Players (46 results returned)

Robert Slaven, a technical products specialist originally from Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada "He won 5 times in 1992. Today, he's a technical products...
Ashleigh Banfield, a TV correspondent originally from Canada "She's covered such various stories as the Clinton/Yeltsin summit, the War...
Darryl Tahirali, a proposal writer originally from Toronto, Ontario, Canada Season 24 3-time champion: $84,003 + $2,000.
Larry Day, a journalist originally from Saskatchewan, Canada Season 3 player (1987-07-14). At the time of his appearance, Larry...
Michelle Dunstan, a financial analyst originally from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Season 23 player (2007-01-04).
Brian Shipley, a historian originally from Toronto, Canada Season 21 player (2004-10-29). KJL game 63. Currently resides in Glenburnie,...
Doug Hicton, a composer originally from Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada 2007 Tournament of Champions 1st runner-up: $100,000 + the Jeopardy! DVD...
Doug Hicton, a composer originally from Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada 2007 Tournament of Champions 1st runner-up: $100,000 + the Jeopardy! DVD...
Bruce Lin, a research scientist originally from Mississauga, Ontario, Canada Season 22 3-time champion: $54,599 + $2,000. On his first appearance,...
Emily Hampshire, an actor and writer originally from Montreal, Quebec, Canada 2023 Primetime Celebrity Jeopardy! quarterfinalist: $30,000 for GLAAD.
Gabriel DeRoche, a Ph.D. student originally from Toronto, Ontario, Canada Season 37 player (2020-12-10).
Jon Choi, a law student originally from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Season 30 1-time champion: $11,900 + $2,000. No returning champion Hometown...
John Groves, a legislative technical specialist originally from Forteau, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada Season 39 player (2023-05-18).
Drew Fox, a bartender originally from Toronto, Ontario, Canada Season 37 player (2021-04-12).
Rob Blumenstein, a paralegal originally from Montreal, Quebec, Canada Season 40 player (2024-04-18).
Aaron Craig, an attorney originally from Toronto, Ontario, Canada 2023 Champions Wildcard 1st runner-up: $50,000. Season 37 2-time champion: $51,254...
Aaron Craig, a business litigation attorney originally from Toronto, Ontario, Canada 2023 Champions Wildcard 1st runner-up: $50,000. Season 37 2-time champion: $51,254...
Billy Shawn, a student originally from Vancouver, Canada Season 2 player (1985-06-06). Due to the missing introductions in the...
Mark Pawlowski, a financial advisor originally from Montreal, Canada Season 7 player (1990-12-18). Last name pronounced like \"paw-LEV-skee\".
Anne Summers, a housewife originally from Calgary, Canada Season 3 1-time champion: $7,000.
Michael Ireton, a graduate student originally from Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada Season 12 1-time champion: $7,600.
Erin Ward, a software developer originally from London, Ontario, Canada Season 41 player (2024-10-02).
Robert Daguillard, a doctoral candidate originally from Montreal, Canada Season 13 player (1996-09-09).
Padraic Scanlan, a Ph.D. student in history originally from Montreal, Quebec, Canada Season 29 1-time champion: $11,400 + $1,000.
Wayne Turmel, a comedian and writer originally from Vancouver, Canada Season 10 player (1994-04-25).
Mike Stafford, a radio newscaster originally from Toronto, Canada Season 3 player (1987-02-02).
John Clarke, a management consultant originally from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Season 29 player (2013-07-17).
Hyman Sisman, a lawyer originally from Montreal, Canada Season 7 player (1991-07-01).
Elijah Siegler, a graduate student originally from Toronto, Canada Season 13 player (1996-09-13).
Scott Shewfelt, a writer originally from Tavistock, Ontario, Canada 2023 Champions Wildcard quarterfinalist: $5,000. Season 37 2-time champion: $46,800 + $2,000.
Bill Klippel, a pricing specialist originally from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Season 1 3-time champion: $4,400. Bill died at age 63 on 2011-04-06. Obituary.
Scott Shewfelt, a writer originally from Tavistock, Ontario, Canada 2023 Champions Wildcard quarterfinalist: $5,000. Season 37 2-time champion: $46,800 + $2,000.
Tim Dawson, a voice actor originally from La CaƱada, California Season 11 1-time champion: $6,900.
Ron Nurwisah, an editor originally from Toronto, Ontario, Canada Season 39 player (2023-06-23).
Kathleen Hagen, a registered nurse originally from Ottawa, Canada Season 3 player (1986-12-24): a Fultron car stereo.
John Lee, a systems analyst originally from White Rock, British Columbia, Canada Season 18 player (2001-10-10).
Shari Dwoskin, a law student originally from Montreal, Canada Season 29 player (2012-11-05).
Ian Giesbrecht, a learning quality specialist originally from Sandspit, British Columbia, Canada Season 31 player (2015-06-28). JBoard user name: mennoknight
Craig Moysey, a business specialist originally from Brockville, Ontario, Canada Season 31 player (2015-06-08). JBoard user name: CheezeWhiz
Damian Yu, an executive compensation consultant originally from West Vancouver, Canada Season 27 2-time champion: $24,400 + $2,000.
Jennifer Fremlin, an English professor originally from Sault Ste. Marie, Canada Season 18 player (2002-06-07).
Ben Wiener, an advertising executive originally from Toronto, Canada Season 14 1-time champion: $13,000.
Hannah Dvorak-Carbone, a graduate student originally from Nepean, Ontario, Canada Season 14 player (1998-02-20).
Michael Smith, an actor originally from Montreal, Quebec, Canada Season 22 player (2006-03-07).
Dominic Owen-Williams, an office clerk originally from Jamaica, now living in Toronto, Ontario, Canada Season 22 1-time champion: $2,800 + $1,000. Jeopardy! Message Board user name: gdab55
Andrew Segal, a student originally from Toronto, Ontario, Canada Season 22 player (2005-09-23).

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