Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#5296, aired 2007-09-24AQUATIC-SOUNDING CINEMA $400: Alec Guinness whistled while he worked his way to an Oscar in this 1957 David Lean epic The Bridge on the River Kwai
#5296, aired 2007-09-24AQUATIC-SOUNDING CINEMA $800: Based on Maori writer Witi Ihimaera's novel, this 2002 film details a girl's dream of becoming chief of her tribe The Whale Rider
#5296, aired 2007-09-24AQUATIC-SOUNDING CINEMA $1200: Ewan McGregor's resemblance to a young Albert Finney reportedly helped get him his role in this Tim Burton film Big Fish
#5296, aired 2007-09-24AQUATIC-SOUNDING CINEMA $1600: I know it's confusing, but in this movie sequel, Julia Roberts played Tess, who impersonated Julia Roberts Ocean's Twelve
#5296, aired 2007-09-24AQUATIC-SOUNDING CINEMA $2000: Look at Kate Bosworth, she's Sandra Dee, Bobby Darin's wife, in this crooning biopic Beyond the Sea

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