Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)
#6659, aired 2013-07-25 | YOU KNOW, THE MOVIE WHERE... $400: The president snarls, "Get off my plane!" & Gary Oldman does Air Force One |
#6659, aired 2013-07-25 | YOU KNOW, THE MOVIE WHERE... $800: It's Feb. 2, 1992 & it's Feb. 2, 1992 & it's Feb. 2, 1992 &... Groundhog Day |
#6659, aired 2013-07-25 | YOU KNOW, THE MOVIE WHERE... $1200: Scarlett Johansson beats up on Jeremy Renner The Avengers |
#6659, aired 2013-07-25 | YOU KNOW, THE MOVIE WHERE... $1600: That dude kills Sharon Stone & says, "Considuh dat a divorce", & gets his tush to Mars Total Recall |
#6659, aired 2013-07-25 | YOU KNOW, THE MOVIE WHERE... $2000: Mel Gibson gets tortured...I'll have to be a bit more specific, Mel gets tortured a lot Gary Busey's Mr. Joshua Lethal Weapon |
#6554, aired 2013-02-28 | YOU KNOW, THE MOVIE WHERE... $200: Julie Andrews sings about how "the hills are alive" The Sound of Music |
#6554, aired 2013-02-28 | YOU KNOW, THE MOVIE WHERE... $400: Samuel L. Jackson asks, "What does Marsellus Wallace look like?" & is not pleased with the response Pulp Fiction |
#6554, aired 2013-02-28 | YOU KNOW, THE MOVIE WHERE... $600: Rosie Perez is amazing on "Jeopardy!" (but we really wouldn't take "Mt. Suvius") & oh yes, basketball is played White Men Can't Jump |
#6554, aired 2013-02-28 | YOU KNOW, THE MOVIE WHERE... $800: Jonah Hill crunched the numbers & got an Oscar nomination Moneyball |
#6554, aired 2013-02-28 | YOU KNOW, THE MOVIE WHERE... $1000: Jennifer Aniston's in love with that guy...need a bit more? OK. The guy is TV reporter Jim Carrey Bruce Almighty |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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