Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (15 results returned)

#6406, aired 2012-06-25YOU GO, GIRL! $400: In 1975 Junko Tabei became the first woman to reach the top of this highest mountain Everest
#6406, aired 2012-06-25YOU GO, GIRL! $800: This co-founder of Ms. magazine also helped create "Take Our Daughters to Work Day" Gloria Steinem
#6406, aired 2012-06-25YOU GO, GIRL! $1200: In 1936 Margaret Bourke-White became one of the first photojournalists to work for this magazine Life
#6406, aired 2012-06-25YOU GO, GIRL! $1600: On Easter Sunday, 1939, this woman sang to a crowd of 75,000 at the Lincoln Memorial Marian Anderson
#6406, aired 2012-06-25YOU GO, GIRL! $2000: She designed the new home of the Museum of Chinese in America, which opened in Manhattan's Chinatown in 2009 Maya Lin
#5579, aired 2008-12-04YOU GO, GIRL! $400: After the death of Peter the Great, this former consort took up the job of empress & wasn't great Catherine
#5579, aired 2008-12-04YOU GO, GIRL! $800: Fined $100 for voting in an 1873 Rochester election, she said, "I shall never pay a dollar of your unjust penalty" Susan B. Anthony
#5579, aired 2008-12-04YOU GO, GIRL! $1200: This witty woman who helped found the Screen Writers Guild left her estate to Martin Luther King Jr. (Dorothy) Parker
#5579, aired 2008-12-04YOU GO, GIRL! $2,000 (Daily Double): After hearing a song by this poetess, the Athenian ruler Solon wanted to "learn it and die" Sappho
#5579, aired 2008-12-04YOU GO, GIRL! $2000: Female name given to the fossil found by Donald Johanson in Hadar, Ethiopia in 1974 Lucy
#3135, aired 1998-03-27YOU GO, GIRL! $200: It was the main claim to fame of a 26-year-old Russian woman named Valentina Tereshkova the first woman in space
#3135, aired 1998-03-27YOU GO, GIRL! $400: In this work, one of the big talkers on their way to Becket's tomb is a prioress, Madame Eglentyn The Canterbury Tales
#3135, aired 1998-03-27YOU GO, GIRL! $800: Her paper, the N.Y. World, sent her to beat Phileas Fogg's record of "Around the World in 80 Days" Nellie Bly
#3135, aired 1998-03-27YOU GO, GIRL! $1000: In this Faulkner classic, Addie Bundren's family goes through heck & high water to get her to the graveyard As I Lay Dying
#3135, aired 1998-03-27YOU GO, GIRL! $2,000 (Daily Double): Except for a few short trips, she spent all of her 35 years in Massachusetts, almost all of it in Amherst Emily Dickinson

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