Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (50 results returned)

#6729, aired 2013-12-12YOU'RE AN ANIMAL! $400: This national symbol of the U.S. has a wingspan of more than 6 feet bald eagle
#6729, aired 2013-12-12YOU'RE AN ANIMAL! $800: While a little awkward on land, these rodents are actually good swimmers; their quills help them float porcupine
#6729, aired 2013-12-12YOU'RE AN ANIMAL! $1600: Pray tell, it's the monkey seen here capuchin
#6729, aired 2013-12-12YOU'RE AN ANIMAL! $2000: Growing to more than a foot long, this giant is the largest of all frogs the goliath frog
#6729, aired 2013-12-12YOU'RE AN ANIMAL! $2,800 (Daily Double): In 1925 Australia sent the San Diego Zoo Snugglepot & Cuddlepie, its first pair of these koalas
#6260, aired 2011-12-02YOU'RE AN ANIMAL! $400: This marsh-dwellling rodent is named for its odor a muskrat
#6260, aired 2011-12-02YOU'RE AN ANIMAL! $800: Quoth the Bible, Noah released 2 birds from the Ark to test for dry land, a dove & one of these a raven
#6260, aired 2011-12-02YOU'RE AN ANIMAL! $1200: The tail of this lizard is easily broken off during an attack, hence its fragile name a glass lizard
#6260, aired 2011-12-02YOU'RE AN ANIMAL! $1600: Of the 6 living members of the camel family, it's the only one spelled with a tilde a vicuña
#6260, aired 2011-12-02YOU'RE AN ANIMAL! $2000: Don't complain about this forest-dwelling bird seen here a grouse
#6026, aired 2010-11-22YOU'RE SUCH AN ANIMAL! $200: It's the only seal with tusks a walrus
#6026, aired 2010-11-22YOU'RE SUCH AN ANIMAL! $400: In parts of Asia, more than half the milk produced comes from the "water" type of this bovid buffalo
#6026, aired 2010-11-22YOU'RE SUCH AN ANIMAL! $600: North America's 2 venomous lizards are the Mexican beaded lizard & this scary denizen of the Southwest a Gila monster
#6026, aired 2010-11-22YOU'RE SUCH AN ANIMAL! $800: This agile monkey of the Americas dines on, among other things, the arachnid in its name a spider monkey
#6026, aired 2010-11-22YOU'RE SUCH AN ANIMAL! $1000: Around 9 pounds at birth, the pygmy species of this African mammal may eventually reach some 600 pounds a hippopotamus
#5561, aired 2008-11-10YOU'RE SUCH AN ANIMAL! $200: The red-bellied type is the sharpest-toothed of this fish whose jaws Amazon Indians have used as scissors a piranha
#5561, aired 2008-11-10YOU'RE SUCH AN ANIMAL! $400: This domesticated pack animal is the largest member of the camel family in South America the llama
#5561, aired 2008-11-10YOU'RE SUCH AN ANIMAL! $600: This fastest land mammal can reach 45 mph in 2 seconds flat; go cat, go! a cheetah
#5561, aired 2008-11-10YOU'RE SUCH AN ANIMAL! $1000: Pictured here, this husky-like sled dog is named for the Inuit tribe who developed the breed Malamute
#5561, aired 2008-11-10YOU'RE SUCH AN ANIMAL! $1,200 (Daily Double): In Europe, the moose goes by this 3-letter name an elk
#5372, aired 2008-01-08YOU'RE AN ANIMAL $200: "Get along little" this, the word for a motherless calf dogie
#5372, aired 2008-01-08YOU'RE AN ANIMAL $400: A condor is a type of this bird; it's related to the turkey type & also enjoys eating carrion a vulture
#5372, aired 2008-01-08YOU'RE AN ANIMAL $800 (Daily Double): Scientists are scrambling to find out the cause of colony collapse disorder, which is occurring with this insect bees
#5372, aired 2008-01-08YOU'RE AN ANIMAL $800: The plains variety of this animal has gray markings that are known as shadow stripes a zebra
#5372, aired 2008-01-08YOU'RE AN ANIMAL $1000: Named for features on its skull, it's the swiftest mammal in the New World the pronghorn antelope
#4360, aired 2003-07-11YOU'RE SUCH AN ANIMAL $200: Coots, rails & limpkins are types of these birds
#4360, aired 2003-07-11YOU'RE SUCH AN ANIMAL $400: The spines on a hedgehog are actually a modified form of this, something you have hair
#4360, aired 2003-07-11YOU'RE SUCH AN ANIMAL $600: (Sarah of the Clue Crew at the Columbus (Ohio) Zoo) This 2-word term applied to manatees includes the name of a placid land animal sea cow
#4360, aired 2003-07-11YOU'RE SUCH AN ANIMAL $800: At about 500 pounds, the pygmy species of this is only about 1/10 the mass of the full-sized version hippopotamus
#4360, aired 2003-07-11YOU'RE SUCH AN ANIMAL $1000: Meaning "intoxicated", musth is when the bulls of the African or Asian species of these go beserk elephants
#4044, aired 2002-03-14YOU'RE AN ANIMAL $400: In a French restaurant if you ask for a coq you'll be served on of these animals a chicken (or rooster)
#4044, aired 2002-03-14YOU'RE AN ANIMAL $800: (Sarah gives the clue from L.A.'s Page Museum.) You think some strange things roam L.A.'s streets today? Well, in the last ice age there were these "ships of the desert" camels
#4044, aired 2002-03-14YOU'RE AN ANIMAL $1200: The name of this speedy African feline comes from the Sanskrit for "spotted" a cheetah
#4044, aired 2002-03-14YOU'RE AN ANIMAL $2,000 (Daily Double): The only species of bear found in Sri Lanka is this long-tongued, slow-moving (but not three-toed) variety a sloth (bear)
#4044, aired 2002-03-14YOU'RE AN ANIMAL $2000: Change one letter in the name of a striped mammal to get this type of lizard seen here a skink
#3883, aired 2001-06-20YOU'RE AN ANIMAL! $100: The giant moray variety of this critter is seen here an eel
#3883, aired 2001-06-20YOU'RE AN ANIMAL! $200: Take a gander, & you'll know the birds seen here are known as these when young goslings
#3883, aired 2001-06-20YOU'RE AN ANIMAL! $300: A crab-eating variety of this mammal lives in northern South America a raccoon
#3883, aired 2001-06-20YOU'RE AN ANIMAL! $400: Known scientifically as Felis pardalis, there are only about 100 of these cats left in Texas an ocelot
#3883, aired 2001-06-20YOU'RE AN ANIMAL! $500: A popular housepet, the birds seen here originally came from this continent Australia
#3403, aired 1999-05-26YOU'RE AN ANIMAL! $100: The dwarf variety of this cold-blooded killer is seen here a crocodile
#3403, aired 1999-05-26YOU'RE AN ANIMAL! $200: A river, a city & a hound all bear the name of this member of the deer family elk
#3403, aired 1999-05-26YOU'RE AN ANIMAL! $300: The critter seen here is a symbol of this nation Great Britain
#3403, aired 1999-05-26YOU'RE AN ANIMAL! $400: These predatory birds are named for a place they might dwell barn owls
#3403, aired 1999-05-26YOU'RE AN ANIMAL! $500: It's the genus & species of this animal Homo sapiens
#3397, aired 1999-05-18YOU'RE AN ANIMAL! $200: The red caucated variety of this head-banging bird is seen here woodpecker
#3397, aired 1999-05-18YOU'RE AN ANIMAL! $400: Varieties of these hardy insects of the family Formicidae may be weavers or carpenters ants
#3397, aired 1999-05-18YOU'RE AN ANIMAL! $600: These fast felines are extinct or endangered in much of their range cheetahs
#3397, aired 1999-05-18YOU'RE AN ANIMAL! $800: It's the masked animal seen here cardinal
#3397, aired 1999-05-18YOU'RE AN ANIMAL! $1000: In the '50s, many a politically incorrect coat was made from the furs of this herbivore chinchilla

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