Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#9231, aired 2024-12-23 | WORLD WAR I WORDS $400: To be zigzag was to be this, perhaps from too many French 75s drunk |
#9231, aired 2024-12-23 | WORLD WAR I WORDS $800: In 1917 the London Times wrote of "the unity of the fighting front and" this civilian parallel the home front |
#9231, aired 2024-12-23 | WORLD WAR I WORDS $1200: British soldiers were Tommies; U.S. soldiers were these, from the name of a national symbol Sammies |
#9231, aired 2024-12-23 | WORLD WAR I WORDS $1600: In Britain, "conchie" was a derisive term for one of these a conscientious objector |
#9231, aired 2024-12-23 | WORLD WAR I WORDS $2000: Adapted from German, this word originally meant to punish but soon came to mean to shoot at the ground from the air to strafe |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (1 result returned)
#8806, aired 2023-02-13 | WORDS FROM WORLD WAR I: "Cistern" & "reservoir" were suggested names for a secret invention, but the British preferred this less clumsy monosyllable a tank |
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