Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (15 results returned)

#9180, aired 2024-10-11MAKE IT SINGULAR $200: Alumni (7 letters) alumnus
#9180, aired 2024-10-11MAKE IT SINGULAR $400: Bison bison
#9180, aired 2024-10-11MAKE IT SINGULAR $600: Strata stratum
#9180, aired 2024-10-11MAKE IT SINGULAR $800: Codices codex
#9180, aired 2024-10-11MAKE IT SINGULAR $1000: Graffiti: graffiti or this graffito
#8636, aired 2022-05-09MAKE IT SINGULAR $400: Dice die
#8636, aired 2022-05-09MAKE IT SINGULAR $800: Apices apex
#8636, aired 2022-05-09MAKE IT SINGULAR $1200: Criteria criterion
#8636, aired 2022-05-09MAKE IT SINGULAR $1600: Errata erratum
#8636, aired 2022-05-09MAKE IT SINGULAR $2000: Corpora corpus
#5202, aired 2007-04-03MAKE IT SINGULAR $400: Moose moose
#5202, aired 2007-04-03MAKE IT SINGULAR $800: Alumni, like some fraternity boys alum (or alumnus)
#5202, aired 2007-04-03MAKE IT SINGULAR $1200: Criteria criterion
#5202, aired 2007-04-03MAKE IT SINGULAR $1600: The verb exeunt exit
#5202, aired 2007-04-03MAKE IT SINGULAR $2000: A military term: phalanges phalanx

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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