice
#7395, aired 2016-11-04THE LIVES OF AUTHORS $1600: This "Magic Mountain" author left Germany for the same L.A. street where O.J. Simpson later lived Thomas Mann
#7246, aired 2016-02-29URBAN LITERATURE $2000: In this Thomas Mann novella, a writer on a holiday in a cholera-stricken city grows infatuated with a boy Death in Venice
#7194, aired 2015-12-17THE AGE OF MANN $400: Lubeck, Germany's Buddenbrookhaus is named after this German author's "Buddenbrooks" Thomas Mann
#6860, aired 2014-06-13LITERATURE $800: In a Thomas Mann tale, Gustav Von Aschenbach has a date with "death in" this city Venice
#6776, aired 2014-02-17THOMAS, WRITE? $800: Climb up "The Magic Mountain", a novel by this German Thomas Mann
#6647, aired 2013-07-09MOVIE SONGS $2000: The songs of Aimee Mann inspired this 1999 Paul Thomas Anderson film, & Aimee's "Save Me" was heard in it Magnolia
#6643, aired 2013-07-03LITERARY MOUNTAIN CLIMBING $1600: Hans Castorp goes to a sanatorium in the Swiss Alps in this Thomas Mann novel The Magic Mountain
#6608, aired 2013-05-15NOVELLAS $2000: This German left "Venice" behind with his novella "Mario and the Magician" (Thomas) Mann
#6498, aired 2012-12-12THAT DOCTOR IS UNREAL! $1000: This doctor is the title of works by both Thomas Mann & Christopher Marlowe Doctor Faustus
#6470, aired 2012-11-02EUROPEAN LITERATURE $800: Between 1933 & 1943 Germany's Thomas Mann wrote a series of 4 novels about this Old Testament figure "and his brothers" Joseph
#6047, aired 2010-12-21ALLITERATIVE LIT $1,000 (Daily Double): Title peak in a Thomas Mann work the Magic Mountain
#5986, aired 2010-09-27THE NP FOR L $800: In 1929: T.M., "principally for his great novel 'Buddenbrooks"' Thomas Mann
#5924, aired 2010-05-20BEFORE, DURING & AFTER $400: Florida NBA team that's central to a lofty Thomas Mann work about a soft drink Orlando Magic Mountain Dew
#5804, aired 2009-12-03DEATH IN VENICE $800: It's the main character Gustave von Aschenbach who succumbs in this author's "Death in Venice" Thomas Mann
#5639, aired 2009-02-26THEIR FIRST NOVELS $1600: "Buddenbrooks" (1901) Thomas Mann
#5622, aired 2009-02-03A THOMAS GUIDE $800: His 1947 novel "Doctor Faustus" symbolically paralleled the rise of Nazism Thomas Mann
#5550, aired 2008-10-24AUF WIEDERSEHEN $1200: This German novelist's death was not in Venice but in Switzerland on Aug. 12, 1955 Thomas Mann
#5257, aired 2007-06-19LITERARY MOUNTAINS $600: In German, this title peak of a Thomas Mann work is known as "Der Zauberberg" The Magic Mountain
#5211, aired 2007-04-16LITERARY INSPIRATIONS $1600: A fascination with Goethe led this "Magic Mountain" author to write the novel "Lotte in Weimar" (Thomas) Mann
#5184, aired 2007-03-08OH, "MAN"! $2000: Works by this author include "Buddenbrooks" & "The Magic Mountain" Thomas Mann
#5097, aired 2006-11-07GET YOUR LITERARY FACTS STRAIGHT $400: Agatha Christie: "Death On The Nile"; Thomas Mann: "Death In" this city Venice
#5088, aired 2006-10-25MY NAME IS ALFRED $2000: In 1915, with his wife Blanche W., he founded the firm that published Thomas Mann, John Updike, et al. Alfred Knopf
#4919, aired 2006-01-19SAY THE "MAGIC" WORDS $1600: Thomas Mann wrote this novel while living in Munich The Magic Mountain
#4902, aired 2005-12-27FICTIONAL CHARACTERS $2000: Johann & Gotthold are 2 of the Buddenbrooks, the title family in a novel by this German author Thomas Mann
#4843, aired 2005-10-05DR. FAUST WILL SEE YOU NOW $1200: He wrote a 1947 novel about a German composer whose masterpiece is "The Lamentation of Doctor Faustus" Thomas Mann
#4815, aired 2005-07-08LITERARY VENICE $1600: "Yes, this was Venice... half fairy-tale, half snare", wrote this author in "Death in Venice" Thomas Mann
#4745, aired 2005-04-01TIM, TOM, TAMMY $1000: The first collection of this author's short stories was 1898's "Der Kleine Herr Friedemann" Thomas Mann
#4621, aired 2004-10-11AUTHORS BEFORE & AFTER $1200: "Fern Hill" poet who won the 1929 Nobel Prize after writing "Death in Venice" Dylan Thomas Mann
#4611, aired 2004-09-27TOUGH LIT $2000: In 1929 the Nobel Prize for Literature was bestowed on this "Magic Mountain" author Thomas Mann
#4393, aired 2003-10-15AWARDS $1,000 (Daily Double): Thomas Mann won the prize named for this German author in 1949, his bicentennial Goethe
#4340, aired 2003-06-13WORLD OF AUTHORS $800: Thomas Mann Germany
#4214, aired 2002-12-19WORLD OF AUTHORS $2000: The main character in his 1947 novel "Doktor Faustus" is a German composer named Adrian Leverkuhn Thomas Mann
#4165, aired 2002-10-11LAST LINES $800: Thomas Mann work that ends, "A shocked and respectful world received the news of his decease" Death in Venice
#4145, aired 2002-09-13LITERARY TRANSLATIONS $800: Thomas Mann's thrill ride... er... read: "Der Zauberberg" The Magic Mountain
#3737, aired 2000-11-28LITERARY TRANSLATIONS $800: Not a Roman holiday for Thomas Mann, "Der Tod in Venedig" "Death in Venice"
#3690, aired 2000-09-22TOMMY ROT! $500: In 1955 this novelist wasn't buried at "Magic Mountain" but in Kilchberg, near Zurich Thomas Mann
#3305, aired 1999-01-08"DEATH" PENALTY $800: An author's last Italian holiday is the subject of this Thomas Mann novella Death in Venice
#3213, aired 1998-07-15BOOKS FOR THE BRAVE $800: It's a lot easier to finish this author's "Death in Venice" than his "Dr. Faustus" Thomas Mann
#3019, aired 1997-10-16THE WRITE BROTHERS $400: The younger brother of novelist Heinrich Mann, he wrote "Joseph and His Brothers" Thomas Mann
#2841, aired 1996-12-30LITERATURE $1000: "Buddenbrooks" was the first important novel by this 20th century German author Thomas Mann
#2623, aired 1996-01-17LITERATURE $800: Thomas Mann story published as "Der Tod in Venedig" in 1912; it didn't appear in English until 1925 Death in Venice
#2485, aired 1995-05-26AUTHORS $1000: "Joseph and His Brothers" is a tetralogy of novels by this German who also wrote "Death in Venice" Thomas Mann
#2405, aired 1995-02-03WORLD LITERATURE $200: Heinrich Mann, this novelist's brother, wrote the novel on which the film "The Blue Angel" was based Thomas Mann
#2336, aired 1994-10-31WORLD LITERATURE $1000: "Little Herr Friedemann" was this "Buddenbrooks" author's 1st collection of short stories Thomas Mann
#2297, aired 1994-09-06WORLD LITERATURE $600: This "Faust" author is the hero of Thomas Mann's novel "The Beloved Returns" Goethe
#2266, aired 1994-06-13LITERATURE $800: This Thomas Mann novella was originally published in German as "Der Tod in Venedig" Death in Venice
#1771, aired 1992-04-20OPERA $600: A Thomas Mann novella was the source for Benjamin Britten's last opera, "Death in" this city Venice
#1625, aired 1991-09-27LITERATURE $800: Thomas Mann's novel titled "Der Zauberberg" translates to "The Magic" this The Magic Mountain
#1589, aired 1991-06-27AUTHORS $400: W.H. Auden married Erika Mann, this novelist's daughter, so she could leave Nazi Germany Thomas Mann
#1545, aired 1991-04-26LITERATURE $1000: Gustav von Aschenbach, the hero of this Thomas Mann novelette, dies of the plague in Italy Death in Venice
#1483, aired 1991-01-30HISTORICAL NOVELS $1000: A brief episode in Goethe's life inspired this "Death in Venice" author to write "Lotte in Weimar" Thomas Mann
#1320, aired 1990-05-04WORLD LITERATURE $300: In German, the title of this Thomas Mann novella is "Der Tod in Venedig" "Death In Venice"
#1281, aired 1990-03-12IT'S "MAGIC" $500: Thomas Mann's classic story of a young man's 7-year stay at a sanitarium "The Magic Mountain"
#1230, aired 1989-12-29WORLD LITERATURE $1000: "Joseph & His Brothers", a group of novels based on a Bible story, is this German author's longest work Thomas Mann
#1025, aired 1989-02-03LITERATURE $1000: His famous story "Death in Venice" opens in Munich, not in Italy Thomas Mann
#931, aired 1988-09-26AUTHORS $300: The 1988 Pulitzer Prize for Biography went to "Look Homeward: A Life of" this man Thomas Wolfe
#782, aired 1988-01-19AUTHORS $200: In 1936, W.H. Auden married Thomas Mann's daughter so she could escape this country Nazi Germany
#777, aired 1988-01-12LITERATURE $400: Thomas Mann's "Magic Mountain" is set in a Swiss sanatorium for this disease tuberculosis
#534, aired 1986-12-25FICTIONAL CHARACTERS $800: In 1912 Thomas Mann novella, Gustav von Aschenbach is killed by an epidemic in this city Venice
#160, aired 1985-04-191933 $200: In Berlin, in May, this was done to works of Freud, Einstein and Thomas Mann, among others burning

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (1 result returned)

#1832, aired 1992-07-14GERMAN AUTHORS: Composer Paul Dukas based "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" on a story by this poet, novelist & scientist Goethe

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