Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (38 results returned)

#1, aired 2024-01-12WIDE WORLD OF WEIRD WORDS $400: Although it sounds like it has to do with a Southern peanut, it really pertains to the job held by Newsom & DeSantis gubernatorial
#1, aired 2024-01-12WIDE WORLD OF WEIRD WORDS $800: Though it sounds like a laughing beer, it's really a hubbub, maybe in a pub, bub brouhaha
#1, aired 2024-01-12WIDE WORLD OF WEIRD WORDS $1200: Meaning to throw out of a window, this term gained fame after a 1618 incident in Prague where 2 officials were so thrown defenestration
#1, aired 2024-01-12WIDE WORLD OF WEIRD WORDS $1600: Meaning a silly or flighty person, this word with 2 sets of double "B"s was mentioned in "King Lear" as a demon's name flibbertigibbet
#1, aired 2024-01-12WIDE WORLD OF WEIRD WORDS $5,400 (Daily Double): Sigmund knows that this is from the German for "damage" & "joy" & I'm getting a certain amount of it right now schadenfreude
#6, aired 2023-05-10WORLD OF WORDS & IDIOMS $400: In Mexico to laze around is "echar la hueva", literally to toss this food item egg
#6, aired 2023-05-10WORLD OF WORDS & IDIOMS $800: In the Netherlands "So it's like that!" is "O, op die fiets", "On that" this transport the Dutch love bicycle
#6, aired 2023-05-10WORLD OF WORDS & IDIOMS $1200: This language of the Aztecs has added many food words to modern English, including avocado, chili & tomato Nahuatl
#6, aired 2023-05-10WORLD OF WORDS & IDIOMS $1600: In parts of the Middle East & Asia a payment that can be construed as a tip or bribery is known by this word from the Persian baksheesh
#6, aired 2023-05-10WORLD OF WORDS & IDIOMS $2000: Ronald Reagan adapted the Russian saying "Doveryai, no proveryai" into this 3-word maxim about nuclear weapons deals trust but verify
#8861, aired 2023-05-01WORLD OF WORDS $400: Until 1917, it was a Russian emperor; today, this title is used informally to mean someone in charge czar
#8861, aired 2023-05-01WORLD OF WORDS $800: In German, it's Dienstag; in Latin, it's Dies Martis; in English, it's this Tuesday
#8861, aired 2023-05-01WORLD OF WORDS $1200: From Hebrew, this word that can follow bar or bat refers to a good deed mitzvah
#8861, aired 2023-05-01WORLD OF WORDS $1,400 (Daily Double): French for "work", this vowel-heavy word is often used for all of the works by an artist or composer oeuvre
#8861, aired 2023-05-01WORLD OF WORDS $2000: From an Italian word for "boat", it was the type of song originally sung by Venetian boatmen a barcarolle
#8470, aired 2021-09-17WORLD OF WORDS $400: Japanese for "goodbye", it derives from words meaning "if it be thus" sayonara
#8470, aired 2021-09-17WORLD OF WORDS $800: Once thought to have healing powers, the name of this traditional spirit of Scandinavia is from the Latin for "water of life" aquavit
#8470, aired 2021-09-17WORLD OF WORDS $1200: In France, comptable is this 10-letter occupation accountant
#8470, aired 2021-09-17WORLD OF WORDS $1600: In the beloved ballad "Waltzing Matilda", a "jolly swagman camped by" this, an Australian pool of water billabong
#8470, aired 2021-09-17WORLD OF WORDS $2000: This word meaning to derive pleasure from others' misfortunes is from German for "damage joy" schadenfreude
#6223, aired 2011-10-12WORLD OF WORDS $200: This pastime is Japanese for "empty orchestra" karaoke
#6223, aired 2011-10-12WORLD OF WORDS $400: From the French for "clear seeing", it's a form of ESP clairvoyance
#6223, aired 2011-10-12WORLD OF WORDS $600: Literally meaning "superior one", it's Tibetan for a Buddhist monk of Tibet or Mongolia lama
#6223, aired 2011-10-12WORLD OF WORDS $800: The 1980s program of reforms in the USSR included this, Russian for "restructuring" perestroika
#6223, aired 2011-10-12WORLD OF WORDS $1000: Probably the one Icelandic word everybody knows is this one for a spewing hot spring a geyser
#4630, aired 2004-10-22THE WORLD OF WORDS $400: Myrige, an old English word for "pheasant", evolved into this adjective that precedes Christmas merry
#4630, aired 2004-10-22THE WORLD OF WORDS $800: This word for a nonrigid airship may be derived from the word "limp" blimp
#4630, aired 2004-10-22THE WORLD OF WORDS $1200: This "metallic" word precedes calf, gate, & retriever golden
#4608, aired 2004-09-22WIDE WORLD OF WEIRD WORDS $400: Although it sounds like it has something to do with a Southern peanut, it really pertains to Pataki or Jeb gubernatorial
#4608, aired 2004-09-22WIDE WORLD OF WEIRD WORDS $800: Though it may sound like a laughing beer, it's really a hubbub, maybe in a pub, bub a brouhaha
#4608, aired 2004-09-22WIDE WORLD OF WEIRD WORDS $1200: Meaning to throw out of a window, this term gained fame after a 1618 incident in Prague where 2 officials were so thrown defenestration
#4608, aired 2004-09-22WIDE WORLD OF WEIRD WORDS $1600: Meaning a silly or flighty person, this word with 2 sets of double "B"s was a demon's name & mentioned in "King Lear" flibbertigibbet
#4608, aired 2004-09-22WIDE WORLD OF WEIRD WORDS $2000: Sigmund knows that this is from the German for "damage" & "joy" & I'm getting a certain amount of it right now schadenfreude
#3722, aired 2000-11-07WORLD OF WORDS $100: If a Canadian says to you, "Hey, hoser, uncork me a Molson, eh", he wants you to do this Open a beer for him
#3722, aired 2000-11-07WORLD OF WORDS $200: In Hebrew it can mean hello. goodbye or well-being Shalom
#3722, aired 2000-11-07WORLD OF WORDS $300: From the Latin for "to lick", it's a ridiculing satire & a Harvard magazine Lampoon
#3722, aired 2000-11-07WORLD OF WORDS $400: Based on its etymology, it's the period in a human's life when you'd expect him or her to be speechless Infancy/infant
#3722, aired 2000-11-07WORLD OF WORDS $500: The spirit or outlook of a period or generation, it's German for "time spirit" Zeitgeist

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