Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9239, aired 2025-01-02YOU SAY TOBAGO, I SAY TOBAGO $200: A beach in Tobago next to Charrrlotteville bearrrs the name of these marrrauders--yo-ho-ho! To Tobago we go! pirates
#9239, aired 2025-01-02YOU SAY TOBAGO, I SAY TOBAGO $400: In the 1880s Tobago combined with this island to form a single political entity Trinidad
#9239, aired 2025-01-02YOU SAY TOBAGO, I SAY TOBAGO $600: After being in "Black Panther", Tobagonian actor Winston Duke co-starred with Lupita Nyong'o in this horror film Us
#9239, aired 2025-01-02YOU SAY TOBAGO, I SAY TOBAGO $800: Performers dressed as Moko Jumbie, a spirit from African traditions, parade during this one-word pre-Ash Wednesday season Carnival
#9239, aired 2025-01-02YOU SAY TOBAGO, I SAY TOBAGO $1000: Tobago was used as the filming location for this 1960 movie in which a family from Bern was shipwrecked Swiss Family Robinson

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