Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (9 results returned)

#6833, aired 2014-05-07FOLKLORE $1000: In Irish lore & in "Harvey", it's a spirit in the shape of an animal a pĂșca
#4518, aired 2004-04-07CIGARETTE LORE $200: After complaints that it attracted young smokers, R.J. Reynolds dropped this animated animal character Joe Camel
#4473, aired 2004-02-04ANIMAL LORE $200: The Inuit call it Nanuk & say it can take off its fur & enter an igloo as a man a polar bear
#4473, aired 2004-02-04ANIMAL LORE $400: Native Americans called it "Night Eagle" & often dreamed about it the owl
#4473, aired 2004-02-04ANIMAL LORE $600: Encyclopedias tell us that this ability of the porcupine is a myth, so you're safe at a distance the ability to shoot its quills
#4473, aired 2004-02-04ANIMAL LORE $800: A camel's hump stores not water but this, & if the camel starves, the hump may slip off to the side fat
#4473, aired 2004-02-04ANIMAL LORE $1000: In Indian legend, the Aquinnah Cliffs' red is the blood of these mammals which a giant caught in the sea and ate the whale
#4326, aired 2003-05-26CREATURES OF LORE $1000: Creation stories of the Onondaga & other Indian tribes put the world on the back of this animal turtle
#3234, aired 1998-10-01DINOSAUR LORE $200: In diplodocus, these individual back bones were hollow, keeping the animal's weight to 12 tons Vertebrae

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