Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9223, aired 2024-12-11"X"-RATED MUSIC $400: This British star had a big U.S. hit with "Boom Clap" & inspired the Brat Summer of 2024 Charli XCX
#9223, aired 2024-12-11"X"-RATED MUSIC $800: Elle King hit the Top 10 with this tune that's about former lovers "Ex's & Oh's"
#9223, aired 2024-12-11"X"-RATED MUSIC $1200: This Aussie band known for hits like "New Sensation" has a 4-letter name that sounds like a phrase meaning "too much" INXS
#9223, aired 2024-12-11"X"-RATED MUSIC $1600: This British band known for hits like "Senses Working Overtime" had a 3-letter name that sounds like a word for "great delight" XTC
#9223, aired 2024-12-11"X"-RATED MUSIC $2000: After getting shot, Bob Marley left Jamaica for London, where he recorded this song about "movement of jah people" "Exodus"

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