Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (25 results returned)

#9101, aired 2024-05-13COLONIAL AMERICA $800: New York's colonial village of Bedford is today joined in a neighborhood name with this last Dutch governor of New Amsterdam Stuyvesant
#19, aired 2023-05-24NATIONAL HISTORICAL PARKS $1600: A historical park devoted to the whaling industry in this Massachusetts city features a museum & the schooner Ernestina New Bedford
#8223, aired 2020-05-27YO HO HO $600: "They send you to New Bedford" in "Blow Ye Winds", a song about this maritime activity whaling
#7808, aired 2018-07-18"NEW" GEOGRAPHY $1000: In the 1800s this Massachusetts city was the world's leading whaling port New Bedford
#7583, aired 2017-07-26A TALE OF "NEW" CITIES $1600: An annual "Moby Dick" marathon takes place at this Massachusetts city's whaling museum New Bedford
#6628, aired 2013-06-12NATIONAL HISTORICAL PARKS $800: A New Bedford, Massachusetts park commemorates this 19th c. industry with a museum & a schooner whaling
#6194, aired 2011-07-14THE NEW YORK TIMES THEATER $1600: The Times said Brian Bedford as Lady Bracknell is "the highlight" of the "effervescent" 2011 revival of this Wilde comedy The Importance of Being Earnest
#5984, aired 2010-09-23ONE HOT TOWN $800: On Aug. 2, 1975 it was wicked hot in New Bedford in this state--1070! I nearly keeled ovah in the yahd! Massachusetts
#5760, aired 2009-10-02MOBY DICK $1000: The ominously named Peter Coffin owns the Spouter-Inn in this "New" Massachusetts whaling port New Bedford
#5735, aired 2009-07-10FAMOUS TRIALS $400: Exhibits in her 1893 trial in New Bedford, Mass., included her parents' skulls & the head of a hatchet Lizzie Borden
#5489, aired 2008-06-19HERE'S THE STORY $200: The narrator opens this 1851 tale (tail?) with a demand; leaves New Bedford; has some ocean trouble Moby-Dick
#5205, aired 2007-04-06MASSACHUSETTS $1200: Nye Lubricants, founded in New Bedford in 1844, sold the USA's last bottle of this type of oil in 1978 whale oil
#3938, aired 2001-10-17U.S. MEMORIALS $800: The fisherman's memorial seen here is in this Massachusetts city Gloucester
#3763, aired 2001-01-03NORTHWESTERN INDIANS $600: The Nootka were expert at this activity of which New Bedford became the world's center Whaling
#3468, aired 1999-10-06LITERARY LOCALES $400: In "Moby Dick", the Pequod sails from this "New" Massachusetts seaport New Bedford
#3264, aired 1998-11-12"NEW" ENGLAND $600: This Massachusetts city on Buzzards Bay was a major whaling port in the 19th century New Bedford
#3076, aired 1998-01-05"NEW" GEOGRAPHY $400: Over 1/3 of the residents of this former whaling port of Mass. are of Portuguese ancestry New Bedford
#3025, aired 1997-10-24YOU COULD PUT AN EYE OUT $200: The New Bedford, Mass. blacksmith Lewis Temple developed the toggle type of this weapon harpoon
#2445, aired 1995-03-31ESCAPES $400: In 1838 this black abolitionist & author escaped from slavery to New Bedford, Massachusetts Frederick Douglass
#2161, aired 1994-01-17FAMOUS BELAS $1000: Bela Pratt sculpted the Whaleman Statue for this "New" Massachusetts city on Buzzard's Bay New Bedford
#2078, aired 1993-09-22U.S.A. $400: In the 1850s this "New" Massachusetts city was the whaling capital of the world New Bedford
#1520, aired 1991-03-22AMERICANA $800: Though the crime was committed in Fall River, New Bedford, Mass., was the site of her 1893 murder trial Lizzie Borden
#1041, aired 1989-02-27WHAT'S "NEW" $1000: This Mass. city's yearly fish catch has the highest value of any U.S. city New Bedford
#557, aired 1987-01-27"NEW" CITIES $800: In revenue, this Massachusetts city is the USA's leading fishing port New Bedford
#116, aired 1985-02-18WORLD CITIES $800: Real Massachusetts city that was home port to fictional ship the "Pequod" New Bedford

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

Players (15 results returned)

Chris Rodrigues, a personal banking representative from New Bedford, Massachusetts Season 26 3-time champion: $41,498 + $2,000. Last name pronounced like...
Andrew Nelson, an antiquarian bookseller from New Bedford, Massachusetts Season 30 1-time champion: $12,000 + $1,000.
Caleb Richmond, a sophomore at Georgetown University from Bedford, New Hampshire \"In 2018, he became a semifinalist representing Bedford, New Hampshire. He\'s...
Katherine Philbin, a homemaker from Bedford, New Hampshire Season 28 player (2011-11-23).
Rick Walsh, an attorney from Bedford, New Hampshire Season 23 player (2006-10-23).
Ken Sansone, an assistant attorney general from Bedford, New Hampshire Season 32 1-time champion: $15,900 + $1,000.
Caleb Richmond, a sophomore from Bedford, New Hampshire 2023 High School Reunion Tournament semifinalist: $10,000. 2018 Teen Tournament semifinalist:...
Max Wagner, an eleven-year-old from Bedford, New York "He thinks insects are beautiful and can't wait to discover new...
Kate Martin, a researcher and editor from New Bedford, Massachusetts Season 19 player (2002-10-08).
Tony Barreto, a deputy district attorney originally from New Bedford, Massachusetts Season 3 player (1986-09-11): Ricci's Art Deco Collection heavy silver-plated flatware...
Mark Eckard, a software designer from Bedford, Massachusetts 2005 Ultimate Tournament of Champions Round 1 winner: $35,600. 2001 Tournament...
Dexter Kelly, a research analyst originally from Bedford, New York Season 12 player (1996-06-04).
Ellen Brandt, a journalist from Bedford, New York Season 9 player (1992-10-12).
Garry Weischedel, a physician from Bedford, New Hampshire Season 9 1-time champion: $19,700 + Jeopardy! '92 home game.
Linda Lin, a computer consultant and trainer from Bedford, New Hampshire Season 18 player (2001-11-22).

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