Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (13 results returned)

#9128, aired 2024-06-19RUSSIAN LINGO $1600: Meaning "assembly", this type of council constitutes the lower house of the Russian Parliament the Duma
#8731, aired 2022-10-31A PARLIAMENT OF VOWELS $2000: Established in 1905 by Nicholas II: UA Duma
#8125, aired 2019-12-27THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONS $1600: The Russian revolution saw this 4-letter legislative body fade away the Duma
#7630, aired 2017-11-10DEMOCRATS $1000: In 2016 the Liberal Democratic Party won 39 of 450 seats in Russia's state this, a word meaning "deliberation" duma
#6956, aired 2014-12-08THE NICK OF TIME $200: In 1905 this czar reluctantly said OK to creating a national representative assembly called the Duma Nicholas II
#6785, aired 2014-02-28RUSSIAN TO JUDGMENT $1000: The 2013 vote in this parliamentary house for a bill that banned telling minors about gay life was 436-0 the Duma
#5117, aired 2006-12-05WORLD LEADERS $200: His removal of opposing Duma members & jailing of tycoons has made some fearful for democracy (Vladimir) Putin
#4902, aired 2005-12-27THE WINTER PALACE $1200: In 1917 Russia's provisional govt. met in the Winter Palace's Malachite Room after this parliament was dissolved the Duma
#3643, aired 2000-06-07PARLIAMENTS $800: In 1905 this czar established Russia's parliament, the Duma, which also means "thought" Nicholas II
#2082, aired 1993-09-28HISTORY $500: On March 3, 1905 this czar agreed to create a Russian national assembly, the Duma Nicholas II
#1317, aired 1990-05-01HISTORY $3,000 (Daily Double): This czar established a parliament called the Duma Nicholas II
#866, aired 1988-05-164-LETTER WORDS $800: Between 1905 & 1917, this Russian legislative body was dissolved 4 times Duma
#550, aired 1987-01-16POLI SCI $1000: Russian term for a council or deliberative body Duma or Soviet

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