Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#6504, aired 2012-12-20YOU "R" WHAT YOU EAT $200: Popular types of these dried fruits include sultana, Malaga & Muscat raisins
#6504, aired 2012-12-20YOU "R" WHAT YOU EAT $400: In the French dish lapin à la moutarde, this meat is served in a mustard sauce rabbit
#6504, aired 2012-12-20YOU "R" WHAT YOU EAT $600: On you'll find a recipe for pork & these noodles alfredo, a college dorm special ramen
#6504, aired 2012-12-20YOU "R" WHAT YOU EAT $800: Add a little color to a green salad with this leafy Italian vegetable radicchio
#6504, aired 2012-12-20YOU "R" WHAT YOU EAT $1000: It's a marinated herring fillet wrapped around pickle or onion, but don't try to clean the floor with it rollmop

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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