Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (38 results returned)

#32, aired 2025-02-12WE CAN WORK IT OUT $100: The bench press & chest fly are popular exercises for working out these muscles, also called "pecs" the pectoral muscles
#32, aired 2025-02-12WE CAN WORK IT OUT $200: A low-impact alternative to a treadmill, this exercise machine is named after the oval-like path its pedals move in an elliptical
#32, aired 2025-02-12WE CAN WORK IT OUT $300: To perform this exercise, do a push-up & then leap in the air--oh, & if you need to belch, please do it beforehand burpees
#32, aired 2025-02-12WE CAN WORK IT OUT $400: Yes, you do have time to hit the gym for some HIIT, this type of "interval training" with short bursts of vigorous workouts high-intensity interval training
#32, aired 2025-02-12WE CAN WORK IT OUT $500: This form of yoga is more than just hot--it's performed for 90 minutes in a room kept at 105 degrees Fahrenheit Bikram yoga
#8132, aired 2020-01-07THINK IT WILL WORK? $400: Sorta: the 1960s Emerson Wondergram, a portable one of these that would spin platters--if you kept it level a record player
#8132, aired 2020-01-07THINK IT WILL WORK? $800: A big yes: this, described in a March 2006 patent filing as a "multi-functional handheld device" an iPhone
#8132, aired 2020-01-07THINK IT WILL WORK? $1200: No: this man's 1890s magnetic iron ore separator--he probably chalked up its failure to perspiration Thomas Edison
#8132, aired 2020-01-07THINK IT WILL WORK? $1600: No: these, attached to a Scotsman's arms for a leg-breaking leap from the top of Stirling Castle in 1507 wings
#8132, aired 2020-01-07THINK IT WILL WORK? $2000: Yes: Dr. Bruce Reitz' transplant in 1981 of a heart along with this organ: the "totally empty chest was... a dramatic moment" a lung
#7088, aired 2015-06-10"WORK" IT! $400: When called CC Sabathia one of these, it meant he'd pitched a lot of innings, not that he was a draft animal a workhorse
#7088, aired 2015-06-10"WORK" IT! $800: There's a train stop in this desk+computer combo a workstation
#7088, aired 2015-06-10"WORK" IT! $1200: Government benefits that require the recipient to perform a job workfare
#7088, aired 2015-06-10"WORK" IT! $1600: According to John Lennon, it's "something to be" a working class hero
#7088, aired 2015-06-10"WORK" IT! $2000: Riverside county, California has one of these programs in which convicts do manual labor on the outside work release
#6047, aired 2010-12-21SORRY IT DIDN'T WORK OUT $200: This structure from Genesis "whose top may reach unto Heaven" didn't end up as planned the Tower of Babel
#6047, aired 2010-12-21SORRY IT DIDN'T WORK OUT $400: In the 1980s, $1 billion was spent developing Premier, a smokeless type of this that went down in flames cigarette
#6047, aired 2010-12-21SORRY IT DIDN'T WORK OUT $600: (Kelly of the Clue Crew shows a map on the monitor.) In the 1930s, along its border with Germany, France built this defensive barrier, named for the French Minister of War; it failed because the Germans simply invaded through Belgium the Maginot Line
#6047, aired 2010-12-21SORRY IT DIDN'T WORK OUT $800: In June 2010 this Asian country failed for the second time in 2 attempts to launch a satellite South Korea
#6047, aired 2010-12-21SORRY IT DIDN'T WORK OUT $1000: This antebellum act with 2 states in its name didn't do as intended but fanned the flames of national division on slavery the Kansas-Nebraska Act
#5550, aired 2008-10-24MAKE IT WORK! $400: Meryl Streep wonders, "Is there some reason my coffee isn't here? Has she died or something?" in this workplace film The Devil Wears Prada
#5550, aired 2008-10-24MAKE IT WORK! $800: Charlie Sheen hears "Greed... is good" in this film, which came out just after the 1987 stock market crash Wall Street
#5550, aired 2008-10-24MAKE IT WORK! $1200: Will Ferrell tells San Diego to stay classy (among other things) working in this title job Anchorman
#5550, aired 2008-10-24MAKE IT WORK! $1600: Lily, Jane & Dolly think they've killed their boss at Consolidated Companies in this film 9 to 5
#5550, aired 2008-10-24MAKE IT WORK! $2000: It seems the ratio of Stanley nickels to Schrute bucks is the same as unicorns to leprechauns on this sitcom The Office
#5524, aired 2008-09-18WORK ON IT $400: Work for a Carnival, a Princess or even Queen Mary 2 on this type of ship cruise
#5524, aired 2008-09-18WORK ON IT $800: Hop on an undercutter, a chain saw on wheels, to find a seam of this rock formed from peat coal
#5524, aired 2008-09-18WORK ON IT $2000: If you like short workdays, just sitting on this critter for 8 seconds can gain you fame with the PBR a bull
#5502, aired 2008-07-08NICE WORK IF YOU CAN GET IT $200: In 2007 this Apple CEO pocketed his annual $1 salary... it's probably also worth noting his stake in Apple was $765 million Steve Jobs
#5502, aired 2008-07-08NICE WORK IF YOU CAN GET IT $400: Initially yours: in 1895 his syndicate bought all of a $62 million bond issue, ending a gold shortage in the U.S. treasury J.P. Morgan
#5502, aired 2008-07-08NICE WORK IF YOU CAN GET IT $600: Start Microsoft with Bill like he did & you too can own stuff like NFL & NBA teams & a 60-ft. submarine (for your yacht!) (Paul) Allen
#5502, aired 2008-07-08NICE WORK IF YOU CAN GET IT $800: Italy's richest man as of 2007, this ex-prime minister has been estimated to be worth a cool $11.8 billion Berlusconi
#5502, aired 2008-07-08NICE WORK IF YOU CAN GET IT $1000: Starting Google worked out well for Larry Page & him; as of 2007, they were worth $16.6 billion--apiece (Sergey) Brin
#3676, aired 2000-09-04WORK IT! $200: Work hard, but don't "work your fingers to" this the bone
#3676, aired 2000-09-04WORK IT! $400: You may start working hard on a project when you "sink" these body parts "into it" your teeth
#3676, aired 2000-09-04WORK IT! $600: It's where you put your shoulder, especially if your wagon is stuck in mud to the wheel
#3676, aired 2000-09-04WORK IT! $800: To really apply yourself to a task, you can "buckle" or "knuckle" this way down
#3676, aired 2000-09-04WORK IT! $1000: If you're a dromedary camel, you can "bust" this; if you're a bactrian camel, you can bust 2 of them a hump

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