Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#5457, aired 2008-05-06YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TOOTH $400: When he was inaugurated as president, he had only one tooth left Washington
#5457, aired 2008-05-06YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TOOTH $800: In 1997 he lost part of an earlobe during his bout with Mike Tyson's teeth (Evander) Holyfield
#5457, aired 2008-05-06YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TOOTH $1200: If you're described as "long in the tooth", someone's calling you this old
#5457, aired 2008-05-06YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TOOTH $2000: It was once thought that this pinniped raked the ocean floor with its tusks to look for food a walrus
#5457, aired 2008-05-06YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TOOTH $4,200 (Daily Double): While vying for the Golden Fleece, this hero had to deal with some dragon's teeth that sprouted into warriors Jason
#4540, aired 2004-05-07YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TOOTH! $400: This imaginary creature takes away the tooth you leave under your pillow & replaces it with money the Tooth Fairy
#4540, aired 2004-05-07YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TOOTH! $800: Using Du Pont technology, the first one of these with synthetic bristles was introduced in 1938 a toothbrush
#4540, aired 2004-05-07YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TOOTH! $1200: These large mammals are divided into 2 main groups, toothed & baleen whales
#4540, aired 2004-05-07YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TOOTH! $1600: Covered by enamel, this visible part of a tooth sounds like something a king wears the crown
#4540, aired 2004-05-07YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TOOTH! $2000: Of the genus Smilodon, it's the extinct tiger seen here the saber-tooth

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