Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (12 results returned)

#7995, aired 2019-05-17CELEBS ON SOCIAL MEDIA $800: Despite passing away in 1981, this reggae legend is quite active on Twitter, blue check & all (his estate manages the account) Bob Marley
#7995, aired 2019-05-17CELEBS ON SOCIAL MEDIA $2000: Twitter erupted when this co-host of "The View" responded to a critic with the tweet "You were at my wedding Denise" Meghan McCain
#7979, aired 2019-04-25CELEBS ON TWITTER $200: OK, he is Deadpool: "I'd walk through fire for my (kid). Well not fire...a super humid room. But not too humid, because my hair" Ryan Reynolds
#7979, aired 2019-04-25CELEBS ON TWITTER $400: Cheech's pal, him: "The recommended age to have a Ouija board is, pot is still illegal but you can be 8 & summon the devil" (Tommy) Chong
#7979, aired 2019-04-25CELEBS ON TWITTER $600: While on her TV "Project", she wrote, "Love means never having to say 'Hey, are we dating?'" Mindy Kaling
#7979, aired 2019-04-25CELEBS ON TWITTER $800: This British celeb chef will opine about your food pics, writing about one seafood paella, "Seafood salmonella!" Gordon Ramsay
#7979, aired 2019-04-25CELEBS ON TWITTER $1000: This TBS talk show host noted, "If you can say happy Valentine's Day in Klingon you're probably not celebrating it" Conan O'Brien
#7030, aired 2015-03-20CELEBS ON TWITTER $200: @TheRock is this WWE star-turned-actor Dwayne Johnson
#7030, aired 2015-03-20CELEBS ON TWITTER $400: @StephenAtHome is this Stephen who has his own nation Stephen Colbert
#7030, aired 2015-03-20CELEBS ON TWITTER $600: He comes thundering in @KDTrey5 Kevin Durant
#7030, aired 2015-03-20CELEBS ON TWITTER $800: @official_flo is this rapper from Carol City Flo Rida
#7030, aired 2015-03-20CELEBS ON TWITTER $1000: @rustyrockets is the nom de tweet of this British comic Russell Brand

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