Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#7734, aired 2018-04-05X-Y-Z ABBREVIATIONS $200: YC is this caution from a soccer referee a yellow card
#7734, aired 2018-04-05X-Y-Z ABBREVIATIONS $400: Ask the accountants if by EOD, they could LMK our sales figures YTD, this year to date
#7734, aired 2018-04-05X-Y-Z ABBREVIATIONS $600: XBH is this baseball slugging statistic extra base hits
#7734, aired 2018-04-05X-Y-Z ABBREVIATIONS $800: Perfect for the eco-friendly, a ZEV is this kind of transport a zero emissions vehicle
#7734, aired 2018-04-05X-Y-Z ABBREVIATIONS $1000: Zl is this currency equal to 100 groszy zloty
#7613, aired 2017-10-18X ABBREVIATIONS $400: XS & XL are these sizes when referring to clothing extra small and extra large
#7613, aired 2017-10-18X ABBREVIATIONS $800: XXX represents strength in this type of beer, like Ballantine ales
#7613, aired 2017-10-18X ABBREVIATIONS $1200: In running races, XC stands for this type away from the track cross-country
#7613, aired 2017-10-18X ABBREVIATIONS $2000: In language code xh is used to represent the tongue of this Bantu people the Xhosa
#7613, aired 2017-10-18X ABBREVIATIONS $5,000 (Daily Double): The element with atomic number 54 gets this chemical symbol Xe

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