Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (1000 results returned) (search results maxed out)

#26, aired 2024-05-08ON THE DIRECTOR'S RÉSUMÉ $400: He gave us the 1979 short "Last Hustle in Brooklyn" & the 1994 semi-autobiographical "Crooklyn" Spike Lee
#25, aired 2024-05-08NORTH AMERICAN COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES $2000: Hail SRU, short for for this university meaning "hail holy queen", & its campus of Gilded Age buildings in Newport, Rhode Island Salve Regina
#24, aired 2024-05-06EXCESSIVE CELEBRATION $800: I jumped for joy when my team scored a TD to win the big game, but blew out my MCL, short for this body part the medial collateral ligament
#9095, aired 2024-05-03POETS & POETRY $2000: Though it's often printed broken into short lines, his "No man is an island" is a prose passage; "Air & Angels", that's a poem John Donne
#9094, aired 2024-05-02FAST &/OR FURIOUS $400: Jetting across the Atlantic at Mach 2.04, the Concorde was an SST, short for this type of transport supersonic transport
#21, aired 2024-05-01INTERNET SLANG $800: NPC, short for this, can be a diss for someone you regard as one of the sheeple non-player character
#9091, aired 2024-04-29TELEVISION $1200: Linda Cardellini & John Francis Daley attended William McKinley High School on this short-lived series Freaks and Geeks
#9088, aired 2024-04-24ESSAYS $800: In 1850 Herman Melville wrote an essay on this author's short stories, including "Young Goodman Brown" Nathaniel Hawthorne
#9087, aired 2024-04-23THE PICTURE OF SOMEONE NAMED GREY $400: This woman, who had a short reign in England, was executed in 1553, along with her husband of less than a year Jane Grey
#9087, aired 2024-04-23CULTURE, POPULARLY $1000: Heirs get split one by one in this 2023 Netflix miniseries based on a Poe short story & starring Mary McDonnell as Madeline The Fall of the House of Usher
#9080, aired 2024-04-12WE'VE GOT TODAY'S HITS $200: Tim McGraw hit the Hot 100 wanting to "live a life so when I die, there's" this crowd situation, SRO for short standing room only
#9077, aired 2024-04-09NOBEL PRIZES $2000: The 2013 Lit Prize went to this Canadian for her mastery of the short story (Alice) Munro
#9075, aired 2024-04-05IN THIS ECONOMY?! $1600: 2 individuals deal with each other directly vs. using a 3rd party in buying goods & services in this economy, P2P for short peer-to-peer
#9074, aired 2024-04-04TRAIN TALES $800: Elmore Leonard sold his 1953 short story "Three-Ten to" this city to Dime Western Magazine Yuma
#9072, aired 2024-04-02ASTRONOMY $1600: Whether you answer the short way or the long way, Jupiter is still 5.2 of these measurements from the Sun an AU (astronomical units)
#9070, aired 2024-03-29THE ANCIENTS SPEAK $200: You get an "A" if you know that Horace described this emotion as "a short madness" anger
#9070, aired 2024-03-29A WARMING TREND $1600: One recipe from the Russian Tea Room for hot this soup includes 5 ounces of beets as well as short ribs & pork butt borscht
#9069, aired 2024-03-28SCIENCE $2000: CMEs for short, these blasts from the aura of plasma around the Sun can occur with solar flares coronal mass ejections
#9067, aired 2024-03-26SHORT SHAKESPEARE $400: Macduff's lordly title "of Fife" thane
#9067, aired 2024-03-26SHORT SHAKESPEARE $800: Prospero's daughter Miranda
#9067, aired 2024-03-26SHORT SHAKESPEARE $1200: He says, "Fly not, stand still: ambition's debt is paid" Brutus
#9067, aired 2024-03-26SHORT SHAKESPEARE $1600: Half brothers who duel in "King Lear" Edgar & Edmund
#9067, aired 2024-03-26SHORT SHAKESPEARE $2000: Saintly day of Henry V's stirring speech St. Crispin's Day
#9066, aired 2024-03-25SAY IT IN LATIN $2000: Q.E.D. is short for this, meaning "which was to be demonstrated" quod erat demonstrandum
#9065, aired 2024-03-22NONFICTION $800: Stephen Hawking gave us "A Brief History of Time" & this American-born writer gave us "A Short History of Nearly Everything" (Bill) Bryson
#9064, aired 2024-03-21THE LOCALS $1200: B.R. Ambedkar was a leader of the people called Untouchables, Dalits or SC, short for "Scheduled" this; he urged them to move to cities Castes
#9063, aired 2024-03-20FIRST NAMES $600: Owl tell you right now, Hedy, as in Hedy Lamarr, was short for this German name Hedwig
#9062, aired 2024-03-19MIND THE GAP $400: The Gap stores hit Wall Street in 1976 with an IPO, short for this, of $18 an initial public offering
#9062, aired 2024-03-19NEWER MACHINES & INVENTIONS $600: The IoT is short for this, which connects commonplace items to the web & collects data the Internet of Things
#9059, aired 2024-03-14KHAN YOU DIG IT? $400: In 2021 Lina Khan began serving as chair of this agency, FTC for short the Federal Trade Commission
#9059, aired 2024-03-14HEALTH & MEDICINE $1000: Most recover fully from this syndrome, GBS for short, that affects the peripheral nervous system & is named for 2 French Drs. Guillain-Barré
#9058, aired 2024-03-13SKY & SEA $800: The EPA gives us the AQI, short for this index, which goes from "good" to "hazardous" Air Quality Index
#9057, aired 2024-03-12LITERARY TITLE ADJECTIVES $600: A classic 1924 short story: "The Most ____ Game" Dangerous
#9057, aired 2024-03-12INVESTING & BUSINESS TERMS $600: For a sales team, the number of contracts signed per quarter might be one of these indicators, KPI for short a key performance indicator
#9057, aired 2024-03-12INVESTING & BUSINESS TERMS $1000: The VIX, short for this, is a predictor of how fast stock market prices change volatility index
#9056, aired 2024-03-11WORLD OF LIT $2000: The short story collection "Face to Face" was the first book by this South African woman who won a 1991 Nobel Prize Nadine Gordimer
#9056, aired 2024-03-11IT'S CURTAINS $2000: Her first short story collection, "A Curtain of Green", contains her most famous story, "Why I Live at the P.O." Welty
#9055, aired 2024-03-08SUFFIXES $200: It's the very short, Arabic-influenced suffix that makes a demonym (a nationality noun) from Yemen or Pakistan I
#9052, aired 2024-03-05HAVE FAITH $4,400 (Daily Double): After writing the name of a prophet, English-speaking Muslims write this, "PBUH" for short peace be upon him
#9049, aired 2024-02-29SCI. ABBR. $800: sec is short for this trig function secant
#9049, aired 2024-02-29SCI. ABBR. $1600: If you're a web developer, you probably use HTML (HyperText Markup Language) & CSS, short for this Cascading Style Sheets
#9049, aired 2024-02-29SCI. ABBR. $2000: PTX can be short for this condition of air in the pleural space a pneumothorax
#9049, aired 2024-02-29SCI. ABBR. $3,200 (Daily Double): C is short for this unit of electric charge named for a French physicist a coulomb
#9047, aired 2024-02-27A NICE SHORT STORY SPOILED $400: After a long, unplanned but very restful nap away from the fam in an 1819 tale, he finds he just likes being single again Rip Van Winkle
#9047, aired 2024-02-27A NICE SHORT STORY SPOILED $800: Take the rest of the day off, Columbo--the murderer gives himself up in this Poe story by offering up a body part "The Tell-Tale Heart"
#9047, aired 2024-02-27A NICE SHORT STORY SPOILED $1200: Why, this "Celebrated" amphibian "weigh five pound" & "belched out a double handful of shot" the jumping frog of Calaveras County
#9047, aired 2024-02-27A NICE SHORT STORY SPOILED $1600: In this John Cheever story, Neddy makes his way pool by pool to his own home but like his life, it's dark & empty "The Swimmer"
#9047, aired 2024-02-27A NICE SHORT STORY SPOILED $2000: Turns out O. Henry's "Ransom of" him ends up costing the kidnappers $250 just to get the dad to take the kid off their hands "The Ransom of Red Chief"
#9044, aired 2024-02-2240 YEARS AGO: 1984 $400: Bob Woodward's "Wired: The Short Life & Fast Times of" this comic offended some of its subject's friends & family John Belushi
#9043, aired 2024-02-21IT'S REIGNING MEN! $200: In a job that does not seem short of perks, the king of this nation hands each Nobel laureate a diploma & a medal annually Sweden
#9038, aired 2024-02-14"AMERICAN" ORGANIZATIONS $1200: This organization, the AOS for short, is literally for the birds the American Ornithological Society
#9035, aired 2024-02-09LET'S HAVE A WORD $800: Want the perk of being respected for your vocabulary? Then show us you know that "perk" is short for this small privilege perquisite
#9033, aired 2024-02-07LITERATURE BINGO $600: "O" (No!), 1898: William S. Porter was convicted of embezzlement; after prison, he put out short stories under this name O. Henry
#9031, aired 2024-02-05THE "ARE" YOU BREATHE $3,000 (Daily Double): "Ruffles And Flourishes" is one of these short pieces of music played prior to "Hail To The Chief" for the president fanfare
#3, aired 2024-02-02SCIENTIFIC & MEDICAL ABBREVIATIONS $400: Fast or slow, HR or HRT is short for this heart rate
#9027, aired 2024-01-30HARLEM HELLFIGHTERS $600: (Robin Roberts presents the clue.) After facing racial discrimination near their training facility in South Carolina in 1917, the Harlem Hellfighters were among the first U.S. units to ship to France as they joined this vast body of troops--AEF for short the American Expeditionary Force
#9025, aired 2024-01-26GAS EVERYWHERE $2000: Emitted from trash mountains, these gases, LFGs for short, are a natural byproduct of organic decomposition landfill gases
#9024, aired 2024-01-25WHAT DO "U" STAND FOR? $2000: What used to be called UFOs are now UAPs short for this 3-word phrase unidentified aerial (anomalous) phenomena
#9023, aired 2024-01-24BAD BLOOD $200: In the aplastic form of this condition, AA for short, your bone marrow doesn't make enough new blood cells aplastic anemia
#9021, aired 2024-01-22SHORT STORIES $400: Agatha Christie's "The Tuesday Club Murders" features 13 tales of this sleuth & her friends sharing crime stories Miss Marple
#9021, aired 2024-01-22SHORT STORIES $800: In Ray Bradbury's tale "A Sound of Thunder", the crushing of this insect "effected" the future a butterfly
#9021, aired 2024-01-22SHORT STORIES $1200: His "The Pastures of Heaven" contained stories about the people of a fictional valley based on the Salinas Valley Steinbeck
#9021, aired 2024-01-22SHORT STORIES $1600: "A Perfect Day for Bananafish" & "The Laughing Man" are some of his stories featuring the Glass family, not the Caulfields Salinger
#9021, aired 2024-01-22SHORT STORIES $2000: Kristen Roupenian's 2017 tale about a date gone wrong, it became a 2023 movie with new events dreamed up by the screenwriter "Cat Person"
#9020, aired 2024-01-19NEWER WORDS & PHRASES $1200: Similar to LOL, IJBOL is short for "I just" did this burst out laughing
#9019, aired 2024-01-18TAKE IT BACK! $1000: TBTN for short, this movement against sexual violence has been marching since the 1970s Take Back the Night
#2, aired 2024-01-12A GENRE CATEGORY $400: Sitcom is short for this situational comedy
#9013, aired 2024-01-10TEX & THE CITY $200: Luke Short killed Jim Courtright in an 1887 duel in the streets of this Texas town, now half of the Dallas "Metroplex" Fort Worth
#9013, aired 2024-01-10BOOKS & AUTHORS $800: The 11th & last short story in Annie Proulx' collection "Close Range" is titled this peak "Brokeback Mountain"
#9011, aired 2024-01-08ITALIAN LITERATURE $400: Matteo Bandello's short stories inspired a number of Shakespeare's plays, including this Verona-set tragedy Romeo and Juliet
#9011, aired 2024-01-08PRESIDENTIAL DOGS $1,000 (Daily Double): Portie for short, it's the 3-word breed of the Obamas' beloved Sunny the Portuguese Water Dog
#9001, aired 2023-12-25LET ME PHRASE IT THIS WAY $800: The pleasure of not being part of a trend can be expressed as JOMO, short for this the joy of missing out
#8998, aired 2023-12-20GOING TO THE DOG BREED WORDS $1600: A short piece of advice on how to do something, or a long stick used to note an item a pointer
#8996, aired 2023-12-18"P" IN FASHION $200: It's the spritely name for a very short hairstyle that's worn close to the head & combed in points around the face a pixie
#8994, aired 2023-12-14LITERATURE $1000: In this 1948 Shirley Jackson short story, a village selects a sacrificial stoning victim to ensure a good harvest "The Lottery"
#8986, aired 2023-12-042 IN THE BUSH $800: In the names of both the Presidents Bush, "W" is short for this Walker
#8986, aired 2023-12-04MATH $1600: The area of a parallelogram equals b times h, short for these 2 measures base & height
#8985, aired 2023-12-01PUNNY & NOT-PUNNY DEFINITIONS $400: "The period before a short stroll", or the introductory statement of the U.S. Constitution a preamble
#8985, aired 2023-12-01OK, CORRAL ME $2000: Don't worry, I show no signs of this, FMD for short--the U.S. hasn't had an outbreak since 1929 & let's keep it that way foot-and-mouth disease
#8984, aired 2023-11-30ECON 101 $800: "Diminutive" term for selling unowned stock shares on the gamble that the price will fall to short
#8983, aired 2023-11-29METRICKY PROBLEMS $400: 32,000 ounces make a short one; 3,274 more make a metric one a ton
#8982, aired 2023-11-28PEACE, LOVE & UNDERSTANDING $2000: Habitat for Humanity's program of short-term international trips is called "Global" this Global Village
#8981, aired 2023-11-27EVERYBODY LOVES RAIMENT $1200: LBD is short for this, a wardrobe staple in women's closets a little black dress
#8970, aired 2023-11-10GOLF $600: Sand & pitching are common varieties of these irons used to loft short shots a wedge
#8969, aired 2023-11-09OSCAR-WINNING SCREENPLAYS $1200: 1950: Joseph Mankiewicz, from the short story "The Wisdom of Eve" All About Eve
#8967, aired 2023-11-07DEATH $600: Docs recommend babies sleep on their backs or sides to ward off this, SIDS for short sudden infant death syndrome
#8967, aired 2023-11-07LATIN PHRASES $1000: i.e. is short for this, meaning "that is" id est
#8965, aired 2023-11-03HOSPITALS $400: Sylvia Plath worked as a secretary at this hospital, MGH for short Massachusetts General Hospital
#19, aired 2023-11-01HORSE, HOG, OR DOG $1500: The large black & the large white hog
#8962, aired 2023-10-31WORDS IN HALLOWEEN $800: It may be short-eared or great horned an owl
#8961, aired 2023-10-30NON-NAUGHTY WORDS $1000: That's a load of this, a short "riding" whip crop
#8960, aired 2023-10-27THE "LONG" & "SHORT" OF IT $200: At 29 feet, 4 1/2 inches, Mike Powell holds the world record for this the long jump
#8960, aired 2023-10-27THE "LONG" & "SHORT" OF IT $400: "The Lottery" or "The Gold-Bug" short stories (short fiction)
#8960, aired 2023-10-27THE "LONG" & "SHORT" OF IT $600: Traditionally, the main ingredients in these Scottish cookies are flour, sugar & an ample amount of butter shortbread
#8960, aired 2023-10-27THE "LONG" & "SHORT" OF IT $800: Tinker, of "Tinker to Evers to Chance", was one of these a shortstop
#8960, aired 2023-10-27THE "LONG" & "SHORT" OF IT $1000: This California port city is home to an aquarium & the Queen Mary Long Beach
#8956, aired 2023-10-23A WOMAN OF THE WORLD $400: An Asian prime minister for 15 years, she was called "Indu" for short Indira Gandhi
#8956, aired 2023-10-23NO, I DON'T NEED A DOCTOR $800: It's a term for a short-tempered person, not a feverish condition felt above the eyebrows hot-headed
#8954, aired 2023-10-19AIR APPARENT $2000: PM is short for this, which can be composed of soot, smoke or dust in the air particulate matter
#8951, aired 2023-10-16CHANGE A LETTER $400: We won't dance around it, this app says it "is the leading destination for short-form mobile video" TikTok
#8950, aired 2023-10-13VOCABULARY $400: Now found in some dictionaries, IMHO, when used in emails & texting, is short for this phrase in my honest opinion (or in my humble opinion)
#8945, aired 2023-10-06SWORDS $800: Also a car from Oldsmobile, it was a short sword with a curved blade that was favored by sailors & pirates cutlass
#15, aired 2023-10-04BYGONE TECH $600: It may have been so long since you've sent a fax that you forgot that "fax" is short for this word facsimile
#14, aired 2023-09-27POST-APOCALYPTIC POP CULTURE $1000: Kevin Costner starred in two post-apocalyptic films in the 1990s: "Waterworld" and this misfire about a nameless drifter The Postman
#8932, aired 2023-09-19MAILED IT! $5,000 (Daily Double): RFD, short for this, began in 1896; previously, about 65% of Americans lived in the "R" area & had to pick up mail at the P.O. Rural Free Delivery
#8926, aired 2023-09-11HONORARY HARLEM GLOBETROTTERS $2000: Nixon's Secretary of State, he worried about how he would "look in short pants" when he was made an honorary Globetrotter (Henry) Kissinger
#8925, aired 2023-07-28IF YOU KNOW WHAT'S GOOD FOR YOU $1600: Short on time but want to get in a good workout? Some people enjoy this form of exercise, HIIT for short, but don't overdo it high intensity interval training
#8924, aired 2023-07-27RETITLED MOVIE ADAPTATIONS $800: Cornell Woolrich's short story "It Had to Be Murder" became this Hitchcock film with Jimmy Stewart in the cast & in a cast Rear Window
#8923, aired 2023-07-26BRACE FOR LANDING $400: A flight path takes you between mountains and leads to a short runway at India's Leh Airport in this 1,500-mile-long range the Himalayas
#8922, aired 2023-07-25SOMETHING'S ROTTEN $1000: After the Sex Pistols, Johnny Rotten, now John Lydon, fronted this band, PiL for short Public Image Ltd
#8920, aired 2023-07-21THAT HOLLOW FEELING $800: This barrel-shaped vessel used to hold liquids got title billing in a short story with regard to Amontillado cask
#8916, aired 2023-07-17FISH PEOPLE $200: A 19th century man named Preserved Fish was an early broker for what became NYSE for short the New York Stock Exchange
#8915, aired 2023-07-14SCIENCE $1200: The synthetic slippery resin polytetrafluoro-ethylene, or PTFE for short, has been trademarked under this name Teflon
#8914, aired 2023-07-13EAT IT! WEAR IT! OR SIT ON IT! $800: To wear, it's a comfy piece of around-the-house footwear; to sit on, it's a short-legged, armless chair a slipper
#8913, aired 2023-07-12DOUBLE-VOWEL PLACES $800: Dumbo, which, as you can see, is short for Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass is a neighborhood in this borough Brooklyn
#8913, aired 2023-07-12"HIGH" THERE $800: Floods is another way to say this slang term for pants that are too short high waters
#8910, aired 2023-07-07ONLY ONE CONSONANT $1600: Get the door--it's grandpa's HCA, short for home care this aide
#8908, aired 2023-07-05MATH ABBREVIATIONS & SYMBOLS $1200: 2 positive integers are considered relatively prime if their GCD, short for this, equals 1 greatest common denominator (or divisor)
#8905, aired 2023-06-30POP EYE $2000: Later a movie title, this collection of short stories was subtitled "Five Secret Occasions in the Life of James Bond" For Your Eyes Only
#8904, aired 2023-06-29HISTORIC SHORTS $400: Curthose, the nickname of Robert, a duke of Normandy & son of this conqueror, meant something like "short stockings" William the Conqueror
#8904, aired 2023-06-29HISTORIC SHORTS $800: This "Short" king III ruled the Franks from 751 to 768 Pepin
#8904, aired 2023-06-29HISTORIC SHORTS $1600: It was no longer Short King Spring in May 1946 when King Victor Emmanuel III, aka "Little Saber", abdicated the throne of this country Italy
#8904, aired 2023-06-29HISTORIC SHORTS $2000: The about 2-day reign of Sultan Khalid bin Barghash of this Tanzanian island included a short war against the British Empire Zanzibar
#8903, aired 2023-06-28POLICY $600: The first SALT treaties limited the use of these, ABMs for short anti-ballistic missiles
#8900, aired 2023-06-23BOOKS & AUTHORS $600: In books by Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson's first name is short for this one from mythology Perseus
#8899, aired 2023-06-22MED. ABBREV. $200: To decrease swelling from an injury, a doctor may order you to be on BR, short for this bed rest
#8897, aired 2023-06-20NONPROFITS $1000: Underinsured folks can get help from the PAN Foundation, with PAN short for this person "Access Network" Patient
#8896, aired 2023-06-19"F"IVE LETTER WORDS $200: Aesop knows it's a short narrative often making an edifying point a fable
#8894, aired 2023-06-15FACT: NONFICTION $1200: Dearest Helga, my time grows short; "Our America" is "A Photographic History" from this TV documentarian of the Civil War Ken Burns
#8894, aired 2023-06-15PHYSICS & ENERGY $2000: Menlo Park, California has a 2-mile-long linac, short for this structure, to crack the secrets of matter a linear accelerator
#8891, aired 2023-06-12HANG UP YOUR TV REBOOTS $400: Jack Bauer didn't appear in the short-lived reboot of this show that took place in 2016 as Sgt. Eric Carter was on the clock 24
#8891, aired 2023-06-12HANG UP YOUR TV REBOOTS $1600: "New Blood" was a fitting title for the Showtime reboot of the antics of this serial killer, but it was cut short after one season Dexter
#8891, aired 2023-06-12HEALTH & MEDICINE $2000: ECT is short for this brain stimulation therapy used to treat severe depression & bipolar disorder electroconvulsive therapy
#8890, aired 2023-06-09EPONYMOUS SCIENCE $1600: The Drake equation, which estimates the number of advanced alien civilizations in our galaxy, was created as part of SETI, short for this search for extraterrestrial intelligence
#8889, aired 2023-06-08BIG & LIL POP CULTURE $400: Ryan Gosling & Christian Bale see bad times ahead in this 2015 movie about mortgage banking & more The Big Short
#8889, aired 2023-06-08HAIRY STYLES $800: This short style named for its origin among rowers was popular with '50s guys a crew cut
#8888, aired 2023-06-07JOIN THE CLUB $2000: BRMC for short, this band gets its name from Marlon Brando's biker gang in "The Wild One" the Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
#8886, aired 2023-06-05CLASSIC CHILDREN'S BOOKS $200: This tale about Max & some monsters was later turned into a short opera featuring a libretto by Maurice Sendak Where the Wild Things Are
#8883, aired 2023-05-31COUNTRIES IN SHORT $200: Malawi is "The warm heart of" this landmass Africa
#8883, aired 2023-05-31COUNTRIES IN SHORT $400: A tourism slogan for this Middle East country is the "Land of Creation" Israel
#8883, aired 2023-05-31COUNTRIES IN SHORT $600: This type of area that you might visit in the Caribbean country of Antigua & Barbuda "is just the beginning" the beach
#8883, aired 2023-05-31COUNTRIES IN SHORT $800: Elevate your game in this nation, "The Pyrenean Country" Andorra
#8883, aired 2023-05-31COUNTRIES IN SHORT $1000: In a literary reference, a tourism slogan says, "Colombia is magical" this realism
#8879, aired 2023-05-25NUMERICAL WORDS & PHRASES $600: During the disco era in New York City, for the short time it was open from 1977 to 1980, this was the place to be Studio 54
#8877, aired 2023-05-23AVIATION $600: This term for a small plane used for short connecting flights sounds like it flies over small pools of water a puddle jumper
#18, aired 2023-05-23THE UNIVERSE WITH NEIL deGRASSE TYSON $200: (Neil deGrasse Tyson presents the clue.) It was controversial, but I supported the downgrading of Pluto to dwarf planet status by this body, the IAU for short the International Astronomical Union
#18, aired 2023-05-23EPONYMS $1600: CJD is short for this disease of the nervous system named for a pair of German neurologists Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
#8876, aired 2023-05-22RICE PUDDING $400: The type of rice named for & used for this food is short grain rice that's treated with vinegar, then fanned sushi
#8876, aired 2023-05-22RICE PUDDING $800: A shout-out from "Best American" these literary works made Joyce Carol Oates abandon her Rice University PhD in favor of writing short stories
#16, aired 2023-05-22THE MAXIMUM ALLOWED $2000: NASA raised the limit on radiation exposure for astronauts to 600 of these units, mSv for short millisieverts
#8875, aired 2023-05-19HIP-HOP NAMES $1200: Cameron Thomaz was known by a short form of "Wizard"; a relative added an Arabic word & now Cameron is him Wiz Khalifa
#8875, aired 2023-05-19THE HUMAN BODY $1600: Actually produced by the pituitary gland, the hormone TSH is short for this stimulating hormone thyroid
#8874, aired 2023-05-18IT ALL STARTS WITH "U" $400: Your sunscreen should provide protection from UVA & UVB rays, with UV short for this type of light ultraviolet
#14, aired 2023-05-17WORD ORIGINS $800: From the French, it's a street urchin; in the feminine form, it can mean a short-haired cutie a gamin
#9, aired 2023-05-15TECH TALK $200: John Romkey's 1990 computer-controlled toaster was a breakthrough in the IoT, short for this Internet of Things
#9, aired 2023-05-15ABBREV. $800: The dealer is legally free to sell at a lower or higher cost, but cars have an MSRP, short for this manufacturer's suggested retail price
#8869, aired 2023-05-11TRAVEL USA $200: On Oahu explore different Pacific island villages & exhibits at the PCC, short for this Cultural Center Polynesian
#8869, aired 2023-05-11LIONS & TIGERS & BEERS $600: The Great Lakes Brewing Company's Rye of the Tiger is an IPA, short for this India pale ale
#6, aired 2023-05-10LITTLE $400: A short remaining part in your checkbook, or a short Wikipedia article others may expand upon stub
#5, aired 2023-05-10DEALING WITH THE GOVERNMENT $1000: Sen. Chris Coons & Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester have a relatively short D.C. commute to this, their home state Delaware
#4, aired 2023-05-09LITERATURE $800: Poe's short story "The Murders" here marked the first appearance of the French detective C. Auguste Dupin in the Rue Morgue
#2, aired 2023-05-08"G.P." $1000: A character named Faith is the alter ego of this short story master who taught at Sarah Lawrence for decades Grace Paley
#2, aired 2023-05-08WOMEN WRITERS $1600: This magazine contributor, short-story author & poet once said, "I can't write five words but that I change seven" Dorothy Parker
#1, aired 2023-05-08A TRIP TO ASIA $800: Known locally as Dapsang, this very large mountain with a very short name rises from its base on the Godwin Austen Glacier K2
#8865, aired 2023-05-05IT'S A TV MYSTERY $200: "O.M.I.T.B." is short for this, a show & the podcast within it Only Murders in the Building
#8863, aired 2023-05-03THE "USS" $800: A few people on "Pawn Stars" have brought in this kind of centuries-old short-barreled gun a blunderbuss
#8862, aired 2023-05-02THAT'S SO "EXTRA" $800: ESP is short for this purported ability that includes mind reading & precognition extrasensory perception
#8857, aired 2023-04-25BAR LINES $200: Stella! Stelllla! Man, that music's loud tonight! I said I'd like a Stella Artois for my pal & this other beer, PBR for short, for me Pabst Blue Ribbon
#8852, aired 2023-04-18DEFINITIONS FROM THE DEVIL'S DICTIONARY $800: This variety of prose narrative: "a short story padded" a novel
#8846, aired 2023-04-10QUANTUM SCIENCE $800: (Spiros Michalakis presents the clue.) World Quantum Day is April 14th because Planck's constant, which is in constant use, rounds to 4.14 eV, short for electron this unit; it takes about 625 quintillion eV per second to light a 100-watt bulb volt
#8846, aired 2023-04-10AIR TRAVEL $800: You can't take off until this part of the plane, the MCD for short, is secured main cabin door
#8845, aired 2023-04-07THE SECRET OF ACRONYM $400: A series of nearby computers are connected to form a LAN, short for this local area network
#8845, aired 2023-04-07SCIENCE $400: Advanced microchips are produced using EUV light, short for extreme this, with wavelengths of 13.5 nanometers ultraviolet
#8845, aired 2023-04-07LIFE & DEATH IN LITERARY TITLES $400: "The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber" is a Hemingway tale of life & death on one of these African expeditions a safari
#8844, aired 2023-04-06& THEN THERE'S MOD $800: Stylist Leonard of Mayfair gave Lesley Hornby the short hairdo that made her a mod icon under this one name Twiggy
#8842, aired 2023-04-04SPORTS MEDICINE $400: To promote healing, some players receive PRP injections, short for "platelet-rich" this plasma
#8838, aired 2023-03-29SCIENCE INITIALS & ACRONYMS $400: Helping you walk & talk, CNS is short for this central nervous system
#8838, aired 2023-03-29SCIENCE INITIALS & ACRONYMS $1200: Once big in televisions, CRT is short for this cathode ray tube
#8835, aired 2023-03-24CATS: THE NON-MUSICAL $400: In 1878 this short-haired breed was imported into the U.S. from what is today Thailand, but not then Siamese
#8832, aired 2023-03-21THE 1980s $400: The ICTV, International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses, officially named the cause of AIDS HIV, short for this virus human immunodeficiency virus
#8832, aired 2023-03-21BOOKS: THE FUTURE IS NOW $2000: He saw 2024 as a hellish wasteland in his 1969 short story "A Boy & His Dog" Harlan Ellison
#8831, aired 2023-03-20SHORT STORY, SHORTER $400: Roderick, Madeline & their place itself don't make it to the end; after all, it is "The Fall of" this the House of Usher
#8831, aired 2023-03-20SHORT STORY, SHORTER $800: After a bad Hessian session, this schoolmaster is never seen in Sleepy Hollow again (Ichabod) Crane
#8831, aired 2023-03-20SHORT STORY, SHORTER $1200: Frank Stockton leaves it up to you--"Which came out of the opened door--the lady or" this? the tiger
#8831, aired 2023-03-20SHORT STORY, SHORTER $1600: A "Scrivener" hired to copy legal documents, he's an early advocate of quiet quitting, then quits life itself Bartleby
#8831, aired 2023-03-20SHORT STORY, SHORTER $2000: A Bierce last line--"Peyton Farquhar was dead; his body... swung gently... beneath the timbers of" this title structure Owl Creek Bridge
#8830, aired 2023-03-17TV, YOU SAY! $400: As Oliver, Martin Short has a shocking revelation on this Hulu show: "Rock icon Sting is a dog-poisoning murderer" Only Murders in the Building
#8827, aired 2023-03-14BANKING & FINANCE $2000: Come on get "A.P.Y."; A.P.Y. is short for this, money earned from a savings account over a specific amount of time annual percentage yield
#8824, aired 2023-03-09INSIDE BALLET & OPERA $2000: The opposite of legato, it's the term for the short, clipped articulation employed by opera singers staccato
#8823, aired 2023-03-08HEALTH & MEDICINE $1600: As of July 2022 help is only a short phone call away with this 3-digit number to the National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline 988
#8819, aired 2023-03-02TRANSPORT OVER THE AGES $800: America's first commercial railway, the B&O, short for this, was used by some traveling on the Underground Railroad the Baltimore & Ohio
#8819, aired 2023-03-02BIRDS NEAR WATER $1000: This bird of the genus Actitis gets its name from running along seashores making short, high-pitched noises the sandpiper
#8819, aired 2023-03-02ACTION & ADVENTURE NOVELS $1200: Craig Alanson created this series of novels, exforce for short, as a "military space opera" Expeditionary Force
#8818, aired 2023-03-01I'M SORRY, THERE'S MORE MATH $200: For 3 & 5, 15 is the LCM, short for this least common multiple
#8818, aired 2023-03-01ENERGY GLOSSARY $800: Hydrofracking, injecting shale with pressurized fluid to release oil & gas, is short for "hydraulic" this fracturing
#8815, aired 2023-02-24SHORT, TINY & SMALL $400: Heard here, it's the smallest & highest-pitched woodwind instrument in an orchestra a piccolo
#8815, aired 2023-02-24SHORT, TINY & SMALL $800: Pesto sauce makes a tasty topping for these small potato dumplings gnocchi
#8815, aired 2023-02-24SHORT, TINY & SMALL $1200: The sword-billed species of this tiny bird has the longest bill in relation to its body size of any bird in the world a hummingbird
#8815, aired 2023-02-24SHORT, TINY & SMALL $1600: This tiny & remote kingdom has the smallest population of any country in mainland Asia Bhutan
#8815, aired 2023-02-24SHORT, TINY & SMALL $2000: Lasting a mere 2 months, 17 days in 1483, the fifth king of this name was the shortest-reigning male monarch of England Edward V
#8813, aired 2023-02-22LITERARY MOVEMENTS $1200: Poet & playwright Amiri Baraka is considered the founder of this 1960s & '70s movement, BAM for short the Black Arts Movement
#8810, aired 2023-02-17COOK, THE BOOKS $400: In 2020 Kelsey Lynch cooked up a book of recipes using popular products & ingredients from this store, TJ's for short Trader Joe's
#8809, aired 2023-02-16RANKS & TITLES $400: JPs for short, they preside over misdemeanor cases & perform marriages justices of the peace
#8804, aired 2023-02-09EPONYMS $1600: This manufacturer who died in 1868 is remembered for his short-barreled pistols small enough for a pocket or boot Derringer
#8800, aired 2023-02-03THAT'S A CRIME! $800: Using a baseball bat or brass knuckles to inflict injury can lead to a charge of ADW, short for this assault with a deadly weapon
#13, aired 2023-02-02THOUGHT YOU'D LIKE TO KNOW $600: These tall timepieces were named for a 19th-century song that said, "It stopp'd short--never to go again--When the old man died" a grandfather clock
#8798, aired 2023-02-01IRAQ $400: In 2003 the USA's 75th Exploitation Task Force searched Iraq for these, WMDs for short, but didn't find any weapons of mass destruction
#8796, aired 2023-01-304, 4 $400: It's defined as a short period of very chilly weather that occurs rather suddenly cold snap
#12, aired 2023-01-26WORLD HISTORY $1200: Not too appealing, this king of the Huns was described as short & squat with a large head & a flat nose Attila
#8793, aired 2023-01-25GARDEN VARIETY STORIES $600: James Ellroy took on the real-life unsolved murder of Elizabeth Short, nicknamed this, in his novel of the same name the "Black Dahlia"
#8792, aired 2023-01-24SAY IT WITH ADVERTISING $600: This short-term rental company used the slogan "belong anywhere" Airbnb
#8791, aired 2023-01-23BOATING AFTER MEALS $800: Everyone had a cocktail with dinner, so while up top on deck, it's a good idea to wear one of these, PFD for short personal flotation device
#8786, aired 2023-01-16SHORT A $400: This first name of actress Kendrick has a short "A", unlike the princess of Arendelle Anna
#8786, aired 2023-01-16SHORT A $800: The British pronounce this word with a flat first "A" & fusilli seems to be their favorite type pasta
#8786, aired 2023-01-16SHORT A $1200: This state whose residents insist on the flat "A" once considered the name Washoe, which has its own pronunciation issues Nevada
#8786, aired 2023-01-16SHORT A $1600: Unless you've been indulging with him, this wine god takes a short "A" in his name Bacchus
#8786, aired 2023-01-16SHORT A $2000: This medication for when you're queasy has a short "A", though it starts with a word that often doesn't Dramamine
#8777, aired 2023-01-03ORGS. FOR SHORT $200: In a 1978 hit "It's fun to stay at" this place the YMCA
#8777, aired 2023-01-03ORGS. FOR SHORT $400: Fight intoxicated driving by calling 877-ASK-THIS MADD
#8777, aired 2023-01-03ORGS. FOR SHORT $600: A college conference, or an agency that protects investors the SEC
#8777, aired 2023-01-03ORGS. FOR SHORT $800: It owns & operates Washington, D.C.'s Constitution Hall, opened in 1929 the DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution)
#8777, aired 2023-01-03ORGS. FOR SHORT $1000: President Biden did not like its autumn 2022 production cuts OPEC
#8774, aired 2022-12-293-NAMED WRITERS $400: His short story collection "Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque" was published in 1839 (Edgar Allan) Poe
#8774, aired 2022-12-29THE COMEDY OF ERAS $800: In the 1930s, a Laurel & Hardy short film about trying to deliver one of these up a long flight of stairs won an Academy Award a piano
#8774, aired 2022-12-29YOU'RE WEARING YOUR FOOD $1000: Short coats & striped stockings were part of this dandyish costume from the 18th century & the song "Yankee Doodle" macaroni
#8774, aired 2022-12-29STATE OF THE HEART $1200: If a patient goes into a-fib, short for this, the rapid uncoordinated heart rhythm can lead to a stroke atrial fibrillation
#8771, aired 2022-12-26THE OFFICE $800: Labor Day 2022 was a dividing line for several big companies when WFH became RTO, short for this return to office
#8771, aired 2022-12-26WRONG TIME $4,000 (Daily Double): This idiom applies literally if you promise to pay 10 bucks on Tuesday & show up with 9 on Wednesday a day late & a dollar short
#8768, aired 2022-12-21MACHINES $800: A combine on a farm is short for combine this, a machine that cuts & threshes grain a combine harvester
#8766, aired 2022-12-19BIRDS ARE REAL $1000: Facts about this seabird: Its 3-letter name has 2 vowels, it has short wings & webbed feet & it stands upright on land an auk
#8764, aired 2022-12-15A SHORT CATEGORY $400: Shortbread is traditionally eaten during Hogmanay, this U.K. country's New Year's Eve Scotland
#8764, aired 2022-12-15A SHORT CATEGORY $800: Honus Wagner & Derek Jeter were both legendary at this position shortstop
#8764, aired 2022-12-15TABLES, LADDERS & CHAIRS $800: Office chairs made by Knoll, founded in 1938, are an example of midmod design, short for this mid-century modern
#8764, aired 2022-12-15BRIEF LIVES $800: Né 1758; rained some terror on the Committee of Public Safety; life cut extremely short in 1794 Robespierre
#8764, aired 2022-12-15A SHORT CATEGORY $1200: Shorthair cat breeds with former names of nationalities include the Abyssinian & this one that originated in Asia Siamese cats
#8764, aired 2022-12-15A SHORT CATEGORY $1600: Martin Short's 5-decade career includes a 2022 acting Emmy nomination as Oliver Putnam in this Hulu comedy Only Murders in the Building
#8764, aired 2022-12-15A SHORT CATEGORY $2000: You can still get worldwide broadcasts via this, heavily used for WWII propaganda like by Japan's "Orphan Annie" shortwave radio
#8762, aired 2022-12-134 FUNERALS & ANOTHER FUNERAL $400: Here's a photo from the 1888 funeral of this kaiser, the first of his name, who passed just short of his 91st birthday Wilhelm
#8753, aired 2022-11-30SOMETHING TO READ $400: In 1953 dime Western magazine paid Elmore Leonard $90 for a short story called "Three-Ten to" this place Yuma
#8751, aired 2022-11-28ANIMAL NAMES $400: This name for the animal seen here refers to its short stubby tail a bobcat
#8750, aired 2022-11-25A GARDEN PARTY $400: Launched in 1922, Fruit, Garden & Home Magazine got this new name, BHG for short, in 1924 Better Homes and Gardens
#8750, aired 2022-11-25STAYIN' ALIVE $1000: Soldiers & civilians have been kept alive with jammers used against RCIED, short for radio controlled these improvised explosive devices
#8749, aired 2022-11-24DOUBLE-T WORDS $400: In basketball FGA can be short for field goal these, made or not--good try, James Harden! attempt
#8748, aired 2022-11-23A MATTER OF DEGREES $1000: In a law degree, JD is short for this Latin phrase juris doctor
#8745, aired 2022-11-18AMERICAN WOMEN $400: Dorothy Andersen was the first to identify this disease, CF for short, & helped create the first tests to diagnose it cystic fibrosis
#8745, aired 2022-11-1820th CENTURY FICTION $800: "The Curious Case of" this title Fitzgerald short story character is that he ages backwards Benjamin Button
#8744, aired 2022-11-17FAR OUT $2000: The Wilkinson Probe monitored fluctuations in the residue of the Big Bang known as the CMB, short for this cosmic microwave background
#8743, aired 2022-11-16AMERICAN HISTORY $800: The work of this New Deal program, CCC for short, included planting trees--more than 3 billion in all Civilian Conservation Corps
#8742, aired 2022-11-15FACTS & FIGURES $1000: Methane is cooled to -260 degrees Fahrenheit to be suitable for shipping as LNG, short for this liquefied natural gas
#8740, aired 2022-11-11JAZZ & BLUES NICKNAMES $2000: Riley King went by B.B., originally short for Blues Boy; his guitar also had a nickname--this woman's name Lucille
#8739, aired 2022-11-10ORGANIZATIONS $200: Katie Couric is one of the founders of this, SU2C for short; it aired its first telethon in 2008 Stand Up to Cancer
#8739, aired 2022-11-10NUTRITION $400: If you want advice on better nutrition, you can talk to one of these health professionals, RD for short registered dietitian
#8736, aired 2022-11-07IN THAT NOVEL $800: A boy named for a French swimming pool spends 227 days on a different body of water Life of Pi
#7, aired 2022-11-06BIG ____ $400: Christian Bale & Steve Carell were in this 2015 Adam McKay movie that detailed the craziness of the 2008 financial crisis The Big Short
#8735, aired 2022-11-04TRIPLE RHYME TIME $400: A clever, short song about a young cat a witty kitty ditty
#8735, aired 2022-11-04A FASHIONABLE CATEGORY $600: This short jacket seen here has a Spanish name bolero
#8733, aired 2022-11-02NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 100 CITIES, 5,000 IDEAS $400: Dating from before the city was built up, just a short drive outside this Kenyan capital is a national park bearing its name Nairobi
#8725, aired 2022-10-21SHAVE & A HAIRCUT $200: This very short haircut evokes the sound of the electric clippers a buzz
#8724, aired 2022-10-20IT HAS A NAME $1200: In pickleball a drop shot is a soft, short shot from the back of the court; this other 4-letter "D" shot is hit from closer in a dink
#8723, aired 2022-10-19HOME COMPUTING $1000: You can get an encrypted connection to the Internet with a VPN, short for this a virtual private network
#8723, aired 2022-10-19WRITERS' MIDDLE NAMES $1000: Novelist, essayist & short story maven Joyce ____ Oates Carol
#8723, aired 2022-10-19TV $1000: Paul Feig created this beloved but short-lived series about high school burnouts & nerds Freaks and Geeks
#8716, aired 2022-10-10SPINELESS CREATURES $1600: Get the crops in, quick! Melanoplus, short-horned these insects, are headed this way, & they look hungry grasshoppers (locusts)
#3, aired 2022-10-09TECHNOLOGY $300: A.I. for short, this was the subject of the first book Amazon ever sold, about computer models of thought artificial intelligence
#8713, aired 2022-10-05SHORT STORIES & NOVELLAS $400: This "morbid" Thomas Mann novella has the German title "Der Tod in Venedig" Death in Venice
#8713, aired 2022-10-05COMPANY TOWNS $800: If you attend JDMS in the agricultural equipment-making town of Moline, Illinois, that's short for this middle school John Deere (Middle School)
#8713, aired 2022-10-05SHORT STORIES & NOVELLAS $800: Horrors! "The Man in the Black Suit" threatens to eat a child in a prize-winning short story by this author, of course Stephen King
#8713, aired 2022-10-05SHORT STORIES & NOVELLAS $1200: & I said, what about this Truman Capote novella? She said, I think I remember that work, first published in Esquire in 1958 Breakfast at Tiffany's
#8713, aired 2022-10-05SHORT STORIES & NOVELLAS $1600: "The Dead" is the best known of the 15 short stories in this author's "Dubliners" Joyce
#8713, aired 2022-10-05SHORT STORIES & NOVELLAS $2000: Carpe diem & name this 1956 Saul Bellow novella about an incredibly rough 24 hours for Tommy Wilhelm Seize the Day
#8710, aired 2022-09-30BORROW $1200: That bathroom hasn't been updated since 1932! Let's take out a HELOC, short for this, & bring things into the 21st century a home equity line of credit
#8709, aired 2022-09-29READING RAINBOW $1200: The narrator of "The Yellow Wallpaper" is on a rest cure for a "hysterical tendency", interpreted as this, PPD for short postpartum depression
#1, aired 2022-09-25SAME FIRST & LAST LETTER $300: A short bit of praise from a critic or a fellow author on the cover of a book a blurb
#1, aired 2022-09-25"AB"s WORKOUT $600: When we talk about working your ab muscles, "ab" is short for this abdominals
#1, aired 2022-09-25QUEEN ELIZABETH II $600: The Queen loved animals from big (racehorses) to small (these short-legged dogs including Willow & Holly) Corgis
#8703, aired 2022-09-21BUDWEISER & SPORTS $200: In 2020 Bud Light became the official beer of the championship series of this video game, L.O.L. for short League of Legends
#8700, aired 2022-09-16TEXTING ABBREV. $800: Exactly! I had the same idea: GMTA, short for this great minds think alike
#8698, aired 2022-09-14THE LAW $800: In general, an NDA, short for this agreement, is not enforceable against you if you're testifying under subpoena non-disclosure agreement
#8697, aired 2022-09-13DO YOU FEEL A FIRST DRAFT? $800: F. Scott Fitzgerald called his 1922 short story "Winter Dreams" "a sort of first draft" of the idea for this novel from 3 years later The Great Gatsby
#8693, aired 2022-07-27A PRISONER OF YOUR OWN DEVICE $200: I've lost hours on this site, the "leading destination for short-term mobile video"; fittingly, Kesha is a creator TikTok
#8693, aired 2022-07-27ACCEPTABLE 2-LETTER SCRABBLE WORDS $800: "Special" is one type of this short form ed
#8688, aired 2022-07-20NOT A FEATURE $200: Not Donald but he is tormented by an all-powerful animator in the classic short "Duck Amuck" Daffy Duck
#8688, aired 2022-07-20NOT A FEATURE $600: I was 22 for 23 on my Oscar ballot in 2022 but missed Documentary Short Subject: "The Queen of" this team sport, about Lusia Harris basketball
#8688, aired 2022-07-20NOT A FEATURE $800: John Lennon & this woman made a 1970 short film in which a fly walks over a nude body Yoko Ono
#8687, aired 2022-07-19"LOCK" $600: The western species of this tree has distinctive short, flat needles a hemlock
#8683, aired 2022-07-13HODGEPODGE $800: At Starbucks, hot coffee comes in sizes from short, 8 ounces, to this, 20 ounces venti
#8681, aired 2022-07-11CHEERY-"O" $600: Cheers to the NCAA Final Four, where the MVP is called the "M.O.P.", with the "O" short for this outstanding
#8677, aired 2022-07-05IT HAPPENED IN JULY $1000: The NHS for short, it got started July 5, 1948 & has been making it easier for British people to see doctors ever since the National Health Service
#8671, aired 2022-06-27FEMALE FOUNDERS $2000: In 1920, the year the 19th Amendment was ratified, Carrie Chapman Catt founded this, the LWV for short the League of Women Voters
#8666, aired 2022-06-20WASHINGTON SLIPPED HERE $1000: Oops! One of the burglars caught at the Watergate in 1972 was security chief of this committee, CREEP for short Committee to Re-elect the President
#8664, aired 2022-06-16IT'S ALL RELATIVITY $1200: Einstein first stated the concept now summed up in this formula, just 5 symbols, in a short paper often called an afterthought E=MC2
#8663, aired 2022-06-15THE BRADY BUNCH $400: '80s & '90s Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady dealt with the crisis & bailout of failing S&Ls, short for these institutions savings & loans
#8663, aired 2022-06-15WE'RE FULL! $600: At the theater, SRO is short for this standing room only
#8662, aired 2022-06-14COMMUNICATIONS $1600: Still important in the developing world, this long-distance radio format uses frequencies between AM & FM short wave
#8661, aired 2022-06-13TEXTING, TEXTING $1000: ATEOTD, in texting lingo, ATEOTD is short for this at the end of the day
#8660, aired 2022-06-10KILLER TUNES $800: He's the "Calvin Broadus (1972-1994)" referred to on the cover of "Murder Was the Case", both a song & short film Snoop Dogg
#8660, aired 2022-06-10A HISTORY OF NONVIOLENCE $800: Seen here, Stokely Carmichael replaced John Lewis as head of SNCC, short for their Nonviolent Coordinating Committee Student
#8660, aired 2022-06-10SECRET SERVICES $1200: This country's intelligence agency goes by the short name Mossad, which just means "the institute" Israel
#8659, aired 2022-06-09PRESENTING JEOPCOIN! $1600: You'll want to invest when we launch our cryptocurrency through our ICO, short for this (it's like an IPO) an initial coin offering
#8656, aired 2022-06-06ON THE COAST $600: PCH for short, this road has its northern terminus near Leggett, California the Pacific Coast Highway
#8654, aired 2022-06-02A SHORT GOODBYE $400: In Hawaiian, A.: it has you both coming & going aloha
#8654, aired 2022-06-02A SHORT GOODBYE $800: In German, A.W.: until we see each other again! auf wiedersehen
#8654, aired 2022-06-02A SHORT GOODBYE $1200: In texting, TTFN ta ta for now
#8654, aired 2022-06-02A SHORT GOODBYE $1600: In English (or British, really) T.: it also has 4 O's toodle-oo
#8654, aired 2022-06-02A SHORT GOODBYE $2000: In Russian, D.S.: you'd think it'd be D.V., but nyet do svidaniya
#8651, aired 2022-05-30PORTMANTEAU WORDS $1600: An enhanced bionic human can also be called a cyborg, short for this pair of words cybernetic organism
#8649, aired 2022-05-26ENDS IN "ETTE" $1200: Derived from French, it's a short descriptive literary sketch, or a short scene in a film or play a vignette
#8648, aired 2022-05-255-LETTER "W"s $1000: Roger, I heard your radio message & I'll use this combination of 2 words to indicate I'll do what you asked wilco
#8646, aired 2022-05-23POSSESSIVE PHRASES $400: Tell us this "rocky" 2-word term for a very short distance a stone's throw
#8645, aired 2022-05-20THE FARMER $800: Some farmers use cow feed grown from plants that are called GMO, short for this genetically modified organisms
#8642, aired 2022-05-17TOOL TIME: PAIRS EDITION $400: Hammer can be paired with this short-handled agricultural tool sickle
#8641, aired 2022-05-16I'VE GOT A BIG BANK ROLE $2000: Steve Carell & Brad Pitt starred in this Adam McKay comedy that skewered the banking industry & its gambling ways The Big Short
#8639, aired 2022-05-12MUSICALS BY LYRICS $400: "One short day in the Emerald City... full of so much to do" Wicked
#8639, aired 2022-05-12MUSICALS BY LYRICS $2000: "In short there's simply not a more congenial spot for happily-ever-aftering than here" Camelot
#8637, aired 2022-05-10COLLEGE SPORTS MASCOTS $400: Cal State Northridge's Matty is short for one of these men in the arena; he doesn't have a sword anymore Matador
#8637, aired 2022-05-10FROM SHE TO SHINING SHE $600: She ended 2019 one Grand Slam singles title short of Margaret Court's record of 24 Serena Williams
#8631, aired 2022-05-02FAMOUS NAMES $400: Oliver Tambo was instrumental in the fight against apartheid as president of South Africa's ANC, short for this African National Congress
#8629, aired 2022-04-28CATCHING YOU SHORT $400: Per, "repeat the information (loudly if possible)" is one of "7 Simple Ways" to improve this type of retention short-term memory
#8629, aired 2022-04-28NORTH AMERICA $400: Tj for short, this Mexican border city is home to an estimated 2 million people Tijuana
#8629, aired 2022-04-28MOVIES"!" $600: Steve Martin, Chevy Chase & Martin Short, collectively; now turn your head & cough Three Amigos!
#8629, aired 2022-04-28CATCHING YOU SHORT $800: In early 2021 short selling had led to $20 billion in losses by investors in this retailer serving your Funko & PlayStation needs GameStop
#8629, aired 2022-04-28CATCHING YOU SHORT $1200: "The Diamond as Big as the Ritz" is in F. Scott Fitzgerald's 1922 collection of short works called "Tales of" this era the Jazz Age
#8629, aired 2022-04-28CATCHING YOU SHORT $1600: You might only need a 500-foot-long runway to land an aircraft with STOL short for this short take off & landing
#8629, aired 2022-04-28CATCHING YOU SHORT $2000: Charlemagne's dad, this man III was called "the Short"; Charlemagne's kid also got the name Pepin the Short
#8627, aired 2022-04-26MINI-"ME" $400: This 4-letter word for a short note is an abbreviation of a 10-letter word a memo
#8627, aired 2022-04-26LET'S TALK SCIENCE $1000: Hundreds of copies of this type of DNA, mtDNA for short, are outside the nucleus of the cell, helping trace your mother's line mitochondrial
#8625, aired 2022-04-22ALL THINGS BEING EQUAL $600: This was ratified by 29 states within one year of its Senate approval in March 1972, but that was 9 states short of what was needed the Equal Rights Amendment
#8625, aired 2022-04-22FIRSTS $2000: In 1914 Tampa had the world's first scheduled passenger airline service, with pretty short flights--to this city St. Petersburg
#8623, aired 2022-04-20THE HUNGER NAMES $800: MRE is officially short for this, though soldiers have referred to them as "meals rejected by everyone" Meals-Ready-to-Eat
#8622, aired 2022-04-19MY LITERARY CREATIONS $1600: The short fiction collection "Unaccustomed Earth"; the Das family, vacationing in India (Jhumpa) Lahiri
#8620, aired 2022-04-15SCIENTIFIC CANADIAN $400: Donna Strickland shared a 2018 physics Nobel for generating short, high-intensity optical pulses with this type of device a laser
#8620, aired 2022-04-15IN THE ZOOM ROOM $600: The accountants at the company might go over the CVP analysis--short for cost-this-profit cost-volume-profit
#8617, aired 2022-04-12FASHION $200: Long flowy dresses are typical of boho fashion, boho being short for this bohemian
#8617, aired 2022-04-12A CHRISTIE MYSTERY $1200: (Lucy Boynton presents the clue.) Agatha Christie wrote 12 novels & 20 short stories featuring this woman & regretted making her so old at the outset; she would have been well over 100 by the time Christie finished writing about her Miss Marple
#8608, aired 2022-03-30CONTRACTIONS $800: This informal contraction means something easy, like a very short putt a gimme
#8605, aired 2022-03-25LAWN TOMORROW $200: 3" is a good height for most grasses; cutting too short messes with these, which go down proportionally to the grass' length roots
#8604, aired 2022-03-24SCI. & MED. ABBREV. $1200: LH for short, it causes the release of eggs from the ovaries luteinizing hormone
#8602, aired 2022-03-22INVESTING $400: Warren Buffett says most people should simply hold a fund that tracks the S&P 500, short for this index Standard & Poor's
#8601, aired 2022-03-21GROUPS IN HISTORY $1200: In England's Civil War, barbers probably rooted for this Puritan group named for keeping their hair short the Roundheads
#8600, aired 2022-03-18GLOBAL ORGANIZATIONS $400: Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, an economist from Nigeria, is the first woman to head this, WTO for short the World Trade Organization
#8598, aired 2022-03-16ONLINE & TEXTING ABBREV. $1600: Want to know if others are experiencing the same? dae is short for this question starter does anybody else?
#8596, aired 2022-03-14I LOVE YOU 3,000 $1000: In 2021 a trader's "fat-finger" error led to a sale price of $3,000 instead of $300,000 for an NFT, short for this a non-fungible token
#8595, aired 2022-03-11MUNCH $800: Munch on the trail mix called gorp, perhaps short for "good ol"' these 2 foods raisins & peanuts
#8590, aired 2022-03-04THE ELEMENTS OF LITERATURE $200: The short story collection "Dead Neon" envisions strange, post-apocalyptic possibilities in this desert mecca Las Vegas
#8590, aired 2022-03-04TRANSPORTATION $200: The 1886 photo seen here shows that SUP, short for this way of moving around, has been done for a long time stand up paddle
#8589, aired 2022-03-031972: 50 YEARS AGO $400: This Democrat from South Dakota came up short in his run for president McGovern
#8586, aired 2022-02-28LETTERS FROM FAMOUS PEOPLE $800: After introducing rude Charlotte Braun into his comic strip, he let one reader know by letter she wouldn't be around for long Charles Schulz
#8585, aired 2022-02-25KINDS OF CARE $600: Respite care gives short-term relief to primary these, a word that begins with "care" caregivers
#8585, aired 2022-02-25KINDS OF CARE $1000: An HMO is a type of MCO, short for this organization concerned with keeping costs down managed care organizations
#8582, aired 2022-02-22FREE STUFF $200: Like the federal government, many states have a DOT, short for this, & they'll mail you a free map Department of Transportation
#18, aired 2022-02-22IT'S JUST ABOUT TIME $2000: One reason they eat so late in Spain is they're on Central European time, an hour ahead of the more logical GMT, short for this Greenwich Mean Time
#8581, aired 2022-02-21SPACE: KIND OF HUGE $400: A planetoid called Farfarout is the most distant object in our solar system at 132 A.U.s, short for this; 1 A.U. is 93 million miles astronomical unit
#8580, aired 2022-02-18BOOKS BY FUNNY PEOPLE $1200: The subtitle of "I Must Say" by this Canadian & "SNL" veteran is "My Life as a Humble Comedy Legend" Martin Short
#8579, aired 2022-02-17BRITISH TERRITORIES & DEPENDENCIES $2000: In short, the Somers Islands is a former name of this British possession in the Atlantic Bermuda
#11, aired 2022-02-16RECENT NEWS $600: In 2021 this Canadian P.M. called a snap election; he held onto power but fell short of his goal of a majority government Trudeau
#6, aired 2022-02-10TIME TO HIT THE LIBRARY $800: I.L.L. is short for this service; your library can even get materials from the Library of Congress, but you can't take those home interlibrary loan
#5, aired 2022-02-10HOME ECONOMICS WITH TOPHER GRACE $1000: (Topher Grace delivers the clue.) Hey, you got a new job! Congrats! Now you're looking for an apartment & here's some free advice: 30% is the traditional max for your RTI ratio, "RTI" short for this rent-to-income
#5, aired 2022-02-10HISTORIC PAIRS $2000: ASTP was short for these two spacecraft "Test Project"; the U.S.-Soviet docking recreated at the Air and Space Museum took place in 1975 Apollo & Soyuz
#4, aired 2022-02-09GETTING YOUR LOOK TOGETHER $200: This store, UO for short, started in 1970 on Locust Street near the University of Pennsylvania Urban Outfitters
#4, aired 2022-02-09LITTLE, MEDIUM OR BIG DOG ON CAMPUS $2000: The hackney gait of the min Pin, short for this breed, is a high-stepping one, much like a trotting hackney horse a miniature Pinscher
#2, aired 2022-02-08MORE THAN ONE MEANING $200: To cut, or a short segment of a movie or TV show clip
#1, aired 2022-02-08GET A JOB! $800: DBA is short for database this, a job in which you run the database & of course, have privileges on it administration
#1, aired 2022-02-08BIO 201 $2000: PCR, short for this, allows endless copying of tiny bits of DNA, helping identify diseases & catch killers polymerase chain reaction
#8564, aired 2022-01-27BOOKS & AUTHORS $400: This feral character raised by jungle animals originally appeared in Rudyard Kipling's short story "In the Rukh" Mowgli
#8561, aired 2022-01-24GOVERNMENT AGENCIES $800: The mission of BLM, short for this, is "to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of the public lands" the Bureau of Land Management
#8561, aired 2022-01-24WRITERS DO RIGHT $1000: This author of vampire novels donated $1 from each sale of "The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner" to the Red Cross Stephenie Meyer
#8561, aired 2022-01-24THE YEAR OF BEFORE & AFTER $4,000 (Daily Double): William Henry Harrison wins an election; a short nap ensues 1840 winks
#8559, aired 2022-01-20LIGHTS! CAMERA! $600: Do you want your Christmas sweater to light up like a Christmas tree? You can get one that uses LEDs, short for these light-emitting diodes
#8558, aired 2022-01-19SHORT NOVELS $400: This classic centers on George Milton & Lennie Small, migrant workers in California Of Mice and Men
#8558, aired 2022-01-19SHORT NOVELS $800: Set in Africa, this novella was published in Spanish as "El corazon de las tinieblas" the "Heart of Darkness"
#8558, aired 2022-01-19SHORT NOVELS $1200: "A River Runs Through It" begins, "In our family, there was no clear line between religion and" this 2-word activity fly fishing
#8558, aired 2022-01-19SHORT NOVELS $1600: This British-born author's "Mr. Norris Changes Trains" was later published as part of his "Berlin Stories" Isherwood
#8558, aired 2022-01-19SHORT NOVELS $2000: As the title of this daring 1899 work by Kate Chopin indicates, 20-something Edna Pontellier discovers her sexuality The Awakening
#8556, aired 2022-01-17WEIGHTS & MEASURES $400: Tire pressure is measured in psi, short for these pounds per square inch
#8556, aired 2022-01-17DOCUMENTARIES $1200: "The Mushroom Club", a 2005 documentary short, is a portrait of this city & its people, 60 years after the bombing Hiroshima
#8554, aired 2022-01-13PLATES, POTS & PANS $1000: Cast iron with 2 short handles, this round pot of European nationality slow-cooks stews & pot roasts a Dutch oven
#8553, aired 2022-01-123 SHORT WORDS $200: Literally, to offer a body part in assistance; it's a motto of scouting lend a hand
#8553, aired 2022-01-123 SHORT WORDS $400: It's a classic sandwich you might get at a deli, though not a kosher deli ham on rye
#8553, aired 2022-01-123 SHORT WORDS $600: The advice to let an unhappy baby do this, hard for many parents to follow, dates back to 1894 cry it out
#8553, aired 2022-01-123 SHORT WORDS $1,000 (Daily Double): Bremerton, Washington claims to be where an excited Democrat first yelled to Pres. Truman the phrase do this, Harry Give 'em hell
#8553, aired 2022-01-123 SHORT WORDS $1000: Samuel Butler's 19th century translation of the "Iliad" includes this phrase for "to die" more associated with the Old West bite the dust
#8551, aired 2022-01-10SUBURBS $600: Stewart Hartshorn made a fortune in window shade rollers & gave his S.H. initials to this wealthy New Jersey suburb Short Hills, New Jersey
#8547, aired 2022-01-04SCIENCE $800: Molecules that carry amino acids to ribosomes are called tRNA, with the "t" short for this transfer
#8544, aired 2021-12-30PANTS $600: Despite the name, these are actually very tight short shorts hot pants
#8544, aired 2021-12-30PANTS $1,000 (Daily Double): This type of short pant inspired the name of a Big Apple sports team knickerbockers
#8543, aired 2021-12-29SHAKE YOUR BOOTY $600: This "vulpine" dance alternates long & short steps the foxtrot
#8543, aired 2021-12-29A PREFIX MENU $1000: All meaning "half", these 3 rhyming prefixes combine before -quaver to describe a very, very short musical note demi, semi & hemi
#8542, aired 2021-12-28THAT'S BOGUS $1200: German for "substitute" , it's an inferior imitation, as of food that's in short supply ersatz
#8541, aired 2021-12-27MUSICAL 3‑INITIALers $400: ELO for short, they lit up music charts in the '70s & '80s Electric Light Orchestra
#8540, aired 2021-12-24FIRST RESPONDERS $1000: The First Responder Support Network helps those with trauma from the job & who may be suffering from this, PTSD for short Post-traumatic stress disorder
#8540, aired 2021-12-24SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN $1600: In 2000, Bill Clinton joined entrepreneur Craig Venter & government scientist Francis Collins to announce success in this, HGP for short the Human Genome Project
#8539, aired 2021-12-23"SHORT" $200: Though it can be an honest mistake at the cash register, this verb also means to cheat shortchange
#8539, aired 2021-12-23THOMAS HOBBES $200: Hobbes said life was "nasty, brutish, & short" in a state of this, which doesn't just mean battles but "every man against every man" war
#8539, aired 2021-12-23"SHORT" $400: Coffee shops employ these professionals who quickly make things like sandwiches & eggs a short order cook
#8539, aired 2021-12-23"SHORT" $600: Luis Aparicio & Barry Larkin are hall of famers who played this position shortstop
#8539, aired 2021-12-23"SHORT" $800: An ad for Nair asked, "Who wears" these? short shorts
#8539, aired 2021-12-23"SHORT" $1000: These 4 words begin a Hemingway title that concludes "of Francis Macomber" The Short Happy Life
#8538, aired 2021-12-22SHORT POEMS $400: Ogden Nash wrote a 3-word poem: This food "is gharsley" parsley
#8538, aired 2021-12-22SHORT POEMS $800: A famous one of these by Basho is "The summer grasses / Of brave soldiers' dreams / The aftermath" a haiku
#8538, aired 2021-12-22SHORT POEMS $1200: Gwendolyn Brooks wrote a heartbreaking 32 words called "We Real Cool" about young men in this kind of "hall" pool
#8538, aired 2021-12-22SHORT POEMS $1600: William Carlos Williams began a poem, "So much depends upon a red" this, & there are only 8 words after that wheelbarrow
#8538, aired 2021-12-22SHORT POEMS $2000: We'll quote half a poem by Frost: "The way a crow / Shook down on me /" This title "From a hemlock tree" the "Dust of Snow"
#8537, aired 2021-12-21SANTASIA $400: It's a short commute for Santa to get to this frigid Russian region of nearly 5 million sq. mi. that includes the Ob & Yenisey Rivers Siberia
#8535, aired 2021-12-17CELEBRITIES $800: MJB for short, this R&B singer acted in "The Umbrella Academy" & "Mudbound" Mary J. Blige
#8534, aired 2021-12-16THE 15th CENTURY $600: 2 short years after attending Charles VII's coronation at Reims, she was burned at the stake Joan of Arc
#8533, aired 2021-12-15CZECHS $800: He had a short term as president of Czechoslovakia before becoming president of the Czech Republic Havel
#8531, aired 2021-12-13MODERN SHORTHAND $800: You might post your C.V. on this website, L.I. for short LinkedIn
#8526, aired 2021-12-06MAGAZINES $800: From scenic road trips to incredible natural wonders, this magazine, T+L for short, has it all Travel + Leisure
#8524, aired 2021-12-02FICTION $400: He wrote short stories like "Sonny's Blues" & novels like "Go Tell It on the Mountain" Baldwin
#8523, aired 2021-12-01EUROPEAN HISTORY $2000: This Dutch humanist wrote, "In Praise of Folly" in part to critique the church but stopped short of signing on to the Reformation Erasmus
#8518, aired 2021-11-24PERIODS OF TIME $400: It can be a type of oatmeal or an almost imperceptibly short bit of time instant
#8518, aired 2021-11-24SHORTZ $1600: Will's New York Times responsibilities include the P&A puzzle feature, short for these 2 types of wordplay puns & anagrams
#8513, aired 2021-11-17ITALIAN ARTS & CULTURE $400: In the 1980s, the designers seen here launched this fashion brand--D&G for short Dolce & Gabbana
#8513, aired 2021-11-17BIBLICAL FIRST NAMES $1000: Zeke is often short for this name of an Old Testament prophet whose book follows Lamentations Ezekiel
#8512, aired 2021-11-16A PHRASE OF TURN $800: A short shaft around which something rotates; in politics, it's often a turn "to the center" to appeal to moderate voters pivot
#8511, aired 2021-11-15WORLD COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES $600: Many French presidents have studied at Paris' elite Sciences Po, the Po short for this field politics
#8510, aired 2021-11-12MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS $400: As well as short catchy songs used in ads, they're the metal disks in the frame of a tambourine jingles
#8508, aired 2021-11-10THE SHIRLEY BOOTH $800: "We Have Always Lived in the Castle" is a Gothic novel by this author also known for her short stories Shirley Jackson
#8507, aired 2021-11-09THE BEGINNING $800: A short film by these brothers of workers leaving a factory is considered the world's first motion picture the Lumières
#8503, aired 2021-11-03COLOR, MY WORLD $400: Take a glass bottom boat ride in this Springs in Florida, or a short car ride to D.C. from this Spring in Maryland Silver
#8501, aired 2021-11-01FANTASTICAL CREATURES $1200: George Langelaan wrote the Playboy magazine short story that inspired this film in which Seth Brundle transforms "The Fly"
#8499, aired 2021-10-28POTENT ETYMOLOGY $200: "Stoli" for short, this vodka brand means "of the capital" in Russian Stolichnaya
#8499, aired 2021-10-28RED $800: In a short story, Poe wrote that this 2-word malady "had long devastated the country" the Red Death
#8495, aired 2021-10-22CELLO $1000: Portrayed on film in "Hilary & Jackie", the life of this British cellist was cut short by MS at age 42 Jacqueline du Pré
#8489, aired 2021-10-14VOTING USA $200: A bit under half the states offer SDR, short for same-day this, often Election Day registration
#8487, aired 2021-10-12& PLAYING TRIANGLE $200: "The sum of any 2 sides of a triangle is equal to or greater than the 3rd side" means this is the short route between 2 points a straight line
#8487, aired 2021-10-12MAKING A SHORT STORY LONG $400: This dog "Come-Home" first appeared as a 1938 Saturday Evening Post story; a novel followed, then radio, movies & TV Lassie
#8487, aired 2021-10-12MAKING A SHORT STORY LONG $800: This sci-fi great teamed with Robert Silverberg to expand his classic 1941 short story "Nightfall" into a 1990 novel Isaac Asimov
#8487, aired 2021-10-12MAKING A SHORT STORY LONG $1200: Jonathan Safran Foer expanded his short story "The Very Rigid Search" into the novel "Everything is" this Illuminated
#8487, aired 2021-10-12MAKING A SHORT STORY LONG $1600: "Big Creek Missile Agency", Homer Hickam's article about his childhood, became this book that became the movie "October Sky" Rocket Boys
#8487, aired 2021-10-12MAKING A SHORT STORY LONG $2000: First a short story, this Jeffrey Eugenides novel about 5 sisters who die young became a Sofia Coppola film The Virgin Suicides
#8486, aired 2021-10-11MED. ABBREV. $1600: A blow to the head could cause TBI, short for this a traumatic brain injury
#8483, aired 2021-10-06GET A HOBBY $400: Go for some inner peace; TM, short for this, wants to get people into a "state of deep inner silence" Transcendental Meditation
#8483, aired 2021-10-06COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES $1600: Mies van der Rohe headed the College of Architecture & designed its building at IIT, short for this Chicago school Illinois Institute of Technology
#8482, aired 2021-10-05HERE COMES THE SONNET $1200: The immortal John Donne wrote, "One short sleep past, we wake eternally and" this "shall be no more" death
#8474, aired 2021-09-23WELCOME TO COMET-CON! $2000: The source of many observable short-period comets is the belt beyond Neptune named for this Dutch-American astronomer Kuiper
#8473, aired 2021-09-22ACRONYMS & ABBREVIATIONS $400: Your best time in a race is your PR, short for this personal record
#8473, aired 2021-09-22WHAT A WEEK! $800: One sponsor of Banned Books Week, which opposes censorship & celebrates the right to read, is the ALA, short for this the American Library Association
#8468, aired 2021-09-15ORGANIZATIONS $1000: Prince Philip was mentored in bird-watching by Peter Scott, the first chairman of the WWF, short for this group World Wildlife Fund
#8468, aired 2021-09-15THE 2020 OLYMPICS IN 2021 $1200: Not an anthem but Tchaikovsky was played at gold medal ceremonies for the ROC, short for this team, the result of a ban Russian Olympic Committee
#8466, aired 2021-09-13FACTS ABOUT ANIMALS $2000: Sweden's only wild feline is this short-tailed cat that's able to bring down much larger animals, like reindeer & roe deer lynx
#8463, aired 2021-08-11FRUITS & VEGETABLES $800: Related to peaches & nectarines, this smaller relative that's a good source of vitamin A can be pronounced with a long or a short "A" the apricot
#8463, aired 2021-08-11NAME THAT SHAKESPEARE PLAY $800: Laertes gets the short end of the (poisoned) stick Hamlet
#8457, aired 2021-08-03MED. ABBREV. $1600: A traumatic brain injury may damage LTM, short for this long-term memory
#8454, aired 2021-07-29HELP! $400: In college dorms R.A. is short for this helper, who could be of use if a neighbor won't keep his music down resident assistant (resident advisor)
#8453, aired 2021-07-28FICTION $400: His "Licks of Love" short story collection also includes the novella "Rabbit Remembered" (John) Updike
#8450, aired 2021-07-23DOING THE SAFETY DANCE $600: Goggles, gloves & masks are considered PPE, short for this personal protective equipment
#8450, aired 2021-07-23ANIMALS IN ART $1200: A painting by Leonardo da Vinci shows a favorite mistress of Ludovico Sforza with this short-tailed weasel ermine
#8448, aired 2021-07-21MED SCHOOL $800: WCC for short, this "colorful" rite of passage for new med students originated at schools like the Univ. of Chicago & Columbia around 1990 a white coat ceremony
#8445, aired 2021-07-16GRAMMY WINNERS $600: 2011: This song gave it all to Adele--Record of the Year, Short Form Music Video & Song of the Year "Rolling In The Deep"
#8445, aired 2021-07-16THE WEEKLY CONFERENCE CALL $600: The accounting team says the R.O.I., short for this, was solid on the Plotsky deal return on investment
#8445, aired 2021-07-16ON LIFE $1600: No stuffed tiger, he wrote in "Leviathan" that life was "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short" Thomas Hobbes
#8444, aired 2021-07-15SCHOOL OF ROCK $800: Though his life was tragically cut short, the legacy of this California kid, the first Chicano rock star, lives on Ritchie Valens
#8437, aired 2021-07-06THE HUMAN BODY $1200: This ligament, the ACL for short, prevents the tibia from moving too far forward when the leg is bent anterior cruciate ligament
#8434, aired 2021-07-01NONFICTION $600: "Over the Top" is a memoir by JVN, short for this grooming expert on Netflix's "Queer Eye" Jonathan Van Ness
#8434, aired 2021-07-01NONFICTION $1,000 (Daily Double): This author's first major book was 1742's "A Short Treatise on the Game of Whist" Edmond Hoyle
#8430, aired 2021-06-25JOLIE OLD FRANCE $2000: In 751 Charles Martel's son, this guy "the Short", deposed the last Merovingian ruler & became king of the Franks Pepin
#8428, aired 2021-06-23TV-POURRI $400: "AGT" is short for this show & also for agent, which you'll need if you make the finals America's Got Talent
#8425, aired 2021-06-18A SPENDY LITTLE WAR $400: A short 1840s war with this country cost the U.S. an estimated $71 million, or around $3 billion today Mexico
#8424, aired 2021-06-17POTPOURRI $800: W.S. Gilbert said the short stature of the trio of actresses seen here suggested the "Three Little Maids" song in this operetta The Mikado
#8424, aired 2021-06-17DID YOU READ... $2000: ...this classic W.W. Jacobs short story that warns us, "The first man had his three wishes... the third was for death" "The Monkey's Paw"
#8423, aired 2021-06-16TWINS & TRIPLETS $800: Between 1980 & 2014 U.S. twin births increased by 79%, due in part to the use of the then-new treatment called IVF, short for this in vitro fertilization
#8421, aired 2021-06-14ASIAN LITERATURE & DRAMA $2,000 (Daily Double): This acclaimed 1950 multi-perspective film is based on 2 Japanese short stories Rashomon
#8420, aired 2021-06-11ALSO A DOG BREED $200: Type of nose that's short, broad & somewhat turned up pug
#8420, aired 2021-06-11EDUCATION $400: ESL programs, short for this, got a big push in Florida in the 1960s as Cubans fled their country English as a second language
#8419, aired 2021-06-10BOOK-BORNE WORDS & PHRASES $800: William Gibson coined this term that now refers to the Internet in his short story "Burning Chrome" cyberspace
#8417, aired 2021-06-08LATE $400: If you come up wanting, you're said to be "a day late" & this monetary phrase a dollar short
#8412, aired 2021-06-01U.S. HISTORY $800: This body convened for the first time on March 4, 1789, but only 8 members--4 short of a quorum--showed up the United States Senate
#8409, aired 2021-05-27COMPUTER SPEAK $600: An old external modem not communicating fast enough? You may need to increase this measure of speed, bps for short bits per second
#8408, aired 2021-05-26ONES & ZEROS $200: The Jaguar I-PACE & the Fiat 500e are both examples of these, ZEVs for short zero emission vehicles
#8408, aired 2021-05-26ONES & ZEROS $1000: ZIRP is short for this banking "policy" that encourages low-cost credit to companies & individuals zero interest-rate policy
#8406, aired 2021-05-24WHAT TO WEAR $200: This short jacket shares its name with a movement of the shoulders a shrug
#8406, aired 2021-05-24WHAT TO WEAR $800: Similar to a jumpsuit, a one-piece women's garment combining a short-sleeve top & loose shorts has this lively name a romper
#8405, aired 2021-05-2120th CENTURY TV $400: This actor drove the Knight Industries Two Thousand--KITT, for short--before heading for the beach in 1989 David Hasselhoff
#8400, aired 2021-05-14THE STOCK MARKET $600: In 2021 the wild ride of GameStop stock pitted small investors against the big boys who use this method & hope the price will fall short selling
#8396, aired 2021-05-10SHORT STORIES $400: Who but this bestselling author would write "Autopsy Room Four", "The Boogeyman" & of course, "Jerusalem's Lot" Stephen King
#8396, aired 2021-05-10SHORT STORIES $800: Known for some dreariness in his plays, this Russian also gave us "A Dreary Story" of a dying professor of medicine in 1889 Chekhov
#8396, aired 2021-05-10SHORT STORIES $1600: This African American who sometimes lived in France wrote a 1965 collection called "Going to Meet the Man" James Baldwin
#8396, aired 2021-05-10SHORT STORIES $2000: This Pulitzer winner from Mississippi published her first short story in 1936; her classic "The Petrified Man", 5 years later Welty
#8396, aired 2021-05-10SHORT STORIES $4,000 (Daily Double): The long & the short of 1952 for this sci-fi man? A novel, "Foundation and Empire", & "The Martian Way", a McCarthyism allegory Asimov
#8392, aired 2021-05-04THE WITCH IS DEAD $800: The White Witch Jadis was killed in battle by this character who appeared to be dead a short time before Aslan
#8390, aired 2021-04-30GLADIATORS $400: "Gladiator" comes from gladius, a type of short this that many gladiators carried a sword
#8390, aired 2021-04-30LIGHTHOUSES $1200: Honoring the coast watchers who helped the Allies during WWII, Kalibobo Lighthouse is in this island country, PNG for short Papua New Guinea
#8388, aired 2021-04-28GET OFF OF MY CLOUD $2000: A reunion with an old friend at a pub becomes depressing in "A Little Cloud", a tale in this James Joyce short story collection Dubliners
#8386, aired 2021-04-26BUSINESS ACRONYMS & ABBREV. $400: The pharmaceutical industry spends about $200 billion a year on R&D, short for this research & development
#8381, aired 2021-04-19ORGANIZATIONS $1600: "Empowering people out of poverty" is one of the missions of this organization, WV for short World Vision International
#8380, aired 2021-04-16PARTS OF THE HOLE $1000: It's the out-there word for the short grass around the green fringe
#8379, aired 2021-04-15IT'S FRIDAY NIGHT $600: Take a trip to Flavortown with Guy Fieri on this Food Network show, "DDD" for short Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives
#8377, aired 2021-04-13BATTERY LIFE $600: Ni-Cad is short for these 2 elements in a rechargeable battery invented back in 1899 nickel & cadmium
#8377, aired 2021-04-13FOSTERING "UNITY" $1000: For the good of the country, in 2014 rival parties in Afghanistan agreed to form an N.U.G., short for this type of government a national unity government
#8376, aired 2021-04-12COUNTING ON TELEVISION $2000: This Nevada-set "Cops" parody features inept deputies & police uniform short shorts for men Reno 911!
#8374, aired 2021-04-08A NOUN & ALSO A VERB $400: A short viewable piece from a TV show or film, & to cut coupons clip
#8361, aired 2021-03-22SLEEPY TIME $200: This word after "cat" means a short sleep; after "dog" it means a canine abduction nap
#8361, aired 2021-03-22EGG $600: For your nest egg, you may want a Roth one of these, IRA for short individual retirement account
#8361, aired 2021-03-22SLEEPY TIME $1,000 (Daily Double): A joke about how dull the Anglican 39 Articles are is an early reference to this phrase for a short doze 40 winks
#8359, aired 2021-03-18BOYS $400: This world-conquering musical act's name is short for Korean words that mean "bulletproof Boy Scouts" BTS
#8356, aired 2021-03-15ART $1600: Alessandro Filipepi, Sandro for short, was the real name of this man who painted "La Primavera" around 1480 Botticelli
#8355, aired 2021-03-12BUSINESS ABBREV. $1000: Corporate citizenship is also known as corporate this, CSR for short corporate social responsibility
#8354, aired 2021-03-11VETO $2000: Gerald Ford vetoed the beefed-up version of this act, FOIA for short, but congress overrode the veto in 1975 Freedom of Information Act
#8351, aired 2021-03-08REAL REVIEWS OF THE NOVEL $400: H.L. Mencken: The "clown Fitzgerald rushes to his death in nine short chapters... this story is obviously unimportant" The Great Gatsby
#8351, aired 2021-03-08THE BOURGEOISIE $1000: David Brooks dubbed those who combine nice possessions & hippie values "Bobos", short for bourgeois these Bohemians
#8345, aired 2021-02-26MED. ABBREV. $400: Injuries are sometimes treated with PT, short for this physical therapy
#8345, aired 2021-02-26MED. ABBREV. $800: In the U.K. patients are often treated by a GP, short for this general practitioner
#8343, aired 2021-02-24DOUBLE-VOWEL WORDS $800: Nickname of 10th century Danish King Harald, or a short-range connectivity wireless standard Bluetooth
#8341, aired 2021-02-22THROWING THE BOOK AT YOU $1200: The billions made & lost in the real estate crash are detailed in this "large" Michael Lewis bestseller, later a film in 2015 The Big Short
#8340, aired 2021-02-19LOADS OF ROADS $600: This hyphenated word for a short dead-end street is French for "bag bottom" a cul-de-sac
#8339, aired 2021-02-18TYPES OF NARRATIVE LITERATURE $200: You can bet "The Lottery" is a good example of this genre of brief narratives, usually under 10,000 words a short story
#8337, aired 2021-02-16ALPHABET ROCKERS & RAPPERS $400: Hey, short-pants! An electrical label led to the name of this Angus & Malcolm Young band AC/DC
#8335, aired 2021-02-12GAME THEORY $200: If your stack is short & you need to double up to stay in a game of hold 'em, it might be time to "go" these 2 words all-in
#8333, aired 2021-02-10MATH IN THE WORLD $400: (Joy Buolamwini presents the clue.) Gamblers & investors know their perms & combs; it's short for permutations, a set where the order matters & these, a set where it doesn't combinations
#8331, aired 2021-02-08TECHNOLOGY $800: (Reshma Saujani presents the clue.) Tech pioneer Adele Goldberg helped develop a programming language used to create the first GUI, short for this, featuring icons & menus a graphical user interface
#8327, aired 2021-02-02COUNTRY / MUSIC $400: Made with rows of short tubes of different lengths, versions of this instrument are played from China to Peru the pan flute
#8326, aired 2021-02-01FAMOUS AMERICANS $1200: Marian Wright Edelman, the first Black woman admitted to the Mississippi bar, also founded the CDF, short for this the Children's Defense Fund
#8322, aired 2021-01-26FINANCIAL SLANG $800: Traders use yard, short for "milliard" , to mean this very large number billion
#8318, aired 2021-01-20WORD ORIGINS $2000: The name of this old shotgunlike firearm with a short barrel comes from the Dutch for "thunder gun" blunderbuss
#8316, aired 2021-01-18BRITISH SPYCRAFT $400: The formal British name for MI6 is SIS, short for the Secret this Service Intelligence
#8315, aired 2021-01-15FORTIFY YOURSELF $1000: In the 1070s this monarch who'd been in power only a short while ordered the building of the Tower of London William the Conqueror
#8314, aired 2021-01-14DON'T SKIP LEG DAY! $2000: Carrying luggage upstairs in 2018, Royals catcher Salvador Perez tore his MCL, short for this the medial collateral ligament
#8313, aired 2021-01-13FLAG TALK $800: This male first name is used for a flag flown on a short pole at the bow of a ship jack
#8311, aired 2021-01-11MOVIES BASED ON SHORT STORIES $400: This 1950 Best Picture Oscar winner starring Bette Davis was based on "The Wisdom of Eve" All About Eve
#8311, aired 2021-01-11MOVIES BASED ON SHORT STORIES $800: This director based the film "Memento" on a short story by his brother Jonathan Nolan
#8311, aired 2021-01-11MOVIES BASED ON SHORT STORIES $1600: Philip K. Dick's "We Can Remember It for You Wholesale" became this Schwarzenegger sci-fi film Total Recall
#8311, aired 2021-01-11MOVIES BASED ON SHORT STORIES $2000: "Traumnovelle", a 1920s story about a Doctor who goes to a very risque party, became this 1999 Kubrick movie with Tom Cruise Eyes Wide Shut
#8311, aired 2021-01-11MOVIES BASED ON SHORT STORIES $2,200 (Daily Double): Ward Greene's "Happy Dan, the Whistling Dog" became this 1955 animated Disney film the Lady and the Tramp
#8310, aired 2021-01-08WEARABLE TECH $600: It's just a blue T to me, but the men's UA Tech 2.0 vibe print short sleeve by this sports brand somehow has "anti-odor technology" Under Armour
#8306, aired 2021-01-04THE MOVIES $600: (I'm Ryan Reynolds.) In my 2020 movie, "Free Guy", I play a bank teller who comes to realize that he's really an NPC, short for this kind of character in an open-world video game a non-player character
#8305, aired 2020-12-18MOVING $1000: B.O.L. is short for this, basically a customer's itemized contract with a moving company bill of lading
#8300, aired 2020-12-11YOU KNOW, I LEARNED SOMETHING TODAY $1200: TFA is short for this group that sends educators into classrooms Teach for America
#8299, aired 2020-12-10NEEDLESS VERBIAGE $400: Hula-Hoops & fidget spinners are examples of this, a short-lived craze that doesn't need to be described as "passing" a fad
#8297, aired 2020-12-08AUTHORS' ALMA MATERS $800: Before becoming an author, Sue Monk Kidd worked as a nurse, getting her degree from this school, TCU for short Texas Christian University
#8296, aired 2020-12-07OXFORD'S VERY SHORT INTRODUCTIONS $400: "The Abrahamic Religions" tells about the relationship of these 3 major religions Judaism, Islam & Christianity
#8296, aired 2020-12-07OXFORD'S VERY SHORT INTRODUCTIONS $800: The book on this scientific concept calls it "the weakest of nature's four fundamental forces" gravity
#8296, aired 2020-12-07OXFORD'S VERY SHORT INTRODUCTIONS $1200: "Film Music" reports that Paul Simon wrote new music for this 1967 film but that Mike Nichols mostly used Paul's old songs The Graduate
#8296, aired 2020-12-07OXFORD'S VERY SHORT INTRODUCTIONS $1600: "Bestsellers" says the paperback revolution of the '60s began with cheap copies of this 1928 D.H. Lawrence novel Lady Chatterley's Lover
#8296, aired 2020-12-07OXFORD'S VERY SHORT INTRODUCTIONS $7,800 (Daily Double): "A Very Short Introduction to" him says that like Marx & Freud, this 18th c. economist's work "is more invoked than it is read" (Adam) Smith
#8294, aired 2020-12-03HEALTH & MEDICINE $1200: Estrogen alone or along with progesterone is what menopausal women get as this therapy, HRT for short hormone replacement therapy
#8292, aired 2020-12-01SKIPPER $400: The short story "The Gold Bug" is about treasure supposedly buried by the pirate known as "Captain" him Kidd
#8292, aired 2020-12-01ON MY READING LIST $400: Ernest Hemingway's classic short story "The Snows of" this place Kilimanjaro
#8289, aired 2020-11-26ON YOUR WEDDING DAY $200: A true MVP, an unwed M.O.H., short for this, plans the bridal shower, answers guest queries & yes, hits the dance floor! maid of honor
#8289, aired 2020-11-26EAGLE SCOUTS $400: On his way to Eagle Scout, this future "Jaws" director made a short film to earn his photography merit badge Spielberg
#8288, aired 2020-11-25A LETTER, THEN A WORD $400: It's the steak cut from the short loin that fits the category a T-bone
#8286, aired 2020-11-23BIRDLIKE VERBS $200: To send a short message on an Internet microblogging site tweet
#8286, aired 2020-11-236-LETTER DOUBLE G WORDS $400: To move a doorknob to & fro with short, quick jerks jiggle
#8286, aired 2020-11-236-LETTER DOUBLE G WORDS $1600: Is this a short, swordlike weapon used for stabbing which I see before me? a dagger
#8285, aired 2020-11-20SCIENCE ABBREV. $800: LED is short for this emitting diode light
#8275, aired 2020-11-06PROSE BY BROS $400: Rod, short story collections as well as "The Twilight Zone"; Richard, "The President's Plane is Missing" Serling
#8274, aired 2020-11-05CHILDREN'S LITERATURE $400: A tiny one of these dinosaurs has a big problem: an impossible hug, because of his short arms! a Tyrannosaurus
#8271, aired 2020-11-02FAILURE TO LUNCH $200: Sorry, everyone! I'm on the diet known as O.M.A.D., short for this; I only eat at 5 p.m. one meal a day
#8269, aired 2020-10-29ALLITERATIVE AUTHORS $400: Not about zombies, the short story "The Dead" is found in this Irish author's collection "Dubliners" James Joyce
#8269, aired 2020-10-29ALLITERATIVE AUTHORS $1600: He's taken us on "A Walk in the Woods" & given us "A Short History of Nearly Everything" Bill Bryson
#8268, aired 2020-10-28DO YOUR JOB! $400: At any given time Google has hundreds of jobs open in I.T., short for this information technology
#8266, aired 2020-10-26IT'S HYPHENATED $1000: 2FA is short for this type of online authentication two-factor authentication
#8266, aired 2020-10-26A 5-MARTINI LIBRARY $2000: An early literary reference to the martini is in this American's short story "Hostages to Momus"--it didn't come with a twist O. Henry
#8253, aired 2020-10-07THE STATE WAS IN PLAY $400: Florida left this man 537 votes short of a presidency (Al) Gore
#8252, aired 2020-10-06HISTORICAL HODGEPODGE $400: In 2002 Germany ditched this monetary unit, DM for short, for the euro the deutschmark
#8252, aired 2020-10-06ENZYMES & AMINO ACIDS $2000: mRNA, short for this type of RNA, leaves a cell's nucleus carrying instructions for amino acids to form a protein messenger
#8251, aired 2020-10-05RADIO: THEN & NOW $800: VOA for short, it began broadcasting in 1942 as part of the office of war information Voice of America
#8251, aired 2020-10-05GROUPS IN THE BIBLE $1000: The painting here shows the newly short-haired Samson captured by these people the Philistines
#8248, aired 2020-09-30BRITISH GOVERNMENT $600: Britain's standard V.A.T., short for this, is 20% for most goods & services value added tax
#8246, aired 2020-09-28FOLLOW THE BUNNY $400: In 1959 Tony Curtis & Janet Leigh presented the Oscar won by a short cartoon featuring this classic critter & that's all, folks Bugs Bunny
#8246, aired 2020-09-28TERMS FROM ISLAM $400: The Fatiha is the short opening sura, or chapter, of this text the Koran
#8242, aired 2020-09-22MUSIC FESTIVALS $1600: 200,000 people crowd a Belgian town of 18,000 for Tomorrowland, a festival of EDM, short for this "music" electronic dance music
#8237, aired 2020-09-15OF STING $400: A stinger is an S.A.M., short for this type of missile surface-to-air
#8235, aired 2020-06-12TROOP-POURRI $1200: A C.O.S., short for this operations specialist, protects the army's computer networks from getting hacked cyber
#8233, aired 2020-06-10BLOOD, SWEAT & CHEERS $2000: "Plyo" is short for this type of exercise that used to be called jump training; use its box for squats & push-ups plyometrics
#8228, aired 2020-06-03ABBREVIATIONS $1200: Get there early if you hear FCFS, short for this first come, first served
#8227, aired 2020-06-02DOCUMENTARIES $1200: In 2020 the Oscar for Best Documentary Short went to a film about "Learning to" do this fun activity "in a Warzone (If You're a Girl)" skateboard
#8224, aired 2020-05-28CHOIR PRACTICE $400: Some choir directors put the lower voices in the middle: the STBA arrangement, with "A" short for this range alto
#8223, aired 2020-05-27CHANGE A LETTER $1600: A word meaning of short duration turns very sad as one denoting sharp sorrow over a death brief & grief
#8214, aired 2020-04-30COLLEGE & UNIVERSITY ORIGINS $200: BU for short, it had a different name when it was founded, as it was then in Vermont Boston University
#8214, aired 2020-04-30WHAT DOES IT STAND FOR? $1600: In AT&T it's what the "T&T" originally was short for Telephone & Telegraph
#8211, aired 2020-04-27GENERAL HOSPITAL $1600: One factor for a newborn entering the NICU, short for this, is a birth weight of less than 5.5 pounds neonatal intensive care unit
#8209, aired 2020-04-23HAIRSTYLES $400: Short on the top & sides & long in the back, this hairstyle might be better known than the fish with which it shares its name a mullet
#8209, aired 2020-04-23LIKE ONE OF YOUR FRENCH GIRLS $800: Christine Lagarde is the first female head of Europe's equivalent of the Federal Reserve, the ECB, short for European this Central Bank
#8209, aired 2020-04-23HAIRSTYLES $800: Typically short with the hair cropped evenly across the uppermost part, it's also slang for an aircraft carrier a flattop
#8209, aired 2020-04-23HAIRSTYLES $1000: For black women natural hair cropped short is known as a TWA, short for teeny-weeny this an afro
#8204, aired 2020-04-16ON THE RECENT BESTSELLER LIST $400: Each short story in Tom Hanks' first book involves this pre-computer age authors' tool a typewriter
#8203, aired 2020-04-15UNIQUE COLLEGE COURSES $400: I scream, you scream, we all scream for the ice cream short course at this school, home of the Nittany Lions Penn State
#8201, aired 2020-04-13LESSER-KNOWN COLLEGE SPORTS $1000: Keep your Frisbee off the roof, er, rough, in the CDGNC, short for the College this National Championship Disc Golf
#8197, aired 2020-04-07OK BOOMER $400: Steve Case did OK, building AOL, short for this, into what was the nation's largest Internet service provider America Online
#8196, aired 2020-04-06WHAT DO YOU STAND FOR? $400: Boots & handbags are also sold at DSW, short for designer shoe this type of building warehouse
#8196, aired 2020-04-06I'M YOUR NEW PERSONAL TRAINER! $1600: An intense circuit-style workout, metcon is short for these 2 words, & we're gonna hit it hard today! metabolic conditioning
#8194, aired 2020-04-02FAMOUS NAMES $600: British cartoonist James Gillray's depiction of this man helped give rise to the idea that he was short Napoleon
#8191, aired 2020-03-30GOLF $1000: The "pitching" this type of club is used for short, lofted shots wedge
#8190, aired 2020-03-27THE "GENERAL" ECONOMY $1600: GNC is short for these "Centers" General Nutrition
#8188, aired 2020-03-25SHORT RUNS ON BROADWAY $400: Based on a Stephen King novel, this '88 musical featured a high school dance to remember but closed after only 5 performances Carrie
#8188, aired 2020-03-25SHORT RUNS ON BROADWAY $800: Shuttered after only 6 shows, "Into the Light" is about a physicist seeking the truth about this fabled burial cloth of Jesus the Shroud of Turin
#8188, aired 2020-03-25SHORT RUNS ON BROADWAY $1200: A sequel to this musical, "Bring Back Birdie" closed after 4 shows but still earned Chita Rivera a Tony nomination Bye Bye Birdie
#8188, aired 2020-03-25SHORT RUNS ON BROADWAY $1600: "Bobbi Boland", meant to be a star vehicle for this late Charlie's Angel, never opened, closing after 7 previews Farrah Fawcett
#8188, aired 2020-03-25SHORT RUNS ON BROADWAY $2000: "La Strada", based on this director's film, starred a young Bernadette Peters & said arrivederci after one show Federico Fellini
#8185, aired 2020-03-20WORDS WITH 5 VOWELS $200: To try out for a dramatic role by reading a short scene audition
#8184, aired 2020-03-19HEAR HERE, NEW YORK! $1000: BAM for short, it opened with a bam in 1861; the New York Times said it had the finest exterior of all the public buildings of its kind in America Brooklyn Academy of Music
#8181, aired 2020-03-16X MARKS THE MIDDLE SPOT $600: A short, proverbial saying, or Mr. Gorky maxim
#8177, aired 2020-03-10STUDENT WORD LIST $200: It can be a trainee working short-term without pay, or a recent medical school grad working in a hospital prior to a residency an internship
#8177, aired 2020-03-10STUDENT WORD LIST $800: A Protestant group promoting Christian unity is called these "of Christ", D.O.C. for short Disciples
#8176, aired 2020-03-09CUBA BEFORE FIDEL $1600: Before Obama, the last sitting U.S. Pres. to visit was Coolidge; he spoke to a precursor org. of the OAS, short for this group the Organization of American States
#8175, aired 2020-03-06LITERARY AWARDS $800: No twist necessary in the short stories that since 1919 win the prize named for this short story author O. Henry
#8174, aired 2020-03-05GET SCHOOLED $800: The CIA for short (not that CIA), it was founded in 1946 to train returning WWII veterans in the art of cooking the Culinary Institute of America
#8174, aired 2020-03-05THE COLD WAR $1200: The situation where neither side will start a war because of the cost to itself is mutual assured this, MAD for short destruction
#8173, aired 2020-03-04HOW DOES YOUR GARDEN GROW? $200: My garden grows great because I first consulted the hardiness zone map from this organization, USDA for short U.S. Department of Agriculture
#8170, aired 2020-02-28STARTS & ENDS WITH B $800: A short promotional statement found on a book cover blurb
#8169, aired 2020-02-27MAGAZINES COME & GO $200: EW for short, in 2019 this magazine about pop culture kept its name but went monthly Entertainment Weekly
#8168, aired 2020-02-26WHISTLE BLOWERS $1000: No-nonsense NBA ref Steve Javie, who once ejected a radio announcer, was nicknamed "Mr." this, short for a type of foul T.
#8166, aired 2020-02-24GAME TIME! $400: Albert Lamorisse made the short film "The Red Balloon" & created this 4-letter board game of conquest Risk
#8164, aired 2020-02-20GEOGRAPHICALLY SPEAKING $200: The OED defines this phrase that includes a U.S. city as "a very short period of time" a New York minute
#8163, aired 2020-02-194-LETTER WORDS ENDING IN "O" $600: A short note sent to someone you work with a memo
#8157, aired 2020-02-11BEHIND THE IRON CURTAIN $800: (Sarah of the Clue Crew presents from Memento Park in Budapest, Hungary.) After Lenin triumphed in the Russian Revolution, he soon helped install a short-lived government in Hungary on the principles of this movement from Russian for "greater" the Bolsheviks
#8157, aired 2020-02-11"M"EN OF THE PAST $3,000 (Daily Double): On July 20, 1937 , we short-waved goodbye to this Italian inventor Marconi
#8154, aired 2020-02-06THE NEW SCHOOL $400: BSU for short, this Idaho school has a blue artificial turf field, much to the displeasure of football purists Boise State
#8153, aired 2020-02-05NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES $600: MT for short, this magazine for car enthusiasts celebrated its 70th anniversary in 2019 Motor Trend
#8153, aired 2020-02-05GENETIC DISORDERS $1200: Duchenne MD--MD short for this--is an inherited disorder that affects about 1 in 3,500 male births around the world muscular dystrophy
#8149, aired 2020-01-30Y IS THE ONLY VOWEL $1600: It's a short-tailed feline of European forests a lynx
#8149, aired 2020-01-30THAT'S POLITICS $2000: The word "oppo", short for this 2-word term, really took off in the 1992 presidential campaign opposition research
#8142, aired 2020-01-21SPACED-OUT POP CULTURE $1200: Directed by Stanley Kubrick, this epic film was inspired by the short story "The Sentinel" by Arthur C. Clarke 2001: A Space Odyssey
#8140, aired 2020-01-17BANDS, CLANS & GANGS $1000: Gangs in the "Gangs of New York" era included the Plug Uglies, the Short Tails & these "Boys" named for part of lower Manhattan the Bowery Boys
#8138, aired 2020-01-15BACKRONYMS $2000: Named for a child kidnapped in 1996, an Amber Alert is short for "America's Missing: Broadcast" these 2 words Emergency Response
#8, aired 2020-01-14THE GREATEST CANADIANS OF ALL TIME $800: (Ryan Reynolds delivers the clue.) After losing part of his right leg to cancer, he embarked on a Marathon of Hope, running across Canada to raise money to fight cancer; he ran almost a marathon a day for 143 days but stopped short of his goal when the cancer spread to his lungs (Terry) Fox
#8, aired 2020-01-14LITERARY TERMS & DEVICES $1000: This metrical foot is 2 short or unstressed syllables followed by one long or stressed one anapest
#8136, aired 2020-01-13I LEARNED IT ON YOUTUBE $800: How to say "I love you" in ASL, short for this American Sign Language
#8135, aired 2020-01-10# $200: #TBH is short for this, when users try to be truthful about an idea they post... on the Internet... noted home of the truth to be honest
#8135, aired 2020-01-10# $1000: #FF, short for this, is used to recommend social media accounts you enjoy followfriday
#8135, aired 2020-01-10AMERICAN HISTORY $2000: This powerful union of the 1880s, KOL for short, began as a secret society modeled on the Masons the Knights of Labor
#8134, aired 2020-01-09ORGANIZATIONS $3,000 (Daily Double): After stopping a carriage driver from beating his horse, Henry Bergh founded the org. known by these 5 letters for short the ASPCA
#6, aired 2020-01-09CYBERSECURITY $600: Companies consider cybersecurity when instructing employees with a policy on BYOD, short for this bring your own device
#8133, aired 2020-01-08"B"EASTS $400: Here, kitty, kitty! You aren't a mountain lion--you're this wildcat named for its short tail a bobcat
#8133, aired 2020-01-08BUSINESS & INDUSTRY $400: The first initial in the name of this clothing retailer is short for "Hers" in Swedish H&M
#4, aired 2020-01-0820-LETTER WORDS $800: EEG for short, it's a record of some of the brain's activity an electroencephalogram
#3, aired 2020-01-08SHORT STORY SYLLABUS $200: "The Lone Ranger &" this man "Fistfight in Heaven" is the title story of a collection by Native American author Sherman Alexie Tonto
#3, aired 2020-01-08SHORT STORY SYLLABUS $400: A Dostoyevsky story is titled these, the daylit evenings of St. Petersburg in summertime "White Nights"
#3, aired 2020-01-08SHORT STORY SYLLABUS $800: "Cathedral" is the title story of a 1983 collection by this American realist & onetime janitor (Raymond) Carver
#3, aired 2020-01-08CHARITIES $800: To fight excessive punishment along racial lines, lawyer Bryan Stevenson founded this initiative, EJI for short Equal Justice
#3, aired 2020-01-08SHORT STORY SYLLABUS $1,000 (Daily Double): W.W. Jacobs came up with pretty much the opposite of a lucky rabbit's foot with this story of a dad, a son & 3 wishes gone bad "The Monkey's Paw"
#3, aired 2020-01-08SHORT STORY SYLLABUS $1000: This 19th century French short story master is noted for twist endings, as in "The Necklace" Guy de Maupassant
#8132, aired 2020-01-07POLITICS $1000: He served South Carolina as a senator from 1954 to 2003, dying short of his 101st birthday Strom Thurmond
#1, aired 2020-01-07THE OSCARS $400: On Oscar night 2016 Best Animated Short went to "Bear Story"; this other bear story won Best Actor & Best Director The Revenant
#8130, aired 2020-01-03SLIDING INTO YOUR CMs $1600: You have the Gaul to tell me that he brought Burgundy under his control in the 700s?! & that he was Pepin the Short's dad?! Charles Martel
#8129, aired 2020-01-02WHITE HOUSE HUNTERS $800: Pre-D.C., Nancy was an actress & Ronald was a different kind of president, leading SAG, short for this, from 1947 to 1952 the Screen Actors Guild
#8127, aired 2019-12-31IT'S CHARLIE! $1000: Born in England in 1889, he made the comedy short "Making a Living" in 1914 in Los Angeles Charlie Chaplin
#8125, aired 2019-12-27PROVERBS $600: A computer term, GIGO is short for this garbage in, garbage out
#8123, aired 2019-12-25THE NEXT WORD AFTER $800: After quatorze: a very short poem with a fixed amount of lines a quatrain
#8121, aired 2019-12-23FBI HEADQUARTERS $800: (Sarah of the Clue Crew presents from the FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C.) Nearly 95% of the over 500 who've appeared on the FBI's 10 Most Wanted fugitives list have been found, including this man who was listed twice--first following an April 1968 assassination and again briefly after a short 1977 prison escape James Earl Ray
#8120, aired 2019-12-20BOOKS FILMED WITH DIFFERENT TITLES $1600: A phrase in a gun catalogue gave Stanley Kubrick this title for his film based on Gustav Hasford's "The Short-Timers" Full Metal Jacket
#8118, aired 2019-12-18ON THE FIRST LADY'S IMDB PAGE $1000: "Women in Defense" (documentary short) commentary written by (1941) Eleanor Roosevelt
#8118, aired 2019-12-18ACRONYMS & ABBREVIATIONS $2000: The SAS for short, it's kind of the British Delta Force the Special Air Service
#8116, aired 2019-12-16MARIE'S CONDO $200: Marie's monthly nut for her condo naturally includes HOA dues, HOA short for this homeowners association
#8116, aired 2019-12-16GIVE ME A "V" $800: In the organization known as the VFW for short Veterans
#8115, aired 2019-12-13LITERARY TV ADAPTATIONS $1200: Played by Timothy Olyphant on "Justified", Raylan Givens appeared earlier in the short story "Fire in the Hole" by this author Elmore Leonard
#8113, aired 2019-12-11VOCABULARY $1600: A short metal-tipped "stick" carried by military officers, or to walk with an arrogant air swagger
#8110, aired 2019-12-06CLOTHING $600: A wardrobe staple for women is the LBD, short for this a little black dress
#8109, aired 2019-12-05THE WORLD ACCORDING TO JEFF GOLDBLUM $1200: Seeing as how I'm no slouch on putting on a fancy costume, I felt right at home at a gathering of the whimsical folk who are into L.A.R.P. or LARP, short for "live action" this role-playing
#8108, aired 2019-12-04OSCAR ONE OF A KINDS $400: The only Oscar-winning vehicle for this duo, Stan & Ollie, was the 1932 short film "The Music Box" Laurel and Hardy
#8108, aired 2019-12-04TIGER TALK $1000: An 1882 short story by Frank Stockton about a choice between these 2 things has come to mean an impossible decision the lady & the tiger
#8108, aired 2019-12-04YOU CAN TAKE THAT TO THE BANK! $1000: Redoing the kitchen is gonna be pricey, so we'll take out a HELOC, short for home equity this a home equity line of credit
#8107, aired 2019-12-03ANIMAL MALADIES $800: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew at the Como Park Zoo in St. Paul, Minnesota.) Although healthy now, these guys get regular ultrasounds and daily baby aspirins as gorillas in captivity, especially the males, are prone to this disease--"CVD" for short cardiovascular disease
#8107, aired 2019-12-03WORDS & THEIR MEANINGS $800: An official rebuke; short of expulsion, the U.S. House may discipline a member with a reprimand or this censure
#8105, aired 2019-11-29BEFORE & AFTER $400: Golf short game practice area served up in the title of a Dr. Seuss book a putting Green Eggs and Ham
#8104, aired 2019-11-28CHESS TALK $400: If this special move is done on the queenside, it's "long"; on the kingside, "short" castling
#8104, aired 2019-11-28CIRCUMSTANCE $800: In people with the most common type of CP, short for this, increased muscle tone is bad, causing stiff movement cerebral palsy
#8104, aired 2019-11-28OSCAR-WINNING ADAPTED SCREENPLAYS $1200: 2005: Larry McMurtry & Diana Ossana, based on a short story by Annie Proulx Brokeback Mountain
#8102, aired 2019-11-26DEEP STUFF $1000: On airplane flights, be sure to walk around every now & then to avoid DVT, short for this deep vein thrombosis
#8100, aired 2019-11-22IN THE PINK $600: Eat & exercise to keep your BMI, short for this, within the proper range; shoot for between 18.5 & 24.9 body mass index
#8092, aired 2019-11-12COMMUNICATION $400: "Memo" is short for this short note memorandum
#8091, aired 2019-11-11GOVERNMENT & POLITICS $600: Title I of this, the ADA for short, deals with equal employment opportunities & benefits the Americans with Disabilities Act
#8090, aired 2019-11-08ORGANIZATIONS $200: The ABA for short, it has a standing committee on legal aid & indigent defendants the American Bar Association
#8089, aired 2019-11-07LET'S EAT $400: This pre-cooked offering for a soldier, MRE for short a Meal, Ready-to-Eat
#8089, aired 2019-11-07SINGERS $400: Luke Hemmings is the lead singer of this Australian pop outfit known as 5SOS for short 5 Seconds of Summer
#8086, aired 2019-11-04ABBREV. & ACRONYMS $800: A popular hashtag on Twitter is #icymi, short for this in case you missed it
#8086, aired 2019-11-04ABBREV. & ACRONYMS $1600: Wanna boost traffic to your website? Try SEO, short for this search engine optimization
#8078, aired 2019-10-23INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS $2000: State-owned & known by this 5-letter name for short, Mexico's largest company is this oil concern Pemex
#8072, aired 2019-10-15TV MORNING SHOWS $200: In 2005 Robin Roberts began co-anchoring this show, "GMA" for short Good Morning America
#8072, aired 2019-10-15SOCIOLOGIST'S GLOSSARY $200: One definition of these trends is an "amusing mass involvement" that's short-lived; Hula Hoops & smiley faces are 2 examples a fad
#8072, aired 2019-10-15AUTOMATONS $400: Czech writer Karel Capek wrote the play "R.U.R.", short for "Rossum's Universal" these automata robots
#8072, aired 2019-10-15OH OH, 3 O'S $800: Short but demanding type of race, seen here motocross
#8070, aired 2019-10-11MED. ABBREV. $800: In 1989 the gene that causes this disease, CF for short, was discovered cystic fibrosis
#8067, aired 2019-10-08WOMEN COMPOSERS $800: The first symphony by an American woman was Amy Beach's "Gaelic Symphony", first performed in 1896 by this group, the BSO for short the Boston Symphony Orchestra
#8066, aired 2019-10-07PLACES OF BUSINESS $200: Sony is an MNC, short for this, meaning it has sites all over the world a multinational corporation
#8059, aired 2019-09-26NAMES IN POLITICS $200: Virginia Governor Ralph Northam graduated from VMI, short for this, then spent 8 years on active duty Virginia Military Institute
#8059, aired 2019-09-26NEWER TO THE LANGUAGE $400: Bougie, short for this, is all about the Benjamins & the stuff you have Bourgeoisie
#8054, aired 2019-09-19TRANSPORTATION $2000: As well as a naval lock-up this word is short for the kind of vessel here now mostly seen at tall ship festivals brig (brigantine)
#8050, aired 2019-09-13MOTTOES $800: "God, Home and Country" is the motto of this patriotic group, DAR for short Daughters of the American Revolution
#8048, aired 2019-09-11NAME-LETTER PEOPLE $2000: In 2014 the Queen signed her first tweet "Elizabeth R.", the R. short for this Latin word Regina
#8047, aired 2019-09-10PIG LATIN $400: In a Three Stooges short, trying to explain Pig Latin, Arrylay & this guy tell Urlycay he's umbday Oemay
#8047, aired 2019-09-10NAME-CALLING IN POLITICS $400: Critics call GOP members who have gotten too liberal RINOs, short for this Republican In Name Only
#8046, aired 2019-09-09HEALTH WATCH $200: Short periods in the sun provide this vitamin AKA cholecalciferol D
#8043, aired 2019-07-24GO, GO, GADGET... $800: Ghost hunters would never be caught without an EMF meter, which detects these fields, EMF for short electromagnetic fields
#8042, aired 2019-07-23SPURN NOTICE $800: This adjective for something short, like a cute li'l nose, can also mean to spurn or ignore snub
#8039, aired 2019-07-18THE EDGARS $200: Part of "The Bazaar of Bad Dreams", "Obits" won the 2016 Short Story Edgar Award for my Maine man, this horror master Stephen King
#8039, aired 2019-07-18DEEP "POCKET" $1000: Rhyming nickname of short-but-fast NHL star Henri Richard Pocket Rocket
#8038, aired 2019-07-17FASHION DON'TS $200: This short ballerina skirt is one of Glamour's "27 Cringeworthy Fashion Don'ts" but I think I could really rock one! a tutu
#8038, aired 2019-07-17AWARDS & HONORS $800: In 2012 the Draper Prize, an engineering award, went to the developers of LCD, short for this liquid crystal display
#8036, aired 2019-07-15ORGANIZATIONS $1000: FA for short, this nationwide network of food banks is the largest domestic hunger-relief organization in the United States Feeding America
#8035, aired 2019-07-12ACRONYMS & ABBREVS. $800: The slang term PDA is short for this, like smooching at the movies public displays of affection
#8035, aired 2019-07-12ACRONYMS & ABBREVS. $1600: Seen on pay stubs, FICA is short for these 2 words "Contributions Act" federal insurance
#8034, aired 2019-07-11PHYSICS $800: Sheldon Glashow gave this adorable name, C-quark for short, to a particle discovered in 1974 charm
#8033, aired 2019-07-10PRISON NICKNAMES $400: Prison-wise, "pen" is short for this word penitentiary
#8028, aired 2019-07-03THE LONG & THE SHORT OF BATTLE $400: The Battle of San Jacinto lasted 18 min. with hundreds of Mexican soldiers killed as this place was remembered in battle cries the Alamo
#8028, aired 2019-07-03THE LONG & THE SHORT OF BATTLE $800: It took 32 days for U.N. forces to win the Battle of Heartbreak Ridge in this country in 1951 Korea
#8028, aired 2019-07-03THE LONG & THE SHORT OF BATTLE $1200: The 1781 Battle of Yorktown lasted for 21 days before this fenced-in general finally surrendered Cornwallis
#8028, aired 2019-07-03THE LONG & THE SHORT OF BATTLE $1600: Lysander's surprise attack at Aegospotami, destroying this city-state's fleet, helped decide the Peloponnesian War Athens
#8027, aired 2019-07-02THE GEORGE W. BUSH PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY $1600: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents from the George W. Bush Presidential Library.) The Situation Room replica has the actual furniture from Washington--from this table on March 19th, 2003, President Bush gave the order to start the Iraq War to General Franks, head of CENTCOM, short for this Central Command
#8025, aired 2019-06-28TAKING THE DRIVING TEST $200: This state agency, the DMV for short, administers the test the Department of Motor Vehicles
#8020, aired 2019-06-21AWARDS & HONORS $600: Regeneron has taken over sponsorship from Intel of the STS, short for this, a competition for high school seniors the Science Talent Search
#8020, aired 2019-06-21A S.T.E.A.M. CATEGORY $1200: How far apart your eyes are is one metric of FRS, short for this tech system used by social media & law enforcement facial recognition system
#8019, aired 2019-06-20BOOKS OF MYSTERY $400: This detective featured in 4 novels & 56 short stories was killed off in 1893, but that didn't stop him for long Sherlock Holmes
#8014, aired 2019-06-13ALTAR EGOS $600: In 1981 a 20,000-seat stadium was built for the weeklong wedding of the son of the 1st president of the UAE, short for this United Arab Emirates
#8014, aired 2019-06-13RESTAURANT CHAINS $800: Serving "good food fast", this southern favorite is known as WaHo for short Waffle House
#8014, aired 2019-06-13"SINGLE" SERVINGS $1200: Thomas Sutton added a hinged mirror to create the first SLR camera, short for this single-lens reflex
#8009, aired 2019-06-06SPELL IT OR SAY IT? $2000: DOS is a programming language; DoS. is short for "denial of" this & is a computer attack service
#8004, aired 2019-05-30CLIMATE $400: With its own TV channel, this is the short term (minutes to weeks) manifestation of climate weather
#8004, aired 2019-05-30WORLD FACTS $400: It's the very short name for the longest river in Italy the Po
#8002, aired 2019-05-28LET'S MAKE A TREE $1200: The "D" drops from the front of a short race, leaving this tree at the finish line ash
#7999, aired 2019-05-23NEWSPEAK $400: Most sex was outlawed, so artsem, short for this, was preferred for reproduction artificial insemination
#7999, aired 2019-05-23THE 2018 IG NOBEL PRIZES $600: The Lit prize went to a look at whether buyers of complicated products actually do this, RTM for short read the manual
#7996, aired 2019-05-20A PRINCE AMONG MEN $2000: Charlemagne had a son with this name who found he had "Magic To Do" in Italy Pepin
#7995, aired 2019-05-17FIRE & ICE $800: ICE, short for U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement, was created in 2003 as part of this Cabinet department Homeland Security
#7994, aired 2019-05-16DANCING BACK TO DISCO $200: The Village People knew "there's a place you can go...when you're short on your dough"; hey, it's "fun to stay" here! at the YMCA
#7992, aired 2019-05-14TIME FOR GYM $200: Treadmill users, subtract your age from 200 to get your maximum heart rate that's measured in BPM, short for this beats per minute
#7992, aired 2019-05-14NON-POLITICAL PRESIDENTS $400: In 2019 Randi Weingarten, pres. of this union, AFT for short, joined L.A. educators on the picket line the American Federation of Teachers
#7992, aired 2019-05-14THE MORE "C"OMMON WORD $800: Cudgel: A short, heavy one of these a club
#7992, aired 2019-05-14GAME OF THORNS $1000: EBTG is short for this band formed by Ben Watt & Tracey Thorn in 1982 Everything But The Girl
#7990, aired 2019-05-10COMPUTERS $800: Allowing interaction through icons or other visual indicators, GUI is short for graphical user this interface
#7987, aired 2019-05-07JUICE WORLD $200: The "D" in the name of this tangy juice brand is short for "delight" Sunny D
#7986, aired 2019-05-06OCCUPATIONS $600: These 2 words come before "cook" to describe one in a diner making simple, quick meals short order
#7984, aired 2019-05-02SCI-FI TECH $800: In the story that inspired "Blade Runner", Philip K. Dick didn't use "replicant"--his term was "andy", short for this android
#7984, aired 2019-05-02WORLD OF SPORT $1000: Pioneered by the Gracie family, BJJ is short for Brazilian this jiujitsu
#7982, aired 2019-04-30BROOKLYN $400: North central Brooklyn's Bed-Stuy, short for this, features the Billie Holiday Theatre Bedford-Stuyvesant
#7981, aired 2019-04-29POTENT PORTABLES $1000: SanDisk makes a 500-gig external SSD, short for this kind of "drive" that can help you with storage solid state
#7977, aired 2019-04-23PREGNANCY $2000: If you were having a baby at 35 or older, it used to be called a geriatric pregnancy; now the AMA prefers this, AMA for short advanced maternal age
#7976, aired 2019-04-22COMMUNITIES $1200: Though never a CEO, Barack Obama worked in his 20s in Chicago as a C.O., short for this community organizer
#7976, aired 2019-04-22WORDS FROM ITALIAN $1600: A long short story, running about 100 pages novella
#7975, aired 2019-04-19ROCK ANIMALS $600: Marc Bolan led the '70s glam rockers who used this short name of a dinosaur T. Rex
#7974, aired 2019-04-18REVERSIBLE COMPOUND WORDS $1200: A short break between airplane flights & a transparent sheet placed on top of another sheet layover and overlay
#7972, aired 2019-04-16A THURBER CARNIVAL OF QUOTATIONS $600: From a short story, "Are you scraping around the bottom of the pickle barrel Are you sitting in" this "seat?" catbird
#7969, aired 2019-04-11AROUND THE INDIAN OCEAN $9,800 (Daily Double): In 1497, this man sailed around Africa & with the help of a pilot crossed the Indian Ocean & reached India Vasco da Gama
#7967, aired 2019-04-09A SHORT STORY CATEGORY $400: Surprisingly, a Richard Russo tale about a dismal road trip is titled this happy "Ride" "Joy Ride"
#7967, aired 2019-04-09A SHORT STORY CATEGORY $800: Alice Munro set many stories like "Royal Beatings" in small towns in this country Canada
#7967, aired 2019-04-09PALE AIL $800: Fairer folk rejoice! REI offers UPF clothing, UPF short for this "protection factor" ultraviolet
#7967, aired 2019-04-09A SHORT STORY CATEGORY $1200: "A Boring Story" is by this Russian playwright/story master (Anton) Chekhov
#7967, aired 2019-04-09A SHORT STORY CATEGORY $1600: Competes the title of Susan Glaspell's 1917 tale with a feminist angle, "A Jury of..." of her peers
#7967, aired 2019-04-09A SHORT STORY CATEGORY $2000: J.D. Salinger paired "Franny" with a story about him Zooey
#7965, aired 2019-04-05MAKE TIME FOR TIME $200: This short span of time comes before "messaging" or "coffee" instant
#7965, aired 2019-04-05COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES $2000: This Jesuit university not far from L.A.'s international airport is known as LMU for short Loyola Marymount
#7962, aired 2019-04-02THE OLYMPICS $1600: If you're about to do the winter Olympic event called short track, you'll be wanting these on your feet speed skates
#7958, aired 2019-03-27GETTING AN EDUCATION $200: EMBA is short for executive this, for working professionals who are continuing to improve master of business administration
#7958, aired 2019-03-27HAIRSTYLES $600: Combed in points around the forehead, this short cut is named for a type of sprite a pixie
#7953, aired 2019-03-20SPRING MEDLEY $1000: Flowers newly in bloom include this one, "aggie" for short an agapanthus
#7953, aired 2019-03-20SCI-FI SUBGENRES $1200: The planet's in trouble in "New York 2140" by Kim Stanley Robinson, part of the cli-fi subgenre, short for this climate fiction
#7951, aired 2019-03-18TV SERIES FINALES $1000: Ted Mosby "kept this story short & to the point" in the finale of this CBS sitcom How I Met Your Mother
#7951, aired 2019-03-1815-LETTER WORDS $1600: Oxfam is this type of international voluntary organization, NGO for short nongovernmental
#7950, aired 2019-03-15THE NEW YORK TIMES 100 NOTABLE BOOKS OF 2018 $400: A young woman decides hibernation may be the answer in Ottessa Moshfegh's "My Year of" this, R&R for short rest and relaxation
#7949, aired 2019-03-14ON THE MOVE $400: In the 1930s, maps and little weights called shrimp boats were used by the first en-route centers for ATC, short for this air traffic control
#7947, aired 2019-03-12FRUIT SALAD $200: Zin for short, this grape was introduced to California during the gold rush years zinfandel
#7943, aired 2019-03-06SPEED OF SOUND $200: In dry air, the speed of sound is 1,086 FPS, short for this feet per second
#7942, aired 2019-03-05PODCASTS $1000: No rainbow, but this PBS host & "Roots" actor reads short fiction on his podcast (LeVar) Burton
#7940, aired 2019-03-01WHAT DO YOU STAND FOR? $2000: In case of missiles from the Soviet Union, the U.S. & Canada had this, the DEW line for short Distant Early Warning
#7937, aired 2019-02-26"INTER" $1600: Some think that the electric car will abolish ICE, short for this traditional type of engine internal combustion engine
#7931, aired 2019-02-18STILL I RISE $400: Bodybuilders can only dream of pecs, short for these muscles, as developed as the ones that help birds take off pectorals
#7931, aired 2019-02-18TEXTBOOKS $400: "Natural Language Processing" is a section in a leading textbook on this, A.I. for short artifical intelligence
#7924, aired 2019-02-07"P"LACES AT THE MALL $1000: "Do something creative every day" is the motto of this card store, P.S. for short Paper Source
#7916, aired 2019-01-28AWARD ETYMOLOGY $400: The Razzie Awards for bad movies are short for "Golden" these raspberries
#7916, aired 2019-01-28AWARD ETYMOLOGY $800: The "OB" in the Obie Theater Awards is short for these 2 words off Broadway
#7916, aired 2019-01-28AWARD ETYMOLOGY $1200: The Tony Award is short for this first name of actress-producer Perry Antoinette
#7914, aired 2019-01-24POTENT POE TALES $2000: It is noted twice in a certain Poe short story that Luchesi cannot tell the difference between sherry & this other drink amontillado
#7911, aired 2019-01-21TRANSPORTATION $1000: In the country hit "Drunk on a plane", a 737 is "rockin' like a G6", the G short for this aircraft maker Gulfstream
#7909, aired 2019-01-17FER SURE, IT WAS THE '80s $4,000 (Daily Double): In December 1989 he took what would be a short-lived refuge in the Vatican embassy in Panama City (Manuel) Noriega
#7906, aired 2019-01-14CONNECTIQUETTE $600: In the clubhouse of GCC, short for Greenwich this, shorts must be Bermuda length country club
#7905, aired 2019-01-11SHARK TANK 10 $600: (Hi, I'm Mark Cuban.) I hate it when investors throw money at companies they don't understand but are afraid might do well; that's FOMO investing, short for this fear of missing out
#7904, aired 2019-01-10TECHNOLOGY $200: This process used in energy production is short for hydraulic fracturing fracking
#7902, aired 2019-01-08ADD A LETTER $800: Add a letter to a novel or short story & it become a constant source of disagreement or conflict fiction and friction
#7899, aired 2019-01-03ACRONYMS $1200: Oops! Looks like somebody has gone AWOL, which is short for this absent without leave
#7897, aired 2019-01-01MAKING THE ZINE $200: "Zine" is a short form of "fanzine", first associated with this genre; the Hugo Awards have honored zines since 1955 sci-fi
#7894, aired 2018-12-27NEWER WORDS $1200: Dating back to the 1930s, Antifa is short for this anti-fascist
#7890, aired 2018-12-21SIZE MATTERS $800: "Min pin" is short for this, among the 25 smallest dog breeds recognized by the AKC the miniature pinscher
#7887, aired 2018-12-18LIKES & RAVERS $1000: Online, "h/t" is short for these 2 words, a way to express gratitude with your homburg or fedora hat tip
#7885, aired 2018-12-14COUNTRIES' HIGHEST POINTS $2000: Mount Obama--this Caribbean nation known as "A&B" for short Antigua and Barbuda
#7883, aired 2018-12-12READ IT $1000: Jhumpa Lahiri's writing is exquisite in her short story collection called "Interpreter of" these maladies
#7879, aired 2018-12-06I NEED YOU TO KEEP ME WARM $800: Coldgear reactor-wear from this company, UA for short Under Armour
#7872, aired 2018-11-27LANGUAGE $2,000 (Daily Double): The ASL alphabet uses one hand; that of BSL, short for this, uses 2 British Sign Language
#7871, aired 2018-11-26EARTH SCIENCE $800: DTB is short for depth to this, the solid stuff underlying looser soil bedrock
#7870, aired 2018-11-23THE SHORT FORM $400: Deli, where I'll have the corned beef on rye delicatessen
#7870, aired 2018-11-23THE SHORT FORM $800: Piano is Italian for "soft" & short for this word meaning "soft loud" pianoforte
#7870, aired 2018-11-23THE SHORT FORM $1200: Perk--I can smell the coffee now percolate
#7870, aired 2018-11-23THE SHORT FORM $1600: Perk, as in an added benefit or privilege perquisite
#7870, aired 2018-11-23THE SHORT FORM $2000: Cab is short for this French-named horse-drawn carriage cabriolet
#7868, aired 2018-11-21A POP CULTURE THANKSGIVING $600: A 1933 Popeye short is called "I ____ What I ____" yam
#7864, aired 2018-11-15FRESHWATER FISH $2000: The walking type of this fish can breathe air & make short journeys over land a catfish
#7863, aired 2018-11-14ON VINYL $800: Vinyl 7" singles were also called 45s for 45 RPM, short for this rotation per minute (or revolutions per minute)
#7862, aired 2018-11-13RHYMES WITH A VOWEL $400: Bashful, or short of the full amount shy
#7862, aired 2018-11-13SUMMER CAMP $800: The novel "Sleepaway Girls" is about a summer as a CIT, short for this a counselor in training
#7859, aired 2018-11-08HEALTH & MEDICINE $1200: People who experience life-threatening events may develop PTSD, short for this post-traumatic stress disorder
#7856, aired 2018-11-05LADY GAGA $200: Intel provided 300 drones to accompany Lady Gaga for this short but major gig in Houston Feb. 5, 2017 the Super Bowl (halftime show)
#7855, aired 2018-11-02ALPHABET CITY $800: E: This Mexican city south of San Diego is a regular port-of-call for short cruises out of Long Beach, Ca. Ensenada
#7852, aired 2018-10-30A BIT OLD FASHION $800: From around 1825 short pants called breeches were no longer worn by fashionable British men, only by these, such as footmen servants
#7852, aired 2018-10-30ETYMOLOGY $800: The "pied" in "pied piper" meant he dressed in multicolored clothing, like this bird, "pie" for short a magpie
#7851, aired 2018-10-29SPEAKING SOME LEGALESE $800: Confidentially, an NDA, short for this, is signed to make sure you don't spill the beans on any trade secrets a non-disclosure agreement
#7845, aired 2018-10-19THE 1980s $1000: (Sarah of the Clue Crew presents from the Plokstine Cold War Museum in Lithuania.) The silos at Lithuania's Plokstine missile base that once housed Soviet SS-4 rockets are empty; the missiles were destroyed under terms of this treaty, signed in 1987 by Gorbachev & Reagan & known by three letters for short the INF Treaty
#7845, aired 2018-10-19AFRICAN-AMERICAN HISTORY $1600: In 1968 at this school, SFSU for short, Nathan Hare created the USA's first black studies program San Francisco State University
#7844, aired 2018-10-18UNIONS ONLINE $1000: You can learn a lot at, NEA being short for this the National Education Association
#7841, aired 2018-10-15SOCIAL MEDIA ABBREV. $200: On Twitter "RT" is short for this, which helps you not get accused of plagiarism retweet
#7841, aired 2018-10-15DRIVING $400: Cruising around Phoenix--that driver must be awfully short--oh, it's Waymo, Google's version of these self-driving cars
#7841, aired 2018-10-15SOCIAL MEDIA ABBREV. $400: The one who started it all, the "OP" in a Facebook thread is short for this the original poster
#7841, aired 2018-10-15SOCIAL MEDIA ABBREV. $1000: "WCW" is short for this, the weekday some groups post images of their favorite actresses Woman Crush Wednesday
#7840, aired 2018-10-12C & C ALLITERATION FACTORY $600: When you CC a coworker on an e-mail, "CC" is short for this, representing bygone technology carbon copy
#7840, aired 2018-10-123-SYLLABLE WORDS $2000: In a classic Kurt Weill song, "The days grow short when you reach" this month on the calendar September
#7837, aired 2018-10-09TV FOR SHORT $200: This crime drama is doubly abbreviated "L&O: SVU" Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
#7837, aired 2018-10-09TV FOR SHORT $400: Ted tells us "HIMYM", this How I Met Your Mother
#7837, aired 2018-10-09TV FOR SHORT $600: With RR (Rachael Ray)": "30MM" 30 Minute Meals
#7837, aired 2018-10-09TV FOR SHORT $800: This reality show is "RHONY" The Real Housewives of New York
#7837, aired 2018-10-09TV FOR SHORT $1000: Mysteries upend lives on "HTGAWM", this drama How to Get Away with Murder
#7835, aired 2018-10-05LET IT GO $1000: Breathe; the Maharishi gave us TM, short for this consciousness-raising practice ...race to the buzzer! transcendental meditation
#7834, aired 2018-10-04IF I WERE IN RICHMOND... $1000: I'd consider auditing a course at this Richmond school, VCU for short Virginia Commonwealth University
#7833, aired 2018-10-03FROM THE DUTCH $400: Dutch gave us this 4-letter word for a short curl or twist & thus its 5-letter adjective for "perverse" kink
#7833, aired 2018-10-03THE COLD WAR $2000: In 1956 Soviet tanks rolled into this European capital city, suppressing a short democratic revolt Budapest
#7830, aired 2018-09-283 CONSONANTS, NO VOWELS $200: A short way to admonish someone to be quiet shh
#7828, aired 2018-09-26COLLEGE COURSES $600: RISD, short for this school, had a course on a li'l somethin' we all might want to know--"the meaning of life" the Rhode Island School of Design
#7823, aired 2018-09-19DOUBLE "B"s $1600: Short ends of grain after harvesting, or of hair before shaving stubble
#7819, aired 2018-09-13SAME FIRST & LAST LETTER $200: It's short for the agreement some couples sign before they get married a prenup
#7819, aired 2018-09-13ANCIENT BRO-MANS $800: I'm gonna be best in bro at the chariot races this weekend at the C.M., short for this hippodrome in Rome the Circus Maximus
#7816, aired 2018-09-10BACK TO BASICS $800: RIF, short for "Reading is" this, has aided children's literacy since 1966 fundamental
#7812, aired 2018-07-24THIS IS ONLY A TEST $200: It's a short dramatic audition filmed to show your acting potential (or lack thereof) a screen test
#7812, aired 2018-07-242-TERM CABINET OFFICERS $600: Tom Vilsack resigned from the Obama Cabinet as USDA head on January 13, 2017--this many weeks short of 8 years one
#7809, aired 2018-07-19THE ABCs OF THE CIA $1,000 (Daily Double): If you know what CIA stands for, you're 2/3 of the way to knowing DCI, as in head honcho, is short for this the director of central intelligence
#7809, aired 2018-07-19THE ABCs OF THE CIA $1200: The CIA played a role when Libya gave up its WMDs, short for these weapons of mass destruction
#7807, aired 2018-07-17SINGLE T, DOUBLE T $400: A short, half-suppressed laugh or giggle titter
#7805, aired 2018-07-13A STREETCAR $1000: A vintage trolley in Denver travels a short distance along this river to Mile High Stadium the South Platte River
#7801, aired 2018-07-09PLACES $400: UAE is short for this Mideast nation the United Arab Emirates
#7800, aired 2018-07-06WRITERS ON SPORTS $200: In 1996 Jim Murray said it was up to Shaq & Olajuwon to stop this guy; short of that, "an anti-aircraft battery" Michael Jordan
#7800, aired 2018-07-06SCENE OF THE RHYME $400: An old British sailor's song says to the "ladies of" this country, "We hope in a short time to see you again" Spain
#7795, aired 2018-06-29MULTIPLE A's $800: No paintbrush needed, A.A. is short for this type of collegiate degree associate of arts
#7790, aired 2018-06-22VERY SMALL TALK $1200: A very small painting, or a very short game of chess a miniature
#7789, aired 2018-06-21MATH-FREE WORD PROBLEMS $400: If Becky has 13 half-dollars & 46 pennies, she's way short of the 2018-19 tuition of $49,330 at this N.J. Ivy League school Princeton
#7786, aired 2018-06-18SHE CREATED HIM $800: James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser, or just Jamie Fraser for short Gabaldon
#7786, aired 2018-06-18ECONOMICS $2,800 (Daily Double): From Latin for "to look at", they are investors out for short-term profit; their money keeps the markets liquid & efficient speculators
#7785, aired 2018-06-15ABBRE-"V"-IATIONS $400: VMI for short, it has produced citizen-soldiers for over 170 years the Virginia Military Institute
#7782, aired 2018-06-12I NEED A DRINK $400: I could go for a Georgia peach with peach schnapps & this liqueur, SoCo for short Southern Comfort
#7782, aired 2018-06-12THE FOUR SEASONS $2000: Term for a short-lived period of liberalization in Czechoslovakia in 1968 the Prague Spring
#7781, aired 2018-06-11INSTANT GRATIFICATION $2000: The main action of an Ambrose Bierce short story takes place in the instant of a hanging on this bridge Owl Creek Bridge
#7778, aired 2018-06-06COMIC RELIEF $200: This dancin' daytime talk host said, "I'm a god-mother... she calls me God for short. That's cute, I taught her that" Ellen (DeGeneres)
#7777, aired 2018-06-05YOUR STYLE $1000: In Paris it's a men's shirt; in New York it's a type of dress, loose-cut & short a chemise
#7776, aired 2018-06-04MOTORCYCLES $200: The "cross" in motocross racing is short for this, referring to the rugged terrain crosscountry
#7775, aired 2018-06-01DAY & NIGHT BOOKSTORE $1600: Stephen King's "Night Shift" short story collection includes this one about a deadly cult of kids in farm country the "Children of the Corn"
#7770, aired 2018-05-25NEW YORK COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES $2000: RIT for short, it was one of the first schools to offer an undergraduate degree in software engineering Rochester Institute of Technology
#7769, aired 2018-05-24WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE? $800: "Weather" refers to short-term conditions; this is the average weather at a particular location over time climate
#7769, aired 2018-05-24SENATORS WHO SOUGHT HIGHER OFFICE $2,400 (Daily Double): This Dem., falling short in 1980: "The work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives, & the dream shall never die" Ted Kennedy
#7759, aired 2018-05-10HOBBIES & PASTIMES $600: Come up out of the basement & tell us you know "Final Fantasy" is an RPG, short for this role-playing game
#7757, aired 2018-05-08SHORT STORIES $400: This Washington Irving character had a real booze problem--after getting blasted, he slept for 20 years Rip Van Winkle
#7757, aired 2018-05-08SHORT STORIES $800: His "The Snows of Kilimanjaro" first appeared in Esquire magazine in 1936 Ernest Hemingway
#7757, aired 2018-05-08SHORT STORIES $1,000 (Daily Double): A stone hit the unfortunate winner of this 1948 Shirley Jackson tale in the side of the head "The Lottery"
#7757, aired 2018-05-08SHORT STORIES $1200: "Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut" & "The Laughing Man" are 2 of the "Nine Stories" put out by this author J.D. Salinger
#7757, aired 2018-05-08SHORT STORIES $2000: Feline title of Kristen Roupenian's 2017 New Yorker story that sparked a debate over dating "Cat Person"
#7756, aired 2018-05-07SHORT ANSWER TEST $200: In Japanese hai means this yes
#7756, aired 2018-05-07SHORT ANSWER TEST $400: Britain's oldest type of noble title is this, like Lord Snowdon an earl
#7756, aired 2018-05-07SHORT ANSWER TEST $600: Rep. Adam Schiff's wife has this appropriate Biblical name Eve
#7756, aired 2018-05-07SHORT ANSWER TEST $800: 5-letter name for the 2007 influx of U.S. troops into Iraq surge
#7756, aired 2018-05-07SHORT ANSWER TEST $1000: To prevent rust, metals are galvanized by coating them with this metal zinc
#7752, aired 2018-05-01I'LL BE THE JUDGE OF THAT $1000: So you're trying to establish the defendant's M.O., short for this Latin term; please proceed modus operandi
#7749, aired 2018-04-26IMAGE $200: No, that movie battle scene didn't really have 50,000 extras--too expensive! They used CGI, short for this a computer-generated image (or computer graphic imaging)
#7748, aired 2018-04-25SINGERS $1200: The first name used by this singing bandleader doesn't refer to a taxi--it's short for Cabell Cab Calloway
#7746, aired 2018-04-23FURNITURE $600: The inward curve of the short, heavy table leg gave it this name of an animal's proboscis an elephant's trunk
#7745, aired 2018-04-20I'M KIND OF A "BIG" DEAL $800: Christian Bale bailed on the subprime housing market in this 2015 film The Big Short
#7740, aired 2018-04-13A QUESTION OF FILM $1200: Princess Leia snarkily asks, "Aren't you a little short for" one of these? a stormtrooper
#7737, aired 2018-04-10WEIGHTS & MEASURES $800: An angstrom is equivalent to 0.1 of these teeny tiny units, nm for short a nanometer
#7736, aired 2018-04-09SAVES $600: When a closer enters a close game & gives up the tying run, it's B.S., this for short a blown save
#7730, aired 2018-03-30PRO BASEBALL TEAMS $600: In 2017 their 104 wins led the majors but they came up 1 win short in the World Series the Dodgers
#7728, aired 2018-03-28PIPE SHOW $1,300 (Daily Double): These are your standard PVC pipes--PVC short for this polyvinyl chloride
#7727, aired 2018-03-27LITERARY CROSSWORD CLUES "M" $800: A short lyrical love poem, often set to music (8) a madrigal
#7719, aired 2018-03-15A DOG & PONY & LEMUR SHOW $200: The average height of this pony named for an island group is 40 inches--it's so short that it's not measured in hands a Shetland
#7716, aired 2018-03-12THIS IS NOT A DRILL (OR IS IT?) $200: New recruits at Parris Island get whipped into shape by a D.I., short for this a drill instructor
#7714, aired 2018-03-08MUSIC TERMS $2,000 (Daily Double): This word for disturbance of regular flow or rhythm as in jazz is from the Greek for "cutting short" syncopation
#7711, aired 2018-03-05HOME FURNISHINGS $800: Possibly derived from French, this short ornamental drapery hangs across the top of a window a valance
#7710, aired 2018-03-02CHARITABLE FOLKS $600: EJAF is short for this musician's AIDS Foundation, which works to eradicate the disease Elton John
#7707, aired 2018-02-27A FRENCH PREPOSITION $600: This short phrase means "in the style of" in English & French à la
#7703, aired 2018-02-215-LETTER PALINDROMES $400: Short for the numerical records kept on players in sports stats
#7701, aired 2018-02-19"LADY" $200: FLOTUS is short for this spouse First Lady of the United States
#7700, aired 2018-02-16ENDS IN "ELLA" $400: A short prose tale such as "Death in Venice" a novella
#7698, aired 2018-02-14MONEY MINDED $2000: It's not a speedy deer, it's money made easily in a short amount of time a quick buck
#7696, aired 2018-02-12FITNESS ABBREV. $800: H.I.I.T. is short for high-intensity this--it will tire you out interval training
#7695, aired 2018-02-09CRIME $200: Jack McCoy offers you a deal for pleading guilty to Man 1; Man is short for this manslaughter
#7695, aired 2018-02-0920th CENTURY FACTS $600: Infamous for its Communist hunting in the '50s, HUAC, short for this, became the Internal security Committee in 1969 the House Un-American Activities Committee
#7693, aired 2018-02-07SHARK TANK $800: (Laurie Grenier delivers the clue.) High-heeled swim fins, ingenious! But before I sign the check, let's get into numbers, like what is my ROI, short for this return on investment
#7691, aired 2018-02-05NICE JACKET! $200: DB is short for this type of jacket with 2 rows of buttons double-breasted
#7691, aired 2018-02-05LOVE ACTUARILY $1600: The A.H.A., short for this, says having a dog lowers your risk of the type of disease it fights the American Heart Association
#7689, aired 2018-02-01INTRODUCTION TO FILM $600: "And introducing Ke Huy Quan as Short Round" in this 1984 action sequel Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
#7683, aired 2018-01-24LET'S TALK DESSERT $2000: If you boast & come up short, you may have to eat this metaphorical pastry humble pie
#7681, aired 2018-01-22YOU GOTTA STAND FOR SOMETHING $1000: Some say résumé, some say CV, short for this Latin phrase curriculum vitae
#7680, aired 2018-01-19FINANCIAL GOBBLEDYGOOK $800: CAGR, short for an investment's compound annual this rate, basically just averages what it did over time growth
#7676, aired 2018-01-15JEOPARDY! WRITERS' ONLINE GO-TOs $1200: We have many fine books from this U.K. enterprise, OUP for short, & we can also access more than 400 of them online the Oxford University Press
#7674, aired 2018-01-11COLLEGE HOOPS $1000: This Spokane, Wa. Jesuit school made its first appearance in the NCAA final game in 2017, but came up a tad short Gonzaga
#7667, aired 2018-01-02SHORT STORIES $200: In an 1863 tale Philip Nolan wishes to never hear of the U.S. again & becomes "The Man Without" this a country
#7667, aired 2018-01-02SHORT STORIES $400: He wrote about a "Red Badge" & switched colors for the story "The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky" Stephen Crane
#7667, aired 2018-01-02SHORT STORIES $600: Dashiell Hammett also wrote stories bout this detective, including "Too Many Have Lived" Sam Spade
#7665, aired 2017-12-29ENTERTAINING ORGANIZATIONS $400: As president, Cheryl Boone Isaacs built a more inclusive AMPAS, short for the Academy of these Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
#7665, aired 2017-12-29ENTERTAINING ORGANIZATIONS $1200: This organization, AFI for short, has a conservatory offering MFAs in 6 disciplines, including editing & producing the American Film Institute
#7662, aired 2017-12-26ON BOXING DAY $1200: This UFC champion's crossover into boxing came up a bit short against Floyd Mayweather in August 2017 (Conor) McGregor
#7662, aired 2017-12-26HIS OWN MUSEUM $1600: In Austin, there's a museum devoted to short story writer William Sydney Porter, better known by this pen name O. Henry
#7658, aired 2017-12-20'TIS THE SEASON $400: Frank Sinatra Dr., Gerald Ford Dr. & Dinah Shore Dr. are a short drive from the airport of this California resort city Palm Springs
#7657, aired 2017-12-19SECURITY! $800: The RFID system, short for this "identification", is not working & we need to let people in radio frequency identification
#7656, aired 2017-12-18PHILIP K. DICK $800 (Daily Double): Psychics called precogs can see future crimes before they happen in this PKD short story "Minority Report"
#7654, aired 2017-12-14WORLD FACTS $1,000 (Daily Double): This 4-letter African country has a short coastline along the Bight of Benin Togo
#7653, aired 2017-12-13OF "ORDER" $400: The Bureau of Labor Statistics does not include fast food cooks among these other quick cooks short order cooks
#7652, aired 2017-12-12MAN MAKES THE CLOTHES $200: His short-sleeve cotton shirt with a polo player logo came onto the field of play in 1972 Ralph Lauren
#7652, aired 2017-12-12GOOD CAUSES $1000: Supporting the global Jewish community & championing human rights, it's BBI for short B'nai B'rith
#7651, aired 2017-12-11BEST SHORT FILM OSCARS $200: 2011 winner "The Shore" tells of a friendship shattered by "The Troubles" in this U.K. country Northern Ireland
#7651, aired 2017-12-11BEST SHORT FILM OSCARS $400: He produced the 1959 winner "The Golden Fish", 9 years before entering his "Undersea World" Jacques Cousteau
#7651, aired 2017-12-11BEST SHORT FILM OSCARS $600: The man himself narrates 1972's this painter's " American Dream" & the DVD is sold at his Mass. museum (Norman) Rockwell
#7651, aired 2017-12-11BEST SHORT FILM OSCARS $800: 1963's winner, "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge", aired on U.S. TV as an episode of this show The Twilight Zone
#7651, aired 2017-12-11BEST SHORT FILM OSCARS $1000: A 1947 Short Subject Oscar went to "Climbing" this mountain on the border of Switzerland & Italy the Matterhorn
#7649, aired 2017-12-07LITERARY CHARACTERS $800: In a Herman Melville short story, it's Bartleby's title profession scrivener
#7637, aired 2017-11-21A 1- THROUGH 5-STAR RATING $400: Wear one star on your U.S. Army uniform & you're a BG, short for this a brigadier general
#7637, aired 2017-11-21A 1- THROUGH 5-STAR RATING $1000: 4 stars for BNP Paribas, one of Europe's major banks; Paribas is short for Paris et des Pays-Bas, Paris & this country the Netherlands
#7635, aired 2017-11-17THE BODY HUMAN $2000: A lumbar puncture removes a sample of this watery solution, CSF for short cerebrospinal fluid
#7632, aired 2017-11-14DOCUMENTARIES $400: 2015's "Amy" traces the too-short life of this British singer Amy Winehouse
#7626, aired 2017-11-06RECYCLOPEDIA $1000: Don't put paint or oil in the trash or down the drain; collection centers dispose of them & other HHWs, short for these wastes hazardous household wastes
#7625, aired 2017-11-03ALPHABET SOUP WHEN YOU'RE SICK $200: EMR is short for this type of medical record accessed digitally an electronic medical record
#7625, aired 2017-11-03ALPHABET SOUP WHEN YOU'RE SICK $400: HTN is a short form of this long word for a condition that makes your heart work harder hypertension
#7623, aired 2017-11-01TAKE A HIKE! $200: It's a short and fairly easy hike to Manoa Falls on this most populous Hawaiian island Oahu
#7620, aired 2017-10-27AMERICAN AUTHORS $2000: She dedicated her short story "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" to Bob Dylan Joyce Carol Oates
#7619, aired 2017-10-26ALL ARE INVITED $200: All ages are allowed at movies rated G--the G is short for this general
#7617, aired 2017-10-24ROBOTS $200: Robotic milkers & strawberry pickers are examples of agbots, short for these agriculture robots
#7614, aired 2017-10-19ONE "DAY" AT A TIME $800: Someone who buys & sells stocks on the basis of small, short-term price fluctuations day trader
#7613, aired 2017-10-18THE ELECTRIC COMPANY $1600: Like "Sesame Street", "'The Electric Company" was a product of the CTW, short for this the Children's Television Workshop
#7609, aired 2017-10-12THE END IS NEAR $800: A "short-timer" was a soldier in Vietnam near the end of this typically 365-day period of service there tour (of duty)
#7607, aired 2017-10-10THE WRITING STUFF $600: Aunt Grace wants 1 more copy; good thing you put out your poems using P.O.D., short for this printing on demand
#7607, aired 2017-10-10FIRST NAMES IN THE DICTIONARY $800: To force open a window, as with the short crowbar of the same name jimmy
#7602, aired 2017-10-03NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC'S MUST SEE PLACES FOR 2017 $1600: Now with tourist access to remote villages, this nation, PNG for short, on the world's second-largest island Papua New Guinea
#7597, aired 2017-09-26DOUBLE DOUBLE LETTERS $800: Locusts are actually short-horned ones of these insects grasshoppers
#7596, aired 2017-09-25WORLD HISTORY $800: The ANC for short, it was founded in 1912, banned in 1960 & made a legal party again in 1990 the African National Congress
#7595, aired 2017-09-22INVESTING $1200: There are short & long types of this futures contract, what you do to "your bets" to minimize risk a hedge
#7593, aired 2017-09-20LET'S HEAR IT FOR WEDNESDAY $800: Tech company Asana has NMW, short for "No" this "Wednesday", so the conference room sits empty meetings
#7589, aired 2017-09-14THE ORIENT EXPRESS $800: As well as a mystery novel, she wrote a short story set on the Express, "Have You Got Everything You Want?" Agatha Christie
#7587, aired 2017-09-12REALITY TV $1000: "ANTM" is short for this reality competition show America's Next Top Model
#7581, aired 2017-07-24THE PERKS OF AGING $800: Never again having to worry about the SAT, ACT, LSAT or GRE, short for this exam the Graduate Record Examination
#7578, aired 2017-07-19LASSIE $400: The 1938 short story that introduced Lassie appeared in this publication, with a Norman Rockwell cover The Saturday Evening Post
#7576, aired 2017-07-17"O" YES! $800: Comedian Henny Youngman was "The King of" these short, witty remarks one-liners
#7572, aired 2017-07-11BY DEGREES $600: If you want your patients to be of the 4-legged variety, get a DVM degree, short for this Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
#7572, aired 2017-07-11SHAKA $1600: Shaka instituted a type of close-combat fighting involving short spears & these made of oxhide shields
#7571, aired 2017-07-10EVERYBODY "PAY"S $200: PPV for short, it's the way many UFC fans watch the big fight on TV pay-per-view
#7564, aired 2017-06-29PANTS ON FIRE $200: Women's Wear Daily coined this term for the ultra-short shorts whose sales were on fire in the 1970s hot pants
#7563, aired 2017-06-28NEWER WORDS & PHRASES $1200: In 2007 Nathan Rabin coined this phrase, MPDG for short, to describe Kirsten Dunst in "Elizabethtown" manic pixie dream girl
#7561, aired 2017-06-26RADIO, RADIO $2000: (Kelly of the Clue Crew shows a diagram on the monitor.) At night, radio waves can be reflected farther due to the greater elevation of this layer of the atmosphere, characterized by charged particles, allowing short-wave radio to travel better the ionosphere
#7559, aired 2017-06-22GUN TALK $1,200 (Daily Double): Today meaning a short-lived success, it refers to a misfire in a flintlock's powder flash in a pan
#7558, aired 2017-06-21WE'VE GOT MOMMY ISSUES $600: In Vanity Fair Adele talked about motherhood & her struggles with this, PPD for short, after her son was born postpartum depression
#7558, aired 2017-06-21A CATEGORY OF FEW WORDS $800: Cume, short for this is total box office cumulative
#7552, aired 2017-06-13"J" WORDS $200: A short, straight punch in boxing a jab
#7542, aired 2017-05-30THE PLAYS OF NEIL SIMON $800: Neil's play "The Good Doctor" was based on short stories by this Russian playwright Chekhov
#7535, aired 2017-05-19SCHOOL'S OUT IN JUNE $1600: St. Paul's College in Virginia, 1888-June 2013, is one of many shuttered HBCUs, short for these "colleges & universities" historically black colleges and universities
#7532, aired 2017-05-16BEATLES SONG TITLE REVERSALS $400: "The Short And Straight Boulevard" "The Long And Winding Road"
#7531, aired 2017-05-15LESSEN PLAN $800: Dr. Kellyann says you shed pounds & wrinkles with this alliterative stock made from short ribs or a chicken carcass bone broth
#7531, aired 2017-05-151917 -- 100 YEARS AGO $2000: In Russia this political faction overthrew Kerensky's short-lived provisional government the Bolsheviks
#7530, aired 2017-05-12IT'S A GROUP THING $800: Short, tall, grande, venti Starbucks drinks
#7529, aired 2017-05-11THE SILENT MOVIE ERA $800: "The Sheikh" starred this short-lived heartthrob (Rudolph) Valentino
#7527, aired 2017-05-09PEOPLE ON THE PAGE $2000: In a Hemingway story, this title character's "Short Happy Life" is over when he's shot by his wife during a safari "The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber"
#7525, aired 2017-05-052 OUT OF 3 AIN'T "BAD" $800: BCD is short for this not-so-great way of getting out of the military a bad conduct discharge
#7524, aired 2017-05-04ELECTRICITY $800: (Sarah of the Clue Crew demonstrates.) Plasmaspheres create an electric field that affects a fluorescent bulb outside the glass, but touching the bulb causes a type of short circuit as the current takes what's called the path of this, an idiom for the easiest way least resistance
#7524, aired 2017-05-04ELECTRICITY $1600: Electrical impulses come form the heart's natural pacemaker, the S-A node, short for this the sinoatrial node
#7523, aired 2017-05-03IT'S "DA" END $800: These short notes are written as reminders memoranda
#7516, aired 2017-04-24FASHION $600: DVF is short for this iconic designer of the wrap dress Diane von Furstenberg
#7515, aired 2017-04-21ANIMALS ON THE MAP $1600: This island known for its great wineries is just a short hop by plane from Adelaide, Australia Kangaroo Island
#7513, aired 2017-04-19SAME FIRST, MIDDLE & LAST LETTER $200: A type of kids' picture book, or a short fly ball a pop-up
#7511, aired 2017-04-17GET A LYFT WITH UBER $400: Both Lyft & Uber are headquartered in this city, just a short rideshare from Silicon Valley San Francisco
#7511, aired 2017-04-17BODY PART TITLES $600: Poe played an organ of a different sort--under the floorboards-- in this tense short story "The Tell-Tale Heart"
#7504, aired 2017-04-06"E"ASY DOES IT $2000: Anything that exists or is used for a short time; to historians, it means documents like ads & pamphlets ephemera
#7502, aired 2017-04-04TV NETWORK NEWS $1200: From 1978 to 2011 "60 Minutes" featured this curmudgeon's short editorial observations on the news & life Andy Rooney
#7500, aired 2017-03-31SKIMMING THE MAGAZINES $2000: Get hernia news in this, JAMA for short The Journal of the American Medical Association
#7496, aired 2017-03-27THE BUSY BUSINESSMAN $800: An underling sent me a 10-page report when I asked for 1, so I responded, "TLDR", short for "too long," this didn't read
#7495, aired 2017-03-24THE "LONG" & THE "SHORT" OF IT $200: Thermal underwear long johns
#7495, aired 2017-03-24THE "LONG" & THE "SHORT" OF IT $400: When it's Girl Scout cookie time, stock up on Trefoils, this type of cookie shortbread
#7495, aired 2017-03-24THE "LONG" & THE "SHORT" OF IT $600: MLB's Carlos Correa & Corey Seager shortstops
#7495, aired 2017-03-24THE "LONG" & THE "SHORT" OF IT $800: Stephen King's "The Glass Floor" or "Graveyard Shift" short stories
#7495, aired 2017-03-24THE "LONG" & THE "SHORT" OF IT $1000: This phrase meaning "old" alludes to a horse's gums receding as it ages long in the tooth
#7494, aired 2017-03-23NEWER WORDS & PHRASES $400: NSFW for short, it's found on emails you'd maybe prefer people not send you not suitable for work
#7485, aired 2017-03-10TELL THEM WHAT THEY'VE WON, JOHNNY! $600: You've won the heart of this heroine "of the D'Urbervilles"; but alas, your time together will be short Tess
#7485, aired 2017-03-10TELL THEM WHAT THEY'VE WON, JOHNNY! $1000: Ironically, you've won a copy of this 1948 short story by Shirley Jackson detailing human sacrifice in a small town! Enjoy! "The Lottery"
#7483, aired 2017-03-08PLAYS & PLAYWRIGHTS $200: A performance of the farce "Our American Cousin" by Tom Taylor was cut short due to this tragedy in 1865 the assassination of President Lincoln
#7479, aired 2017-03-02BOATS & BOATING $800: By law, all PFDs, short for these, made of balsa or cork were retired from service by March 1999 personal flotation devices
#7477, aired 2017-02-28ABBREV. $800: The Federal Circuit has one of these intermediate bodies, C.O.A. for short court of appeals
#7476, aired 2017-02-27"O"POURRI $2000: In an 1869 short story, Bret Harte wrote about these exiles "of Poker Flat" outcasts
#7475, aired 2017-02-24OLYMPIANS $200: At Rio 2016, he blamed his glacial time of 9.81 secs. in the 100m on the short rest period between the semifinal & final (Usain) Bolt
#7473, aired 2017-02-22ALL ABOOT CANADIAN GEOGRAPHY $1200: Take the combined area of the Great Lakes, multiply that by 3, & you're still short of this bay named for an English explorer the Hudson Bay
#7467, aired 2017-02-14GOTTA CRAM $400: Every seat at the play is taken; it's SRO, short for this standing room only
#7465, aired 2017-02-10"FEE", "FI", "FO", "FUM" $800: You may want a CFP, short for certified this professional, to help plan a secure retirement a financial planner
#7459, aired 2017-02-02OTHER MDs $400: From November 2007 to May 2011, Dominique Strauss-Kahn served the IMF as this, M.D. for short managing director
#7459, aired 2017-02-02OTHER MDs $1200: MD is short for Maryland, whose state seal features the motto & arms of this family the Calverts
#7457, aired 2017-01-31JOHN DONNE $400: A Donne sonnet says this, "Be not proud" for "one short sleep past, we wake eternally, and" this "shall be no more" death
#7455, aired 2017-01-27PUTTIN' OUT THE WELCOME MUTT $1200: Crossed with the bulldog by German breeders in the 1800s, this dog with a short, square-shaped muzzle packs a punch a boxer
#7454, aired 2017-01-26ANALYS"S" $2000: Analyzing other countries' communications falls under SIGINT, short for this kind of intelligence signal (or signals) intelligence
#7453, aired 2017-01-25THE WORKS OF ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON $1200: Stevenson's short novel "The Ebb-Tide" follows 3 beggars operating in the port of Papeete on this Pacific island Tahiti
#7450, aired 2017-01-20ALSO A CANDY BAR $1,000 (Daily Double): Short, disrespectful quiet laughs snickers
#7450, aired 2017-01-20A LEAGUE OF THEIR OWN $1200: The ADL for short, it fights anti-Semitism & other forms of bigotry & protects civil rights for all the Anti-Defamation League
#7449, aired 2017-01-19BODY WORKS $600: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows a myelin sheath on the monitor.) Myelin sheaths insulate nerve fibers and promote speedy impulse transmission, but in multiple sclerosis, it appears that these, also known as leukocytes, attack the sheath, causing nerve impulses to short out white blood cells
#7447, aired 2017-01-17A TRIPLE FEATURE $800: The contestant seen here is demonstrating the salute from this 1986 Martin-Short-Chase comedy The Three Amigos
#7446, aired 2017-01-16ROOMS FULL OF CULTURE $2000: The Rose Cinemas & Harvey Theater are part of BAM, short for this cutting-edge arts center in New York City the Brooklyn Academy of Music
#7445, aired 2017-01-13SHORT & SWEET $400: A donut addition, or something your eyes can do "over" in a lifeless way glaze
#7445, aired 2017-01-13SHORT & SWEET $800: Sounding like a Voltaire work, this word is found before "yams" & "walnuts" candied
#7445, aired 2017-01-13SHORT & SWEET $1600: Add an "E" to the end of this sweet stuff & you get a word meaning cloyingly sweet saccharin
#7445, aired 2017-01-13SHORT & SWEET $2000: This 4-letter French word declaring sweetness could describe your Veuve Clicquot doux
#7444, aired 2017-01-12U.S. PLACES $1600: In 1996 North Tarrytown, New York officially changed its name to this to honor a short story Sleepy Hollow
#7441, aired 2017-01-09ONE-"I"d WORDS $200: A short, comical theatrical sketch a skit
#7441, aired 2017-01-09ONE-"I"d WORDS $800: Absolution given by a priest; when preceded by "short", it means scant attention or quick work shrift
#7438, aired 2017-01-04DON "E" $400: A short black jacket bears the name of this English boarding school Eton

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (46 results returned)

#9097, aired 2024-05-07FAMOUS CHARACTERS: She's introduced in an 1845 novella in which she wears a short skirt with her mantilla thrown back to show her shoulders Carmen
#9032, aired 2024-02-06LITERARY CHARACTERS: A 1902 work says an enigmatic character has a half-English mom & a half-French dad, but this name of his is German for "short" Kurtz
#8956, aired 2023-10-23MUSIC MEN: Before creating this record label in 1959, its founder worked on a Lincoln-Mercury assembly line Motown
#8906, aired 2023-07-03FASHION: The name of these items that became a 1940s fad derives in part from a word meaning "to cut short" bobby socks
#8616, aired 2022-04-11WORDS OF THE YEAR: Oxford's word of the year for 2021 was this 3-letter one, short for a word that goes back to the Latin for "cow" vax
#8602, aired 2022-03-22HISTORIC NICKNAMES: Napoleon's troops gave him this nickname not to mock him but for showing the courage of an infantryman in battle "The Little Corporal"
#8577, aired 2022-02-1520th CENTURY AUTHORS: Early in his career he worked for a newspaper whose style guide said, "use short sentences" & "use vigorous English" (Ernest) Hemingway
#8569, aired 2022-02-03FAMOUS AMERICANS: He was buried in 1969 in one of the World War II uniform jackets named for him Dwight Eisenhower
#8334, aired 2021-02-11THE OSCARS: The first time an individual won 4 awards at a single ceremony was in 1954, when his wins included Best 2-Reel Short Subject Walt Disney
#4, aired 2020-01-0819th CENTURY LEADERS: Tall, lanky Joel Barlow was an ambassador carrying messages between these 2 world leaders, both mocked for being short Napoleon & Madison
#8116, aired 2019-12-16TV THEME MUSIC: A short piece for 2 guitars called "Strange No. 3" was the first part of the theme music for this drama series that debuted in 1959 The Twilight Zone
#8036, aired 2019-07-15WOMEN AUTHORS: An award for works of horror, dark fantasy & psychological suspense honors this author who came to fame with a 1948 short story Shirley Jackson
#7594, aired 2017-09-21COMIC BOOKS: Told to create a character called this, Len Wein learned the real animal is short, hairy & will attack an enemy 10 times its size Wolverine
#7098, aired 2015-06-24WORLD LEADERS IN THE NEWS: In 2014 CNN declared Zambia's Guy Scott the first white president in Sub-Saharan Africa since this man in 1994 F.W. de Klerk
#6988, aired 2015-01-21FICTION: A line in this short story is "Slowly, awkwardly trying out his feelers, which he now first learned to appreciate..." "The Metamorphosis"
#6963, aired 2014-12-17THE AFI's 100 GREATEST FILMS: One of the top 20, this 1946 film was based on a short story published as "The Man Who Was Never Born" It's a Wonderful Life
#6916, aired 2014-10-13SPORTS FIGURES: He was featured on the September 22, 1947 cover of Time with the caption "He and the boss took a chance" Jackie Robinson
#6767, aired 2014-02-0420th CENTURY WOMEN AUTHORS: Readers' letters to this author about her 1948 short story asked where the title event was held & if they could go & watch Shirley Jackson
#6731, aired 2013-12-16COUNTRIES FOR SHORT: North Korea is the DPRK; this country is the LPDR Laos
#6668, aired 2013-09-18WORLD WAR II: Because time was short, only this ship's starboard side, used for boarding, was repainted September 1, 1945 the USS Missouri
#6537, aired 2013-02-05SHORT STORIES: It says, "The body of the trooper having been buried in the church yard, the ghost rides forth... in nightly quest of his head" "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow"
#6443, aired 2012-09-26TV ANIMATION: This teen duo debuted in a 1992 animated short in which they played baseball with a frog Beavis & Butt-head
#6278, aired 2011-12-28BUSINESS HISTORY: Crosby, Sinatra & Hope starred in the October 13, 1957 CBS-TV special that launched this short-lived product the Edsel
#6093, aired 2011-02-23AMERICAN LIT: He wrote, "The hellish tattoo of the heart increased. It grew quicker & quicker, & louder & louder every instant" Edgar Allan Poe
#5996, aired 2010-10-11PRISONS: Nazi Rudolf Hess in 1941 & the notorious Kray twins in 1952 were among the last people briefly held here the Tower of London
#5963, aired 2010-07-14HISTORIC LASTS: In the "thanks a lot, fellas" department, Mongolia was the last country to join this group--August 9, 1945 the Allies
#5939, aired 2010-06-10SHORT STORIES: In an 1842 tale he wrote, "Down--still unceasingly--still inevitably down!... I shrunk convulsively at its every sweep" Edgar Allan Poe
#5862, aired 2010-02-23MONARCHS: In 2001 Bulgaria elected as prime minister its former child monarch, the only person now living to have held this royal title czar
#5849, aired 2010-02-0420th CENTURY PEOPLE: The July 1, 1946 cover of Time magazine depicted him with the caption, "All matter is speed and flame" Albert Einstein
#5436, aired 2008-04-07ASSASSINATIONS: For a short time, Diego Rivera was a suspect in the 1940 murder of this man Leon Trotsky
#5328, aired 2007-11-07EARLY AMERICAN SHORT STORIES: This short story, written around 1820, contains the line "If I can but reach that bridge... I am safe" "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow"
#5020, aired 2006-06-09ROYALTY: His trial began on January 20, 1649 Charles I (of England)
#4506, aired 2004-03-22FAMOUS FELINES: He made his debut in the 1945 short film "Life with Feathers" Sylvester
#4393, aired 2003-10-15OPERA SETTINGS: Verdi's Nabucco, who's also known by a longer form of his name, is the king of this ancient place Babylon
#4260, aired 2003-02-21AMERICAN NOVELS: The narrator of this 1951 novel first appeared in the short stories "I'm Crazy" & "Slight Rebellion off Madison" "Catcher in the Rye" (the narrator being Holden Caulfield)
#4148, aired 2002-09-18THE 7 ANCIENT WONDERS: The oldest of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World, they're also the only ones still standing today the Pyramids
#4132, aired 2002-07-16CLASSIC MOVIES: A short feature called "Salzburg Sight & Sound" is included with the DVD 35th Anniversary Edition of this film The Sound of Music
#3961, aired 2001-11-19AMERICAN LITERATURE: John Steinbeck originally called this 1937 short novel "Something That Happened" Of Mice and Men
#3898, aired 2001-07-11CONTEMPORARY BRITISH AUTHORS: In May 1973 Sports Illustrated ran one of his short stories under the title "A Day of Wine and Roses" Dick Francis
#3783, aired 2001-01-31-OLOGIES: In 1908 Hermann Ebbinghaus said this field "has a long past, but only a short history" Psychology
#2959, aired 1997-06-12CLASSIC CINEMA: This 1946 holiday classic was based on "The Greatest Gift", a short story by Philip Van Doren Stern It's A Wonderful Life
#2817, aired 1996-11-26SHORT STORIES: Set on Christmas Eve, it begins "One dollar and 87 cents. That was all. And 60 cents of it was in pennies." "The Gift of the Magi"
#2497, aired 1995-06-13HISTORIC PAIRS: Stopped by Indians 36 miles short of their assigned task, they returned to Philadelphia in 1767 (Charles) Mason & (Jeremiah) Dixon
#561, aired 1987-02-02ANIMALS: It's believed elephants rarely lived beyond 60, about the age the last of these wear out teeth
#415, aired 1986-04-11AMERICAN LITERATURE: Title of O. Henry's collection of short stories, "The Four Million" refers specifically to this the population of New York (the citizens of NYC)
#402, aired 1986-03-25CARTOONS: His theme was the only song from a cartoon short ever nominated for "Best Song" Oscar Woody Woodpecker

Players (66 results returned)

Martin Short, a multitalented man from Fame Becomes Me "Jiminy Glick and Ed Grimley are among his many memorable characters....
Christopher Short, a pub trivia editor from Crawfordsville, Indiana 2011 Tournament of Champions quarterfinalist: $5,000. Season 27 6-time champion: $94,752...
Emily Short, a travel agent from New York, New York Season 22 player (2006-01-17).
Brandon Hensley, a sophomore from Caltech 2008 College Championship quarterfinalist: $5,000. 19 and from Huntington, WV at...
Larry DeMoss, a high school English teacher from Ellettsville, Indiana "He went from short orders to short stories when he switched...
Christine Valada, a photographer and attorney originally from Walton, New York 2010 Tournament of Champions quarterfinalist: $5,000. Season 26 4-time champion: $68,703...
Kevin Wilson, a communications specialist from Toronto, Ontario, Canada Season 26 3-time champion: $76,998 + $1,000. Jeopardy! Message Board user...
Jean Cui, a student originally from Garden City, New York Season 25 2-time champion: $14,200 + $2,000. Last name pronounced like...
Fred Beukema, a structural engineer from Minneapolis, Minnesota Season 25 3-time champion: $69,401 + $2,000. Last name pronounced like...
Harry Shearer, a humorist, Spinal Tap bassist, and voice from The Simpsons "He recently celebrated the 25th anniversary of This Is Spinal Tap...
Stefan Goodreau, a video game tester and camp counselor from Los Angeles, California 2010 Tournament of Champions 2nd runner-up (semifinalist by wildcard): $50,000. Season...
Hank Peddicord, a claims representative from Victorville, California Season 4 player (1988-03-07). Hank is short for Henrietta.
India Cooper, an actor and copy editor originally from Denver, New York 2014 Battle of the Decades invitee: $5,000. 2005 Ultimate Tournament of...
India Cooper, an actor and copy editor from New York, New York \"She became a 5-time champion in 1991. An actor and copy...
India Cooper, a copy editor from Madison, Indiana \"She was an actor and copy editor in New York City...
India Cooper, an actor and copy editor originally from Denver, Colorado 2014 Battle of the Decades invitee: $5,000. 2005 Ultimate Tournament of...
India Cooper, an actor and copy editor from New York City, New York \"A semifinalist in the Tournament of Champions in 1992, now an...
India Cooper, an actor and copy editor originally from Denver, Colorado 2014 Battle of the Decades invitee: $5,000. 2005 Ultimate Tournament of...
Vaughn West, a merchandising specialist from New York City Season 3 player (1987-07-06). Vaughn's full-time job was portraying Garfield the...
E.J. Sieracki, a senior from Canton, Michigan 1994 Teen Tournament semfinalist: $5,000. E.J. is short for Edmund Joseph.
Marisa Blackburn, a senior staffing services associate originally from Short Hills, New Jersey Season 37 player (2021-02-25).
Hans von Walter, a junior from Southern Adventist University from Avon Park, Florida 2010-B College Championship 2nd runner-up (semifinalist by wildcard): $25,000 + a...
Jim Davis, a college music and humanities instructor from Freeport, Illinois Season 25 2-time champion: $62,802 + $2,000. Not be to confused...
Matt Napolitano, a sports update anchor from Franklin Square, New York Season 36 player (2020-06-12). Matt won $25,203 in cash + a...
Christopher Short, a pub trivia editor from Crawfordsville, Indiana 2011 Tournament of Champions quarterfinalist: $5,000. Season 27 6-time champion: $94,752...
Lewis Black, a stand-up comedian from Lewis Black's Root of All Evil "With success in films, plays, books, and TV specials, he tours...
Elza Reeves, a bank teller from Louisville, Kentucky Season 25 1-time champion: $16,400 + $1,000. Jeopardy! Message Board user...
Mike Maheu, a high school teacher from San Diego, California Season 25 2-time champion: $46,242 + $1,000. Last name pronounced like...
Bob Woodward, an assistant managing editor from The Washington Post 2004 Power Players Week player (2004-05-10). Charity: Sidwell Friends School.
Jonathan Hawley, a sophomore from Harvard University 2008 College Championship quarterfinalist: $5,000. 19 and from Oceanside, CA at...
Mollie Haycock, a senior from Rocklin, California 2008-A Teen Tournament quarterfinalist: $5,000. 17 at the time of the Teen Tournament.
Joey Beachum, a senior from Mississippi State University 2010 Tournament of Champions quarterfinalist: $5,000. 2008 College Championship winner: $100,000...
James Grant, a junior from Georgetown University 2008 College Championship wildcard semifinalist: $10,000. 21 and from Manhattan Beach,...
Dan Royles, a senior from Chula Vista, California 2002 Teen Tournament quarterfinalist: $2,500. Dan was 17 at the time...
Misti Coronel, a senior from Pottstown, Pennsylvania 2001 Teen Tournament semifinalist: $5,000. 17 at the time of the Teen Tournament.
Bruce Naegeli, a retired law librarian from Phoenix, Arizona "He finished second in the 1988 Tournament of Champions. A retired...
Laura Hughes, a mom from New Market, Maryland Season 26 1-time champion: $27,500 + $2,000. Wife of Season 16...
Bernie Cullen, a biologist from Santa Barbara, California "He was the first 5-time champion of the 1996-97 season. A...
Aaron Wicks, a planning and evaluation manager from Rochester, New York Season 26 1-time champion: $18,001 + 1,000. Aaron Wicks Rochester, NY...
Stacy Braverman, a public interest lawyer from Washington, D.C. Season 26 1-time champion: $14,984 + $2,000. As detailed in a...
Eddie Timanus, a sportswriter from Oak Hill, Virginia "His 5 wins in 1999 made him one of the most...
Kermin Fleming, a junior at Carnegie Mellon University from Lexington, Kentucky "He's the current College Champion. A junior at Carnegie Mellon University...
Cheech Marin, an actor, comedian, director, writer and musician from Lost "He's played a cop on Nash Bridges, voiced a 1959 Chevy...
Marty Scott, an assistant district attorney from Forney, Texas Season 26 3-time champion: $64,002 + $2,000. Marty won $250,000 on...
Inta Antler, a retired computer programmer from Scarborough, Ontario, Canada Season 25 1-time champion: $12,700 + $2,000. Inta Antler - A...
Sanders Kleinfeld, a publishing technology specialist from Cambridge, Massachusetts Season 25 1-time champion: $26,597 + $2,000. Jeopardy! Message Board user...
Anthony Dedousis, a sophomore from Harvard University 2009 College Championship quarterfinalist: $5,000. 19 and from Manhasset, New York...
Andrea Michaels, a freelance writer from Los Angeles, California Season 4 player (1988-07-05): Gibson's Keytek professional keyboard + a Krayco...
Jennifer Duann, a senior from the Ohio State University 2009 College Championship quarterfinalist: $5,000. 21 and from Worthington, Ohio at...
Mark Petterson, a senior from the University of Kansas 2009 College Championship wildcard semifinalist: $10,000. 21 and from Prairie Village,...
Ali Binazir, an author and hypnotherapist from Santa Monica, California Season 27 player (2011-01-18).
A.J. Schumacher, a radio show production intern from St. Paul, Minnesota Season 25 1-time champion: $10,800 + $2,000. AJ Schumacher Saint Paul,...
Jason Pratt, a middle school history teacher from Woodbridge, Virginia Season 25 2-time champion: $32,701 + $1,000. Jason Pratt - A...
Ryan Stoffers, a sophomore from UCLA 2010-A College Championship 1st runner-up: $50,000. Hometown: Saratoga, California. Ryan Stoffers...
Gail Flemmons, a history teacher from Clinton, Mississippi Season 25 2-time champion: $46,399 + $1,000. Jeopardy! Message Board user...
Rebecca Dixon, a graduate student and musician from Vancouver, Washington Season 26 2-time champion: $53,002 + $1,000. Rebecca and her partner...
Becky Anderson, a retired software specialist originally from Morganton, North Carolina Season 25 1-time champion: $16,401 + $2,000. Becky Anderson - A...
Carolyn Young, a homemaker from Marietta, Georgia Season 25 1-time champion: $30,000 + $2,000. Mother of Season 32...
Justin Waters, a resident physician from Royal Oak, Michigan Season 25 1-time champion: $7,199 + $2,000. Justin Waters Royal Oak,...
Sam Spaulding, a sophomore from Yale University from Wilmington, North Carolina 2010-B College Championship 1st runner-up: $50,000 + a Nintendo Wii +...
Steph Gagelin, a sophomore from the University of North Dakota from Grand Forks, North Dakota 2010-B College Championship quarterfinalist: $5,000 + a Nintendo Wii + the...
Joshua Malina, a TV actor and creator/producer from Celebrity Poker Showdown "He created and produced Celebrity Poker Showdown for the Bravo Channel,...
Jove Graham, a biomedical engineer from Lewisburg, Pennsylvania Season 26 1-time champion: $34,401 + $1,000. Jove's second contestant interview...
Dave Belote, the base commander from Nellis Air Force Base, Las Vegas 2010 Tournament of Champions wildcard semifinalist: $10,000. Season 26 5-time champion:...
Meryl Federman, a senior from Livingston, New Jersey 2007 Teen Tournament Summer Games champion (semifinalist by wildcard): $75,000. 18...
Jim Scott, an attorney from Arlington, Virginia "In 1991, he was the winner of the Tournament of Champions....

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