Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (18 results returned)

#8866, aired 2023-05-08CHILDREN'S LIT $400: A girl is part of a nontraditional (especially for children's books) family in 1989's "Heather has Two" these Mommies
#8250, aired 2020-10-02SELF-HELP BOOKS $1200: Stephen Covey's "The 8th Habit" is a follow-up to this 1989 bestseller of personal change The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
#8120, aired 2019-12-20BOOKS FILMED WITH DIFFERENT TITLES $400: The novel "Shoeless Joe" by W.P. Kinsella was the basis of this 1989 film Field of Dreams
#7266, aired 2016-03-28TARZAN REVIEW BOOKS $400: This "happy" 1989 Amy Tan novel give Tarzan interesting take on Asian-American women. Tarzan world view expanded The Joy Luck Club
#2862, aired 1997-01-281989 BOOKS $200: J.K. Lasser's guide to preparing & filing this was a 1989 bestseller Your Income Tax Return
#2862, aired 1997-01-281989 BOOKS $400: His collection "We Are Still Married" included poems & fictional sketches relating to Lake Wobegon Garrison Keillor
#2862, aired 1997-01-281989 BOOKS $600: Mickey Spillane's "The Killing Man" was the 12th novel featuring this private eye Mike Hammer
#2862, aired 1997-01-281989 BOOKS $800: This prolific authoress gave the world "Star" & "Daddy" Danielle Steel
#2862, aired 1997-01-281989 BOOKS $1000: Mobster Dutch Schultz is a character in this novel by E.L. Doctorow "Billy Bathgate"
#2808, aired 1996-11-13CELEBRITY BOOKS $500: This pop artist published his philosophy "From A to B & Back Again" in 1975 & his "Diaries" in 1989 Andy Warhol
#2330, aired 1994-10-21BOOKS & AUTHORS $1000: Originally published in 1989, "A Time to Kill" was this author's first novel (John) Grisham
#2037, aired 1993-06-15BOOKS & AUTHORS $600: "Polar Star", published in 1989, was Martin Cruz Smith's long-awaited sequel to this novel Gorky Park
#1726, aired 1992-02-17BOOKS & AUTHORS $1000: In 1989 this journalist wrote a sequel to his autobiography "Growing Up" called "The Good Times" Russell Baker
#1675, aired 1991-12-06SHOW BIZ BOOKS $800: "Henry V" star who called his 1989 memoir "Beginning" Kenneth Branagh
#1644, aired 1991-10-24BOOKS & AUTHORS $500 (Daily Double): In December 1989 this late author's son Yevgeny picked up his father's 1958 Nobel Prize medal in Stockholm Boris Pasternak
#1515, aired 1991-03-15BOOKS & AUTHORS $400: In 1989 at age 70, this famous Iris published her 24th novel, "The Message to the Planet" Iris Murdoch
#1326, aired 1990-05-14COMIC BOOKS $300: Getting caught in a gamma bomb blast in 1989 turned him from green to gray & boosted his intelligence The Hulk
#1300, aired 1990-04-06BOOKS OF THE '80S $200: Wess Roberts called his 1989 guide to success "Leadership Secrets Of" this Hun Attila

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

Players (5 results returned)

Thomas L. Friedman, an author and foreign affairs columnist from The New York Times "He has won three Pulitzer Prizes and authored six best sellers,...
Jove Graham, a biomedical engineer from Lewisburg, Pennsylvania Season 26 1-time champion: $34,401 + $1,000. Jove's second contestant interview...
Wolf Blitzer, a journalist from The Situation Room "Since 1990, he's covered every major story for CNN, including the...
Justin Bernbach, a lobbyist from Brooklyn, New York 2010 Tournament of Champions semifinalist: $10,000. Season 25 7-time champion: $155,001...
Dave Belote, the base commander from Nellis Air Force Base, Las Vegas 2010 Tournament of Champions wildcard semifinalist: $10,000. Season 26 5-time champion:...

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