Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9243, aired 2025-01-08YOU JUST GOT MONK'D! $400: In 1505 this future reformer exclaimed, "Help me, Saint Anne! I will become a monk!" during a thunderstorm in Central Germany Luther
#9243, aired 2025-01-08YOU JUST GOT MONK'D! $800: While studying in Kuala Lumpur, the future monk John Main learned to utilize this sacred utterance used in meditation a mantra
#9243, aired 2025-01-08YOU JUST GOT MONK'D! $1200: Medieval monk Bernard of Clairvaux, brought to Christ by "The Queen of Heaven", appears in this poet's "Paradiso" Dante
#9243, aired 2025-01-08YOU JUST GOT MONK'D! $2000: In the 200s this "Father of Christian Monks" & saint "of the Desert" was compelled by God to withdraw to an Egyptian mountain Saint Anthony
#9243, aired 2025-01-08YOU JUST GOT MONK'D! $5,000 (Daily Double): In 1939 Thomas Merton opened the Bible to Luke 1:20 & read "Behold, you shall be" this & he decided to become a Trappist monk silent

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