Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#3979, aired 2001-12-13YOU MAKE ME CRY $400: In a nursery rhyme, it's the type of animal that cries, "Wee, wee, wee, wee" all the way home little piggy
#3979, aired 2001-12-13YOU MAKE ME CRY $800: In "A League of Their Own", he's the actor who delivers the line "There's no crying in baseball!" Tom Hanks
#3979, aired 2001-12-13YOU MAKE ME CRY $1200: In an Aesop fable a shepherd boy tests the patience of his village by repeatedly crying this "Wolf!"
#3979, aired 2001-12-13YOU MAKE ME CRY $1600: In Mark 1:3 John the Baptist is described as the voice of one crying in this the wilderness
#3979, aired 2001-12-13YOU MAKE ME CRY $2000: 1989's "Harlem Nights" featured this former talk show host as the "Crying Man" Arsenio Hall

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