Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#5603, aired 2009-01-07YOUR HOME AQUARIUM $200: If these green organisms are taking over, try introducing a fish called the Siamese them-eater algae
#5603, aired 2009-01-07YOUR HOME AQUARIUM $400: Characins, which include the tetras, have an extra one of these on their backs fin
#5603, aired 2009-01-07YOUR HOME AQUARIUM $600: In the tank these edifices are resin instead of stone; my aquarium has a replica of Warwick castles
#5603, aired 2009-01-07YOUR HOME AQUARIUM $800: The Java type is one of the few of these spore-bearing plants used in aquariums ferns
#5603, aired 2009-01-07YOUR HOME AQUARIUM $1000: This striking fish needs to be with others its own size; contrary to its heavenly name, it'll eat the smaller ones the angelfish

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