Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (4 results returned)

#7361, aired 2016-09-19YELL IT LIKE IT IS $800: Don't forget--it was the 3-word battle cry used by Sam Houston's men at the Battle of San Jacinto, won in just 18 minutes "Remember the Alamo"
#7361, aired 2016-09-19YELL IT LIKE IT IS $1200: In a 1920 speech this Russian leader made his position clear--"We shall not hesitate to shoot thousands of people!" Lenin
#7361, aired 2016-09-19YELL IT LIKE IT IS $1600: On his campaign "scream", this Vermont gov. said, "There's not a lot I regret... I still use the speech once in a while" Howard Dean
#7361, aired 2016-09-19YELL IT LIKE IT IS $2000: In 1955 this conservative thinker & editor wrote that Natl. Review "stands athwart history, yelling stop" William F. Buckley

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