Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (6 results returned)

#8057, aired 2019-09-24THE PHYSICS OF TAEKWONDO $200: Practitioners create a solid foundation for striking & make it hard for an attacker to topple them by maintaining this stable 5-syllable state, from Latin for "balance" equilibrium
#4828, aired 2005-09-14A SOLID FOUNDATION $200: As you might expect, the Reuters Foundation sets up training programs for those in this field journalism
#4828, aired 2005-09-14A SOLID FOUNDATION $400: In 2004 the Starbright Foundation for sick kids merged, sensibly enough, with this foundation the Starlight Foundation
#4828, aired 2005-09-14A SOLID FOUNDATION $600: In 1914 the USA's first community foundation was set up in this Ohio city, then the nation's 6th largest Cleveland
#4828, aired 2005-09-14A SOLID FOUNDATION $800: It was launched in 1936 with car company stock, but its $10 billion portfolio no longer includes that stock the Ford Foundation
#4828, aired 2005-09-14A SOLID FOUNDATION $1000: The breast cancer foundation named for this victim of the disease holds the "Race for the Cure" Susan Komen

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

Players (1 result returned)

Chris Wallace, a TV host from Fox News Sunday "In March, this Fox News anchor was honored by the National...

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