Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#5013, aired 2006-05-31YOU WILL BE ASSIMILATED $400: Victories by Garibaldi in 1860 led to this largest Mediterranean island being joined to Italy Sicily
#5013, aired 2006-05-31YOU WILL BE ASSIMILATED $800: It was declared a protectorate February 1, 1893; a treaty to annex it to the U.S. came 2 weeks later Hawaii
#5013, aired 2006-05-31YOU WILL BE ASSIMILATED $1200: Israel formally annexed this strategic upland region in 1981 the Golan Heights
#5013, aired 2006-05-31YOU WILL BE ASSIMILATED $1600: Bolivia became landlocked when this country took over its only coastal territory after a 19th c. war Chile
#5013, aired 2006-05-31YOU WILL BE ASSIMILATED $2,000 (Daily Double): Under the 1792 Treaty of Jassy, the Ottoman Empire agreed to Russia's taking over control of this peninsula the Crimean Peninsula

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