Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (46 results returned)

#9171, aired 2024-09-307-SYLLABLE WORDS $7,000 (Daily Double): Marijuana advocates have long pushed for this removal of serious penalties; in 2024, the Biden administration moved to grant their wish decriminalization
#9062, aired 2024-03-19SILENCE, LETTERS! $800: Trippy! Merriam-Webster says the only silent "J" in English is in the name of this drug marijuana
#8906, aired 2023-07-03NO CAP $1600: California has legal marijuana but no limit on the level in a driver's blood of this chemical whose name has 3- & 20-letter versions THC
#19, aired 2023-05-24RECENT EVENTS $200: This world capital pulled back on its wild & weedy ways with a 2023 ban on smoking marijuana in its famous red light district Amsterdam
#12, aired 2023-01-26U.S. GOVERNMENT $600: Stephen Colbert called President Biden's 2022 pardon for people convicted of possession of this "a green New Deal" marijuana
#7, aired 2022-11-06HISTORY IN COMEDY $900: Bob Newhart on the phone with Walter Raleigh about this stuff: "shred the leaves... between your lips... set fire to it!" tobacco
#8678, aired 2022-07-06THE REPRESENTATIVE FROM... $800: Ohio: This man, a Republican Speaker of the House from 2011 to 2015 & later, an advocate for marijuana legalization John Boehner
#8647, aired 2022-05-24RIPPED FROM THE HEADLINES $400: "Marijuana Issue Sent to" this "Committee", generally composed of members of both houses of a legislature joint committee
#8619, aired 2022-04-14NUMBER WORDS $1600: This slang number for a certain crop is thought to date to a San Rafael, California high school in the early 1970s 420
#8482, aired 2021-10-05CULT MOVIES $2000: "Tell Your Children" was an alternate title of this 1936 film that purports to show the dangers of using marijuana Reefer Madness
#8248, aired 2020-09-30LET'S GET MEDICAL $400: In 2014 the first FDA-approved study in decades on this hallucinogen showed it has promise for end-of-life anxiety LSD
#8234, aired 2020-06-11THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES $800: 2019's H.R. 420 is a federal bill that seeks to regulate this substance marijuana
#8212, aired 2020-04-28SNOPES SAYS NOPE $200: A NASA astronaut did not carry a big bag of marijuana up to this in 2012 the International Space Station
#8085, aired 2019-11-01THE U.N. REPORTS $800: The 2018 World Drug Report said about 192 million people worldwide used this recreational drug, including 38 million Americans marijuana
#8077, aired 2019-10-22GIVING AWAY THE MOVIE'S ENDING $1200: From 1936, it warned how one puff of marijuana could lead to insanity & death Madness
#7993, aired 2019-05-15RECENT POLITICS $400: 3 years after this Ohioan's days as House Speaker ended, he backed a marijuana startup going public in Canada in 2018 John Boehner
#7976, aired 2019-04-22THE 20-TEENS $800: On Jan. 1, 2014 in Denver, 1/8 ounce of Bubba Kush was the USA's first legal sale of this for recreational purposes marijuana
#7967, aired 2019-04-09BEER $400: These bitter buds added for flavor belong to the Cannabaceae family, making them a cousin of marijuana hops
#7831, aired 2018-10-01NEWSY PUNS $1000: Re: a Toronto Star headline of a "marijuana issue" sent to this type of "committee"--editors later said no pun intended a joint committee
#7733, aired 2018-04-04IT'S MEDICINAL $1600: In New York conditions that make one eligible for this alliterative aid include A.L.S., M.S. & Parkinson's medical marijuana
#7618, aired 2017-10-25RADIO $2000: This last name of singer James can mean a marijuana cigarette & his "You're Beautiful" got a radio edit for a drug lyric Blunt
#7589, aired 2017-09-14THE SUMMER OF LOVE: 1967 $1600: Media response to all the love included the CBS special "The Hippie Temptation", that being mainly this drug LSD
#7513, aired 2017-04-19SAME FIRST, MIDDLE & LAST LETTER $400: A drug made from hemp hashish
#7304, aired 2016-05-19LEGALIZE IT $800: In 2012 Washington & this other U.S. state legalized recreational marijuana use Colorado
#7178, aired 2015-11-25ASK THE NEAREST HIPPIE $800: Moving to Oregon? Does that have anything to do with the passage of measure 91 on the legalization of this? marijuana
#7089, aired 2015-06-11WAY BACK IN 2012 $2,000 (Daily Double): These 2 states legalized recreational marijuana use Colorado & Washington
#6731, aired 2013-12-16THE MACHINE $1200: The Medbox Co. has created a machine that dispenses this plant for medicinal purposes & brownies too! marijuana
#6730, aired 2013-12-13HEY, 4 Is! $800: The organization NORML advocates this 4-"I" process with marijuana decriminalization
#5896, aired 2010-04-12ARRESTING AUTHORS $800: This "Sometimes a Great Notion" author served time for marijuana possession (Ken) Kesey
#4758, aired 2005-04-20HEALTH & MEDICINE $200: Under Jean Chretien, in 2001 this country became the first to legalize marijuana for medical use Canada
#4635, aired 2004-10-29PLANT PARENTHOOD $1600: It's the genus of the plant known as marijuana Cannabis
#4009, aired 2002-01-24MOVEMENTS $1000: This religious movement praised the spiritual effects of marijuana & inspired Bob Marley Rastafarianism
#3630, aired 2000-05-19MIND YOUR "P"s & "Q"s $1000: This herbicide used on marijuana plants was in the news in the '80s paraquat
#2215, aired 1994-04-01THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT $200: In 1992 DEA head Robert Bonner ruled against allowing this plant to be used for medical purposes marijuana
#903, aired 1988-07-06IN THE NEWS $200: After admitting past marijuana use, he withdrew as a Supreme Court nominee Douglas Ginsburg
#822, aired 1988-03-15BEER $300: This plant, related to marijuana, is used to flavor beer hops
#582, aired 1987-03-03CRIME & PUNISHMENT $500: Any student in stands at a Wisconsin football game now caught passing 1 of these will be fined $67 a body
#565, aired 1987-02-06GIRLS IN SONG $300: Many believed The Association's 1st hit song, "Along Comes Mary" was an ode to this marijuana
#551, aired 1987-01-19CRIME & PUNISHMENT $200: A 1986 Newsweek poll shows 67% of U.S. now feels possession of this substance should be a criminal offense marijuana
#528, aired 1986-12-17IN THE NEWS $400: During search for Shuttle debris, the Navy found a floating bag with $13 mil. worth of this contraband cocaine
#504, aired 1986-11-13FAMOUS FIRSTS $1000: 1st & only president listed by "The Book of Lists" as having smoked marijuana in the White House John F. Kennedy
#407, aired 1986-04-01NEWS '85 $300: The D.E.A. resurrected plans to spray marijuana fields with this controversial herbicide paraquat
#304, aired 1985-11-07SOUTH AMERICA $200: Over 1/2 of the marijuana and 3/4 of the cocaine consumed in the U.S. comes from this country Colombia
#266, aired 1985-09-16FARMING $200: Valued at over $16.5 billion, this illegal substance is America's 2nd largest cash crop marijuana
#166, aired 1985-04-29LAW $800: A recently coined word, it describes what 11 states did to a marijuana possession to ease penalties decriminalized
#149, aired 1985-04-04SILLY SONGS $200: '63 song that Peter, Paul & Mary insisted was not about marijuana "Puff The Magic Dragon"

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