Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9229, aired 2024-12-19WRITE FOR TV $400: Richard Price wrote gritty novels like "Ladies' Man" before writing for this Baltimore-set HBO show The Wire
#9229, aired 2024-12-19WRITE FOR TV $800: David Benioff wrote "City of Thieves" then co-created this fantasy show that ran from 2011 to 2019 Game of Thrones
#9229, aired 2024-12-19WRITE FOR TV $1200: This TV show began as a script written by Michael Crichton about 24 hours in a hospital ER
#9229, aired 2024-12-19WRITE FOR TV $1600: This "Speed-the-plow" playwright & "House of Games" screenwriter also wrote the TV movie "Phil Spector" David Mamet
#9229, aired 2024-12-19WRITE FOR TV $2000: Crime writer Walter Mosley lent his pen to this FX series about South Central drug dealer Franklin Saint Snowfall

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