Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8620, aired 2022-04-15SCIENTIFIC CANADIAN $2000: JFK honored the FDA's Frances Kelsey for blocking the US release of this pregnancy drug that caused birth defects around the world thalidomide
#6862, aired 2014-06-17"LID"S $800: More than 10,000 infants were born with deformities after this drug was introduced in 1957 to treat morning sickness thalidomide
#6525, aired 2013-01-18TO YOUR HEALTH $2000: Linked to serious birth defects after its introduction in 1958, this sedative is now effectively used to treat leprosy thalidomide
#2562, aired 1995-10-24SICKNESS & HEALTH $1000: This drug, found to cause birth defects in the 1960s, has since been used on occasion to treat leprosy thalidomide
#583, aired 1987-03-04MEDICINES $400: Sleep-inducing drug that came into notoriety when linked to birth defects in the early '60s thalidomide

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