Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#6882, aired 2014-07-15YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK $200: The cornerstone for the arch at the north entrance to the park was laid by this conservationist president Teddy Roosevelt
#6882, aired 2014-07-15YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK $400: Yellowstone has the majority of the world's geysers, including this one that reliably erupts about 17 times a day Old Faithful
#6882, aired 2014-07-15YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK $600: This feature of the park was carved out by the Yellowstone River; the one in Arizona is a little deeper the Grand Canyon
#6882, aired 2014-07-15YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK $1000: About 80% of Yellowstone is forest, & 80% of that is the lodgepole type of this tree pine
#6882, aired 2014-07-15YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK $1,400 (Daily Double): These largest North American land mammals seem mellow but cause more injuries to humans in the park than bears do bison
#4627, aired 2004-10-19YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK $200: (Sofia of the Clue Crew reports from Yellowstone National Park.) Reliably, every half to 2 1/2 hours, this most famous of geysers fires out about 5,000 gallons of water Old Faithful
#4627, aired 2004-10-19YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK $400: (All four Clue Crew members listen to an animal howl as they sit around the campfire at dusk in Yellowstone National Park. Sarah reads.) You can hear the call of this animal which was re-introduced to Yellowstone in the 1990s a wolf
#4627, aired 2004-10-19YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK $600: (Sofia of the Clue Crew reads from Yellowstone National Park.) Yellowstone has hot springs because this layer of the earth is extra thin here, so molten rock isn't far down the crust
#4627, aired 2004-10-19YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK $800: (Sarah of the Clue Crew reads from Yellowstone National Park.) The gases emitted by Yellowstone's thermal features contain this element--atomic number 16--accounting for a distinctive smell sulfur
#4627, aired 2004-10-19YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK $1000: (Sarah of the Clue Crew reads from Yellowstone National Park.) This backbone of North America separating east- from west-flowing rivers cuts through the plateau of Yellowstone Park the continental divide

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