Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (15 results returned)

#8941, aired 2023-10-02THEY PLAYED WYATT EARP $400: Burt Lancaster took the role in the 1957 film that could only be called "Gunfight at" this place the O.K. Corral
#8941, aired 2023-10-02THEY PLAYED WYATT EARP $800: In 1993's "Tombstone", he played Earp to Val Kilmer's Doc Holliday Kurt Russell
#8941, aired 2023-10-02THEY PLAYED WYATT EARP $1200: In 1994's "Wyatt Earp", he played Earp to Dennis Quaid's Doc Holliday Kevin Costner
#8941, aired 2023-10-02THEY PLAYED WYATT EARP $1600: After he solved crimes in L.A. as Jim Rockford, he played the aging Earp doing the same in "Sunset" James Garner
#8941, aired 2023-10-02THEY PLAYED WYATT EARP $2000: Long before he was Grandpa Walton, he played Earp in "Winchester '73" Will Geer
#5840, aired 2010-01-22WYATT EARP $200: In 1878 Wyatt Earp was an assistant marshal in this city in Kansas; today, the city has a boulevard named for him Dodge City
#5840, aired 2010-01-22WYATT EARP $400: Wyatt was working as a railroad detective when John Shanssey introduced him to this sometime dentist Doc Holliday
#5840, aired 2010-01-22WYATT EARP $600: Wyatt Earp worked as a guard for this company that was founded to handle the banking business of the California gold rush Wells Fargo
#5840, aired 2010-01-22WYATT EARP $800: A feud between the Earps & these brothers, Ike & Billy, resulted in the gunfight at the O.K. Corral the Clantons
#5840, aired 2010-01-22WYATT EARP $1000: In the late 1870s Wyatt Earp headed for the gold rush in this mountain region in the Dakota Territory the Black Hills
#5220, aired 2007-04-27THEY PLAYED WYATT EARP $400: Burt Lancaster took the role in the 1957 film that could only be called "Gunfight At" this place the OK Corral
#5220, aired 2007-04-27THEY PLAYED WYATT EARP $800: After he solved crimes in L.A. as Jim Rockford, he played the aging Earp doing the same in "Sunset" James Garner
#5220, aired 2007-04-27THEY PLAYED WYATT EARP $1200: In 1993's "Tombstone", he played Earp to Val Kilmer's Doc Holliday Kurt Russell
#5220, aired 2007-04-27THEY PLAYED WYATT EARP $1600: In 1994's "Wyatt Earp", he played Earp to Dennis Quaid's Doc Holliday Kevin Costner
#5220, aired 2007-04-27THEY PLAYED WYATT EARP $2000: Long before he was Grandpa Walton, he plyed Earp in "Winchester '73" Will Geer

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