Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (11 results returned)
#9264, aired 2025-02-06 | ENDS IN "FF" $800: In ancient Rome, an ancestor of the English type of this dog breed fought bears, lions & even gladiators in the arena a mastiff |
#8687, aired 2022-07-19 | HYBRID ANIMAL PARENTS $800: Of the large but gentle dog called a Daniff a Great Dane & a mastiff |
#7725, aired 2018-03-23 | DESERT WILDLIFE $2000: File this bat, perhaps the U.S.A.'s largest, under the letter "M"--it's named for having a face like this dog breed mastiff |
#6740, aired 2013-12-27 | PUPPIES & PETUNIAS $1600: The dog called the bull type of this mastiff |
#5941, aired 2010-06-14 | ENDS IN "FF" $800: The heaviest of dog breeds, it can exceed 180 pounds mastiff |
#5844, aired 2010-01-28 | DOG CATCHING $800: Christmas tiffs are the worst, but there's always time to make up before New Year's mastiff (in Christmas tiffs) |
#5216, aired 2007-04-23 | IT'S A DOG'S LIFE $1000: The Neapolitan type of this dog traces its roots to war dogs used in ancient times; it's also called a mastino a mastiff |
#4510, aired 2004-03-26 | SPOT THE POOCH $200: The margay, the mastiff, the moa mastiff |
#1542, aired 1991-04-23 | "M"AMMALS $800: 314½ lb. Aicama Zorba of La-Susa, the heaviest dog ever recorded, is one of this breed a mastiff |
#555, aired 1987-01-23 | DOGS $400: Ancient Assyrians & Babylonians reportedly used this massive breed of dogs to hunt lions a mastiff |
#426, aired 1986-04-28 | DOGS $800: The pug is a correctly proportioned miniature of this huge guard dog breed the mastiff |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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