Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#9220, aired 2024-12-06 | YOU'RE GOING TO HOUSTON $200: You may land at the former Houston Intercontinental Airport, renamed in 1997 to honor this president & onetime resident George H.W. Bush |
#9220, aired 2024-12-06 | YOU'RE GOING TO HOUSTON $400: The Toyota Center has played host to WWE wrestling & the Latin Grammy Awards & is the home court of this pro sports team the Rockets |
#9220, aired 2024-12-06 | YOU'RE GOING TO HOUSTON $600: The Natl. Museum of Funeral History has the exhibit "History of" this practice, from Ancient Egypt to Civil War battlefields embalming |
#9220, aired 2024-12-06 | YOU'RE GOING TO HOUSTON $800: Since the 1930s Houston has held a huge annual livestock show & this well-attended event; the next one's in March 2025 rodeo |
#9220, aired 2024-12-06 | YOU'RE GOING TO HOUSTON $1000: If visiting this university in Houston, be sure & say hello to Sammy the Owl, its official mascot Rice |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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