Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (26 results returned)

#7899, aired 2019-01-03THAT BOOK IS MAKING ME SICK $1200: "Everything is free... it makes you feel sick... that's" this, the title of Jean-Paul Sartre's first novel Nausea
#7840, aired 2018-10-12MODERN HEALTH $400: (Travis Stork presents the clue.) Athletes aren't the only ones who can get these injuries caused by the brain banging against the skull--If you experience continued headache, nausea, dizziness, forgetfulness or sensitivity to light & noise after a head impact, get to a doctor concussion
#7755, aired 2018-05-04THE LOOK OF CULTURE $1200: White pigment made from this metal caused nausea, & death, but pale was the look in 18th c. France lead
#7417, aired 2016-12-06A BARRAGE OF BOOKS $1000: This Frenchman's novel "Nausea" is about a man coming to terms with the meaning or meaninglessness of existence Jean-Paul Sartre
#7408, aired 2016-11-23POTENT POISONABLES $400: Weakness, nausea & cramping may result from the bite of this spider, or, you may not notice anything at all a black widow
#6248, aired 2011-11-16HERBAL MEDICINE $1200: A 1982 study showed that this spice, Zingiber officinale, controlled nausea better than Dramamine ginger
#5908, aired 2010-04-28AT THE DRUGSTORE $800: Like Dramamine, Bonine is designed to prevent nausea & dizziness caused by this motion sickness
#5865, aired 2010-02-26IN THE MIDDLE WITH "U" $600: Headaches & nausea may accompany this injury to the brain, often caused by a jarring blow to the head a concussion
#5854, aired 2010-02-11THE FICTION FILE $2000: The hero of "Nausea" by this French existentialist thinker is made queasy by the emptiness of life (Jean-Paul) Sartre
#5734, aired 2009-07-09YOU: THE OWNER'S MANUAL $800: (Dr. Oz shows an animation of a throbbing artery in the brain on the monitor.) The brain is a beautiful place, but triggered by dilation of arteries in the brain, these extremely painful events are sometimes accompanied by nausea migraines
#5465, aired 2008-05-16WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME? $400: Nausea & extreme sensitivity to light & sound often accompany one of these severe headaches a migraine
#5034, aired 2006-06-29FAUX FRAGRANCES $800: From Latin for "seasickness", whether it's extreme disgust, or loathing, you'll always remember this as... Nausea
#5004, aired 2006-05-18HEALTH MATTERS $1000: Headache & nausea are symptoms of Chinese restaurant syndrome, a reaction to this flavor enhancer MSG
#4892, aired 2005-12-13PHILOSOPHERS $400: This existentialist gave the world "Nausea", a philosophical novel, in 1938 (Jean-Paul) Sartre
#4499, aired 2004-03-11HOW'S IT "HANG"ING? $400: Morning nausea after too many Mai Tais hangover
#4282, aired 2003-03-25"D" TALKS $400: If someone gets seasick, tell him to take this brand of the anti-nausea drug dimenhydrinate Dramamine
#3222, aired 1998-09-15YES, "N"DEEDY $800 (Daily Double): Derived from the Greek for "ship", this unpleasant condition can affect you on dry land nausea
#2841, aired 1996-12-30WORDS $600: Nausea comes from the same root as nautical & originally applied to this syndrome Seasickness
#2747, aired 1996-07-09PHILOSOPHY $600: French existentialist who gave us "Nausea" -- that's the title of his first novel Jean-Paul Sartre
#2627, aired 1996-01-23ODD WORDS $200: Sometimes experienced on a boat or plane, kinetosis is another term for this motion sickness
#2085, aired 1993-10-01MEDICINE $100: Common term for the nausea that afflicts pregnant women in the a.m. morning sickness
#1920, aired 1993-01-01FAMOUS PHILOSOPHERS $600: This Frenchman set forth his Existentialist ideas in his 1st major work, the 1938 novel "Nausea" Jean-Paul Sartre
#1754, aired 1992-03-26NAME THE PLAY $800: Sheridan Whiteside, Maggie Cutler & "My Lady Nausea" The Man Who Came to Dinner
#1517, aired 1991-03-19LITERATURE $1000: Antoine Roquentin learns life has no meaning in "Nausea", this existentialist's 1st novel (Jean-Paul) Sartre
#1090, aired 1989-05-05MEDICINE $200: A sharp pain in your temple, blurred vision & nausea are all symptoms of this type of severe headache migraine
#715, aired 1987-10-16SYMPTOMS $100: For an air traveler, this condition is marked by dizziness, nausea & reaching for the paper bag air sickness (motion sickness)

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (1 result returned)

#8949, aired 2023-10-12WORD ORIGINS: Though it meant "seasickness" in Latin, this 6-letter word now refers to a more general feeling of sickness nausea

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