Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8366, aired 2021-03-29YOU'LL EAT THOSE WORDS $200: Stick your tongue out & exhale sharply to make this fruity sound of disapproval a raspberry
#8366, aired 2021-03-29YOU'LL EAT THOSE WORDS $400: In "Rebel Without a Cause", James Dean & a rival play this in speeding cars, with unfortunate results chicken
#8366, aired 2021-03-29YOU'LL EAT THOSE WORDS $600: Controlled 360-degree spins in a car donuts
#8366, aired 2021-03-29YOU'LL EAT THOSE WORDS $800: A baseball brouhaha is also known as this edible pie plant a rhubarb
#8366, aired 2021-03-29YOU'LL EAT THOSE WORDS $1000: A 1930s guide to underworld lingo provides the first known written use of this baked product as slang for money bread

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