Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#7122, aired 2015-07-28YOU MUST REMEMBER THIS $200: New Zealanders know this fruit is native to China & has green flesh spattered with tiny, edible black seeds a kiwi
#7122, aired 2015-07-28YOU MUST REMEMBER THIS $400: The population of this country, the western third of Hispaniola, is almost entirely descended from African slaves Haiti
#7122, aired 2015-07-28YOU MUST REMEMBER THIS $600: He was a Democrat in Texas' state House in the 1980s, but a Republican as governor for 14 years Rick Perry
#7122, aired 2015-07-28YOU MUST REMEMBER THIS $800: In Genesis, this man says, "I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth" Cain
#7122, aired 2015-07-28YOU MUST REMEMBER THIS $1000: This Ivy League college's Rauner Special Collections Library is home to the Robert Frost collection Dartmouth

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