Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#4716, aired 2005-02-21THE BORN IDENTITY $2000: Wasn't born "Dressed to Kill": Angeline Brown Angie Dickinson
#3951, aired 2001-11-05THAT WAS NO LADY $200: As TV's Corporal Klinger, this actor who was also born in Toledo dressed to kill (with kindness) Jamie Farr
#3058, aired 1997-12-10BORN TO KILL $100: They ensnare their prey in silk, then finish them off with poison-dispensing fangs Spiders
#3058, aired 1997-12-10BORN TO KILL $200: Types of bear include the brown, black & this one whose name means "streaked with gray" Grizzly
#3058, aired 1997-12-10BORN TO KILL $300: To smaller birds, the sharp-shinned type of this predator is as menacing as its name Hawk
#3058, aired 1997-12-10BORN TO KILL $400: This carnivorous member of the sundew family is native only to a small area of the Carolinas Venus Flytrap
#3058, aired 1997-12-10BORN TO KILL $500: Pigs may be infected with trichinella spiralis, which causes this disease in humans Trichinosis
#1433, aired 1990-11-21THE JONESES $200: This Jamaica-born actress was Mayday, James Bond's arch-villainess, in "A View to a Kill" Grace Jones
#700, aired 1987-09-25SOUTHERN AUTHORS $1000: Alabama-born Harper Lee won a 1961 Pulitzer Prize for this, her only published novel To Kill a Mockingbird
#645, aired 1987-05-29ACTORS & ROLES $400: Born on a day in May, she played the villainous "May Day" in "A View 'to a Kill" Grace Jones

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (1 result returned)

#5167, aired 2007-02-1320th CENTURY AUTHORS: This author was born in 1926, the daughter of Amasa, an Alabama lawyer, & Frances, whose maiden name was Finch Harper Lee

Players (2 results returned)

Lewis Black, a stand-up comedian from Lewis Black's Root of All Evil "With success in films, plays, books, and TV specials, he tours...
Inta Antler, a retired computer programmer from Scarborough, Ontario, Canada Season 25 1-time champion: $12,700 + $2,000. Inta Antler - A...

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