Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#7850, aired 2018-10-26YOU GO NORWAY $400: From 1624 to 1925, this capital was called Christiania to honor the king who planned the rebuilding of it after a huge fire Oslo
#7850, aired 2018-10-26YOU GO NORWAY $800: Across the Geiranger, this type of narrow inlet, 2 waterfalls face each other: the "Seven Sisters" & their "Suitor" a fjord
#7850, aired 2018-10-26YOU GO NORWAY $1200: 3' tall Nills Olav does his duty as hon. brigadier of the Norwegian king's guard from a zoo, as he's this bird a penguin
#7850, aired 2018-10-26YOU GO NORWAY $1600: In 1905 184 Norwegians voted against independence from this country; needless to say, the ja's had it Sweden
#7850, aired 2018-10-26YOU GO NORWAY $2000: Norway's longtime official church was evangelical this, which traces back to 1500s Germany Lutheranism

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